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About gwendolyndolyn

  • Birthday July 31

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  1. I'm looking forward to it! Good news, though - I can still participate in the Staff Tournament, so that's something!
  2. Thanks everyone for the responses! I guess I'm not participating this year, darnit. Edit to respond to @granny63020 - I tried to join a team yesterday. When I clicked on my team, it just showed me the team's information. I didn't have any options to join the team. That's disappointing! I don't go on the site every day like I used to, so it was nice to have the option to join at any point in the event in previous years. Oh well! My arthritic hands will thank me.
  3. I just want to make sure on this, because it seems to be a departure from previous years. If we haven't joined a team prior to end of day June 5, we can't participate in the event? Is anyone else able to join today, if they haven't already? I think I might have missed my chance to play.
  4. I'm very upset because I broke my elbow two weeks ago so have only managed to play ONE game of Shootout Showdown. Typing or using the computer is very difficult, so there goes my job and my livelihood for the six-week healing period!
  5. The frozen shops still show up. I would say that the overall benefit of the SSW outweighs that annoyance, though! Premium is still worth it to me.
  6. So is it your paying job that is enforcing a dress code, or a place where you are volunteering? When you accept a job, you are basically going into an agreement with your employer - you agree to follow their rules and do the work, and they agree to pay you for your time. If you are talking about a paying job I'd say just follow the dress code ? If you are volunteering and they are requesting that you dress a certain way, that is probably because when you are there, you are representing their company/cause. If you don't agree with the dress code they have requested, maybe try volunteering somewhere else? But in my opinion if you want to help them out, and it's just a few hours a week, why not just not wear t-shirts with logos? Basically either way I'd say just follow the dress code. It sucks sometimes, but is it really worth missing out on a volunteering opportunity or a paying job? No.
  7. This has been a pain for me, too. If you're using a computer, a workaround is to hover over "Games" and then click on your Favorites. This will bring you to the classic games screen - you can either get to the game from your favorites, or search for what you want. If you're on mobile...... I have no idea. I hope this helps!
  8. I have a solitaire addiction - I go through phases when I constantly play, zombie-like, either Sakhmet Solitaire or regular solitaire on my phone. The chances of winning are very low... everything kind of has to happen just right in order for you to finish a game. To me, that's what makes it so addicting! Lose a game, and I'll get it next time; win a game, and maybe I can win the next one, too! It is a never-ending cycle
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