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Posts posted by fantazia01

  1. 1 hour ago, firaplays said:

    I'd definitely read a lot of the books if they were real! I've considered writing some of them myself and submitting them to the Neopian Times, but I don't really like writing that much^^'

    I've thought the same thing! I've always wondered why Neopians haven't all gotten together by now and started writing some of those books themselves, we all love them and most would like to really be able to read them. We have tons of people who love to write so why hasn't this been done already? It's a great idea! ^_^

  2. 7 hours ago, Scoobert_Doo said:

    It could be the browser. Sometimes using a different browser helps. Try using the "Help" link at the bottom of every Neopets page (privacy policy | safety tips | contact us | about us | referral program | help). If you've been trying that one, try the "?" in the NC Mall. It will link you to the same page. Try using your browser's "private" or "incognito" mode, if available. For Firefox, click on "Menu" (three horizontal lines, top, right corner of FF), then select "New Private Window". For Chrome, it's about the same - click on the three horizontal "dots" and then select "New incognito window". Earlier versions of Chrome would block third party cookies that didn't have a "compact privacy policy". Neopets uses a "third party" site for support - s2.parature.com. You might want to check Chrome's settings and/or make an exception for "parature.com", especially if you use other plugins for privacy/security. Click on the three horizontal "dots", then "Settings", the "Show advanced settings..." (at the bottom of the page). Look for "Privacy" and click on the "Content settings..." button. Under "Cookies", if you have "Block sites from setting any data" or "Block third-party cookies and site data", then click "Manage exceptions...". Under "Hostname pattern", type (without the quotes) "[*.]parature.com" and set "Behavior" to "Allow". You might want to try that even if "Cookies" is set to the default of "Allow local data to be set". Hopefully, one of these suggestions works. If it doesn't, you can always remove the cookie exemption. And, if you are able to submit a ticket, you can then remove the exemption, if you wish. Good luck!


    Thanks Scoob! I turned off Ghostery and got it to work, had the background about a half hour later ^_^ Lol, honestly, I keep forgetting I have that plug in. I swear sometimes my head is full of rocks! :P

  3. Well, I got the prizes and the trophy, all but for the Lulu thing. I had done that part too and got the 20 pack of glasses, I visited the page and it showed me a wig and a hideout background prize for completing all 20 days. It said they had been added to my inventory but, when I checked, they weren't there. I tried to send in a ticket but the page is blank when I try and can't send anything, I'll keep trying, might be the browser maybe? Not sure but, yeh, Lulu's prizes were glitched for me in case anyone else has a similar issue.

  4. I love horror games now but the one that actually scared me way back when looks kinda silly now. There was this computer game called King's Field, it was one of those games where all you see of yourself is your hands but only when you were fighting, every sound had that echo effect and the monsters were visible but the way they attacked you was kinda spooky, you could try to sneak around them but then BOOM they're all over you just when you think you're safe! Or they come at you just out of your visual range and the screen would flash red from being hit, you turn to see what's happening and boom! Monster in your face! The skeletons were the ones I hated most, and the music was all grim and ominous. I hated the scream when you died and you died in that game A LOT. Oh and fire...there was lava all over the place in some areas and there was this mine cart thing you had to ride to get to this one part with skeletons shooting at you with arrows. Ugh!


  5. 33 minutes ago, Nielo said:

    Trophies are usually given out the day after the event, so we won't get them until at least tomorrow. (I just meant that if it hadn't been for Barf Boat, I actually could've managed a gold trophy this year, for the first time ever, instead of just getting silver again. I don't mind too much, but it's still slightly annoying.)

    As for that empty space... who knows. It could be another game, but it could also just as easily be a weird design choice. :/


    Barf Boat was a hard game and very nearly got me too. If I had to pick one game that could have taken me out, that's the one I'd pick! I baaarely got the score and is was pure luck I did. I'll share my trophy with you @Nielo

    I kinda hope it's another game, the end of this is really anticlimactic otherwise. I was hoping for a big ol smackdown between Chadley and AAA or something! XD

  6. 25 points was ridiculously easy to beat, I was expecting a lot more too@Nielo...very disappointing. I didn't get a trophy either. Maybe this isn't the last day? There is one more place left that a note could fit. Maybe AAA shows up tomorrow? I guess I'll go test the shield, hope it's better than the other weapons released this year. T_T

  7. Hmmm never played this one before. This should be interesting!

    Then again...there's an ancient Chinese curse that says 'may you live in interesting times.'...so maybe not that interesting! -crosses fingers-

    All I know is, l hope it won't be painful. I am half bald from pulling my hair out yesterday as it is...So many drowned petpets...

  8. 19 minutes ago, hrtbrk said:

    The score is ridiculous. Most people were expecting the 600-700 range... boy were we off. 

    I hate games that are solely luck based like this.


    I get to around 700 or so before 'BLOOP'...my last petpet goes swimming. This game hates me worse than any of the others so far, I struggled with a couple but this one might just ruin my dreams of a gold trophy T_T

    Not giving up yet though! I'm stubborn!

  9. Oh boy....I think I need a nap before I try this one...bloody pirates...

    -wanders off singing to herself-

    Come on everybody
    Tonight it's party time
    Grab a bottle or a crate
    Leave your blues behind

    You're gonna need the cavalry
    To get you outta here
    The last time that we had one
    It lasted for a year

    We're gonna party
    Party 'til u puke
    (These people are sick)

    We're gonna party
    Party 'til u puke
    'Til u puke

    Don't worry about the neighbors
    They're blind drunk in the loo
    There'll be no trouble from the police
    'Cause they're all in here too

    We got the music cranked right up
    It's blowing off the roof

    There's people drinkin gasoline
    It must be two hundred proof

    We're gonna party
    Party 'til u puke
    (Will someone get me outta here?)

    We're gonna party
    Party 'til u puke
    'Til u puke
    (These people are weird)


    //"Party Til U Puke" -Saxon //

  10. This game has been kicking my tushie for hours now, but, I finally...FINALLY...beat Chadley's score. I was never good at mario, was even worse at sonic and this game? Oooo boy, I'm TERRIBLE at it...I never want to play it again! Never never never!

    -stuffs it in a box and buries it in the backyard-

  11. Nice to meet you Edwynn! I'm Fanti! Welcome back ^_^ I came back myself a couple months ago and seems like I'm here for a nice long time, real life got in the way for a few years but has slowed down again lol Lots of changes have happened in the last few years on Neopets so keep an eye out for them, tons of new items, the obelisk wars, the coincidence which generates random events and is kinda like the lab ray but doesn't turn your pet into an invisible poogle..lotsa stuff! A lot has remained the same as well, it's comforting and nostalgic :D If ya wanna chat feel free to add me, my name is the same here as on Neopets. Looking forward to seeing you around! Have fun and again, welcome back!

  12. Soooo I'm not sure what chains are or what all this is for really, assuming its to get avvies for the impossible to get items and such, not sure how this works BUT I wanna help! I saw something about donations. That I can do! So where is this shop at so I can buy stuffs and donate to the greater good?

  13. I hate it too Angelo! Got the score to beat Chadley but not playing that game again unless I have to. I know you can get an avi from it but meh. The prizes today weren't too exciting either. Hopefully, they have better ones lined up in days to come ^_^ 

  14. This one almost got me, I was so frustrated I almost said the heck with it and was debating taking a loss because I just couldn't get to the score to beat Chadley. Came here and saw Neilo's post, tried her strategy and boom! Got it with one more try! Whew! I DO NOT want to play that game again! That Skieth can starve!

    Thanks Neilo!! Great suggestions! ^_^

  15. I beat Chadley again today! Woohoo! 10 for 10 and still hoping for gold! A couple of the games have been nail biters, Kou-Jong gave me fits but managed to beat Chadley in the end but just barely. Today was a fun one though! I like the little dance the Lizark does when you get a spare, too adorable! lol Like everyone I LOVE the leggings! I put them on Gallopolis and they look good with her Jhudora wanna-be get up. I've been trying to find something to cover her tail for a while and these do the trick great :D

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