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Sciurus carolinensis

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Sciurus carolinensis last won the day on February 19

Sciurus carolinensis had the most liked content!


About Sciurus carolinensis

  • Birthday 06/10/1993

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  • Gender
  • Location
    New York (Not the City)

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Sciurus carolinensis's Achievements

  1. Definitely voted for the Mutant Meowclops. I like my prizes today
  2. Voted for Baby Rainbow Pigtails Wig. @Angeló I read Golden Wing to my reading pet, but the price is really dropping so you have a chance to get it. This Shop has the lowest price so far Edit- Never mind I just sent it to you
  3. Voted for the baby style, got these as prizes
  4. Voted for A Scientifically Accurate Neopets Chart
  5. Voted for the Magical Valentine Sweetheart Gram. I like the background I got
  6. Voted for the Bobbing Walein but I don't play Faerie Fragments
  7. Voted for Dyeworks Pink: Dark and Moody Vignette Filter and got some spooky prizes
  8. Voted for the Winter Festival and got a food item I didn't have in my gallery yet.
  9. Voted for Greyed-Out TDMBGPOP Collectible Background. Actually did prefer it to the others this time.
  10. voted for void essence collection. Didn't get anything I can use.
  11. Voted for the Dead Chia Gift Box Mystery Capsule
  12. Voted for Ch.1 Page 7 - Baelia Scene. On that note, here's hoping the plot starts again soon
  13. Voted for the Retired Backgrounds Mystery Capsule but I really had no preference.
  14. Voted for Day 10 and got these as prizes.
  15. I got the avatar yesterday. Today I voted for the Tons of Trinkets Mystery Capsule. Edit- oooops. I fed the Olivetato to a neopet rather than placing it in my gallery as intended. Thankfully it was for sale in a shop. Cost me almost 150,000 though.
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