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Everything posted by jellysundae

  1. I take back what I said before about having to remain on the page for stuff to go through, it's not true. The animation might lag behind, but the process has already happened. I'm clearing my obsidian stash right now, only 233 pieces this time, unlike 700+ last year ? I'll move onto rares I have multiples of afterwards. With the means to add almost 10 at once quickly this really isn't so bad, but I'm definitely not looking forward to when I get to the smaller quantities of things. Chins up though, everyone. If this method remains it will be tweaked and perfected for next year. ? EDIT: I think the problem here is that Atsumi can't count. ? I had 402 points I donated 10 r92 Tyrannian Skeith Plushies, she says I earned 10 points! Yay? ? But WAIT! I now have 462 points so what I actually got was 60 and all is as it should be. ?
  2. No-one's asking the REALLY important question... WHERE ARE OUR ITEMS GOING??!! What is that machine? A portal onto another planet that's gonna be 10 miles deep in cra... rubbish, by the time this event ends? A de-materialiser? Is our stuff just poofing out of existence? Is it a controllable BLACK HOLE!!! ?
  3. Click the orange button on the machine (refresh first) for your points. I don't think there is a tally for the amount of items given.
  4. click on the item in your inventory and hit the yellow button. A tip I saw on the boards for faster donation. Take a bunch of the same item out of your SDB, scroll to the bottom of your inventory and click on the last item, then hit "I don't need it" real quick 10 times (before it can refresh) it'll put all 10 in the machine if you're lucky. @Hanso NC stuff in a few days, I'm sure I saw somewhere...
  5. Yup, I'll have a bit o' this, ta very much! Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'Charity Corner 2019' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!
  6. *sigh* i think I remember you posting about that on here, I suppose they're never going to not go way over the top in some situations. The Tooth Faerie will get fixed sooner or later. Maybe once we're all too old to actually have any teeth any more...
  7. I'm loving that Shenkuu's getting to host an event. I wonder what Granny's up to instead... got her feet up playing online bingo?
  8. Hmm! Before I really get started, let's have an SDB tally... Items: 2,818 | Qty: 20,026 94 pages. Let's see how much joy I've sparked by the end of this!! ~~~ Ok, first gripe from me. It seems that navigating away to do something else while the animation runs doesn't work. It's just like Trudy and waits for you to come back before completing. ? BUUTTT, it seems it's only the CC process that's slowww. BDing in another tab wasn't affected. ?
  9. I just donated an r101 and got 1 point. woot, lol.
  10. Ok, I'll either stop donating for now, or give just 1 point stuff and see if that behaves. I think the Marie Kondo thing is hysterical ? just the kind of idea old-TNT would have had, I think, and now I'm gonna go throw some obsidian about!
  11. Whoa, who's that! Has Granny been spending all our previous donations on mega-tons of surgery??!! ?
  12. Thank you for the votes everyone!! Once again, happy to be able to make you laugh. ?
  13. As far as I know she's in an RE, but... hmm... yeah, I dunno, lol. I think it's maybe one that's so rare people think it's broken?
  14. I'm happy to join you in the unlikely! You never know.
  15. Hi Liisra! To expand on what discobiscuit said, sometimes you don't know you're on a quest because you miss the "something has happened" notification, so it's a good idea to check in at the Faerie Quests every now and again to make sure you're not. Sometimes I don't know I've been given a quest until I try to use the shop Wizard, and he gives me that condescending look he wears in this situation, and I have to go away again. ? Oh, and yeah, you'll not be able to use him to find the quest item (have you checked out the Shop Wiz at all yet?) BUT, we're here to help with quests! We've got a thread dedicated solely to that. Here 'tis - If you post what you need in there one of us will check the Shop Wiz out for ya. ?
  16. I wasn't aware of this, but it doesn't surprise me at all. They've never been that overtly cleavage-y, have they? The most exposed I see on Dr. Sloth is this one. AHA! Book of Ages comes to the rescue! https://bookofages.jellyneo.net/history/old-faeries/ Yeah I'm not seein' anything to get steamed up over here, so I guess it was more puritanical people afraid for their kids' innocence?
  17. For those of us missing our CC perks Sway is lookin' very good right now.
  18. @Robin Hood @Rayd1978 You both gonna start selling "relics" that bring people luck? Shreds of your old t-shirts, maybe? Left-over pizza crusts? Old parking tickets? Mugs that you've drunk from that hasn't since been washed up? ..... ? Don't mind me, this is entertaining me, thinking of the modern day equivalent to what they did in medieval times. Actually, in this day and age the sponsorship opportunities for the mug option are pretty huge... the company making the mug, whatever you were drinking from it... kerching!!! Drink [insert name here] coffee and you too could be as lucky as Ray/Robin! ??? ..... I think I need a bit more caffeine myself. ?
  19. Maybe that's exactly how they came into being. ? From what I can tell this style of doll was from a doll-maker site called Doll Palace, so absolutely something a girl would be on when she was supposed to be doing her schoolwork. xDD HA, here you go, have a journey back to 2008 https://web.archive.org/web/20080202130455/http://www.thedollpalace.com/ Enjoy! Hahaha, I know, right? She seems like a real after-thought to be honest. As these are in Dr. Sloth's collection they are going to be "official", aren't they, even though some of them - like the leggy one you pointed out - barely look like any faerie. Not some fan-created thing, right? I mean they have the Neopets url. Interesting that they're called badges, I wonder what they were used for. I think Baelia's my fave too, Taelia looks red carpet ready but I like Baelia's sass, and that song's just the right era isn't it.
  20. Oh that's not so bad then! though yeah it DOES still suck when you don't like a freebie. It's definitely an item that's fallen foul of TNT's weird ideas when it comes to animating items that's for sure. But you can use it to barter, unless ALL the premium people who got it want rid of it. ? She looks adorbs as Red Riding Hood! Just off into the woods?!
  21. Haha, I always had mixed feeling about these dolls. I was never into them myself, but it was kinda impossible to avoid them for a while there, the people who used them tended to go seriously over-the-top with the glittery gifs and their little space on the interwubs tended to make your eyes bleed. ? I am QUITE sure that there'll be Neo shops and look-ups out there, on accounts that have been abandoned for 15+ years, that are FULL of these. Just waiting to pounce on the unsuspecting random visitor. Oh, and I think I should be actually calling them dollz, lol.
  22. Let us see how much of an abject failure I can be at this today. Starting off with - NP: 14,333 After - NP: 13,783 Wow, check out that profit. ? So in the main I just hit the coconut and it didn't move, it missed completely maybe 4 times, and I got it to wobble 3 times, maybe 4. One if those was the lighter tall coconut. This time around I aimed in a different spot, too, centrally on the lip of the cup. I'm semi-seriously considering trying this and not aiming anywhere NEAR the coconut and seeing what the hit ratio is then. ?
  23. Yeah she's more obviously Dark Faerie, isn't she, because of her wings, though very subdued in manner and outfit. Interesting that Jhudora doesn't have a doll, unless... no, surely that one isn't meant to be her?? There's no green... it can't be... I know, right?! She looks FABULOUS DAHLING, check out that shiny hair, too! That clip... ?
  24. That sucks if it's one you paid cash for. The tree is the Stately Tree, which you can get for next to nothing, ALWAYS nice!
  25. I was wandering through Dr. Sloth's images and found these! Talk about trip down memory lane! These are awesome though, check out those outfits... Fyora as you've NEVER seen her before! Illusen, the Soup Fae and the Librarian sexying it up a bit with the exposed midriffs. And Baelia! LOL, all cute and gothy which makes total sense for a Grey Faerie, some epic hair there too. ? Someone had a lot of fun creating these. Which are your faves?
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