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Everything posted by e_c

  1. A wraith made my pet depressed (I wonder if this happiness-draining wraith is supposed to be a reference to the Dementors from Harry Potter?)
  2. Pale moon works for me, though I've had trouble with it registering key presses in a few games as well. But I was able to get some trophies, and it works for Kiko Pop and Expellibox.
  3. @oceanblue5333 what browser(s) is this happening in? ETA: You should be able to simulate a click on the button if you open the developer console (shortcut should be F12 or Ctrl-Shift-I), paste this: document.getElementsByClassName('obeliskButtonYes')[0].click(); and press enter.
  4. Throwing my hat in with the Seekers as well.
  5. Oo, this is a good one! The Toy Gelert is the best of that colour so far IMO, and I'm really digging the outfit.
  6. I think I prefer the original look, the dyeworks green is a bit garish.
  7. Everyone picked fairly edible (unless you're an arachnophobe) things this month: I like that the Acara chose an Acara-shaped cookie
  8. I figured the outfit might be a Monkey King reference, mainly because of the staff, the colour scheme and the "King among Mynci" description in the news post. Though aside from that the clothes, and especially the hat, don't actually bear much resemblance to most depictions of Sun Wukong that I've seen, so I might be off base...
  9. It sure was, last time I checked votes was I think Friday and there was a 4-way tie. And thank you (and everyone else who gave me a vote)! As soon as I saw that 'Heart in Plain Sight' item I knew I had to base my entry around it.
  10. Pale Moon browser. This post has been edited by a member of staff (Duma) because of a violation of the forum rules. Please keep your posts at 7 words or above. Per the reason above, please review our SPAM rules.
  11. Taking advantage of the fact that most people aren't playing flash games anymore:
  12. I've been picking Thieves Guild every time it was an option and finally they won! Time for some cheap stonks!
  13. Pretty underwhelming. Swamp gas is a meh colour, and the swirl of fume near the beak gives it a silly chubby-cheeked look. The outfit's not bad, but I wish the jacket and dress were separate items, would make them a lot easier to combine with other pieces.
  14. Snowy owls are in it seems! Thank you all who voted for me
  15. Suppose they did a revote because the thumbnails were messed up the first time around. Guess the results will show how many people made their choice based on day # vs image (assuming most didn't just pick randomly). Personally, I went by #.
  16. e_c


    No, stocks are a long-term investment. You should only buy when the price is as low as possible (15NP is the minimum without certain Obelisk war boons, but going up to 16-17 might be necessary sometimes), and sell when the value has at least tripled/quadrupled - I usually sell at 60, but I know some people wait for even higher values. This might mean waiting for months. Stocks never go bankrupt anymore though, so there's no risk of losing your investment permanently.
  17. I don't even have a fifth pet on my main account yet. Only recently got my fourth, a brown Lenny from the Pound. My oldest pet is also a basic-coloured Acara which I'm not intending to paint (she's red though)
  18. So far, I'm 4/4 on picking the least popular option! Also did anyone else notice the days and thumbnails on the "standalone advent animation" vote were matched up incorrectly?
  19. Did you receive my entry? I'm not very used to this forum, not sure I sent the message right...
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