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  1. Like
    Brit got a reaction from kandygrrl in Pounding accident?   
    Honestly, I wouldn't worry to much. It was most likely a glitch and all is well now. I highly doubt TNT would have even noticed. However for argument sake, let's say they did; the first thing they'd see is 5 pets so they'd automatically assume you're premium.
    IF by chance they notice you're not they'd try and find out why you have 5 pets without premium. I'm sure they'd be able to tell there was nothing done by you to influence that occurring. You only have 1 jetsam now, and the other is back in the pound.
    You also only have 4 pets so I'd say just leave it be. It wasn't your fault, and you're not longer affect by the error.
    If it was something I've seen happen more then once I'd say send a ticket but because this sounds like it's an isolated incident I'd say just go about your way.
    There's nothing you can do to help or improve the situation and there's nothing you could have done differently.
    If you're that worried try opening the ticket page on a different browser or maybe try signing into another account and send a ticket that way?
  2. Like
    Brit got a reaction from kandygrrl in Neoboard post blocked by filter   
    I'm not entirely sure what the site merge has to do with changing filters? I'm sure changing a list of words is a small thing to do.
    Either way, I have written into the next editorial. II will also go ahead and do a feedback ticket. So, we shall see what happens.
    "Hello you fabulous, Neo Lords.
    So, I'm really active on the boards, in fact that's where I spend a majority of my time. However, there has been something bothering me for ages, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. There are filters. These filters are old, and some unnecessary. These filters block perfectly fine words, words that people use in a day to day conversation or words you yourselves use in various places around the site. (Example. LORD Kass- yet we're not allowed to talk religion. I understand there are other forms of the word, but it can be taken out of context.) It's annoying to have to pick apart my 300 character post to try and find what word isn't allowed. If you won't update the list of filtered words, could you please perhaps look into a script which will tell the user which word isn't allowed. For the sake of Neopia, and all that is good PLEASE FIX THIS! Many thanks have some cupcakes. If this is to much to ask for, I'll take those cupcakes back. "
  3. Like
    Brit got a reaction from Aquamentis12 in DeviantArt is it really worth it?   
    Why not post it on Wattpad too.
    A lot of people don't even know DA has a writing section. Most just go their for artwork.
    Wattpad is all about writing.
    I think your series could potentially get a lot more views posting it on Wattpad. There's also an option to tag your series, and you or others can share your story via various social media, so reads grow quickly. Also a rating system. The more votes you have, the higher up you're series will be on a list, when people search a certain tag word.
    Example: currently I'm writing my own fanfiction of a Youtuber I enjoy (DON'T JUDGE ME) and I seem to be getting realatively decent attention?
    I started writing my story, 26 days ago-- and already have over 1,700 reads.
    Just a suggestion. :)
  4. Like
    Brit got a reaction from hrtbrk in DeviantArt is it really worth it?   
    Why not post it on Wattpad too.
    A lot of people don't even know DA has a writing section. Most just go their for artwork.
    Wattpad is all about writing.
    I think your series could potentially get a lot more views posting it on Wattpad. There's also an option to tag your series, and you or others can share your story via various social media, so reads grow quickly. Also a rating system. The more votes you have, the higher up you're series will be on a list, when people search a certain tag word.
    Example: currently I'm writing my own fanfiction of a Youtuber I enjoy (DON'T JUDGE ME) and I seem to be getting realatively decent attention?
    I started writing my story, 26 days ago-- and already have over 1,700 reads.
    Just a suggestion. :)
  5. Like
    Brit got a reaction from Kute in What do you collect in real life?   
    I collect Perfume. LOL silly collection, but I love to smell pretty, and love when my stuff smells good. So I have about... 30+(ish)
    Even after I`ve finished them, I still keep and collect the bottles.
  6. Like
    Brit got a reaction from hrtbrk in Missing nps from bank   
    hrtbrk beat me to it.
    yes, it's a loss, which does suck, however TNT will not replace what you lost. They don't do that, unless it's their fault. Which, in this case regardless if it was someone in your account, a bug or something... the fault can not be replaced directly on them, ergo submitting a ticket would be useless 'cause they won't do anything about it except apologize for the loss.
    Even then, they could possibly ice your account if you suggest someone might have gotten into it.
    hrtbrk gave you the best advice anyone on here can, take it as a loss and change your pw. The hassle you'll go through to NOT get your points back, isn't worth it.
  7. Like
    Brit reacted to siniri in Funny clichés: What do you think of when you think of my country/state?   
    Toronto -- I've met enough Canadians (and seen enough Canadian TV) to know better, but I immediately think people will be ending their sentences with "eh", saying "Wicked!" a lot, and eating poutine. Oh, and of course wearing flannel and those lumberjack hats (or dressed as Mounties), eating flapjacks and Canadian bacon doused in maple syrup (if you want to go with the ridiculously bad, American stereotype of a Canadian).
    More seriously and specifically, I think of a clean, artsy, friendly city. But cold. So very, very cold.
    I'm in Atlanta, GA. Have at it! :P I didn't grow up here (I grew up in Virginia).
  8. Like
    Brit got a reaction from hrtbrk in Item HELP   
    Lowest I found on the SSW was 72,000np
    Just throw it in your shop, and beat the price. Eventually it'll sell.
  9. Like
    Brit got a reaction from hrtbrk in Restockers, I have questions   
    I'm probably one of the better people to ask this.
    Restocking, easily consumes your time spent on neopets. To be good at it, and to stock something of great value -- you have to be willing to give it time. Let's say you're trying to restock a morphing potion, (which I would advise against since you're new to restocking) you may have to sit there for an hour just refreshing the page to see a stock. Restocking takes a lot of time and effort. It's a just a lot of waiting and refreshing.
    Personally, I find restocking worth it-- if you're good at it. I'd say your best bet is to ask around or do some studying on what are some profitable items that stock often, and in which shops. It's a very easy way to earn TONS of neopoints, but it's also just as easy to LOSE neopoints by buying items you think may be worth something.
    Best answer to your questions I can give: By the sounds of it, you want to try and make the most money you can, in the least amount of time. Problem with that is, it sounds like you're coming into this game and excepting to be able to stock unbuyable items immediately, and often. Which just isn't the case. Especially for someone who is newer to restocking. TBH, yes you see people with millions of neopoints, and millions of np's worth of items because they're good at it. Practice makes perfect. Becoming good at restocking, is an art. Not to mention, damn near impossible to restock anything good with the lag.
    Some Shops to avoid as a beginner.:
    To answer your questions: Even if you do get good at restocking, sometimes the problem is finding a buyer. So, 1 good stamp a month is doable depending on what you've stocked and if you've sold it.
    On average a day; I spend about 2-3 hours a day restocking, refreshing and eventually getting restock banned.
    It's worth it to restock, if you practice and smaller shops first, If you don't practice and get use to knowing what often stocks where you'll just lose money.
    I'd say for a newer restocker it's not impossible to make profit right off the bat, but it depends how much you want as profit. Are we talking like.. 50k in 1 day, because if so that's easy. Or are we talking 200k+ in a day, because that's a little harder. Best advice, don't expect to set into the game and immediately earn millions. It doesn't work that way. Those who have millions thanks to restocking usually spend hour upon hours a day refreshing, have been restocking for months, if not years and have an incredible download and upload speed.
    Personally I've had my my share of good an bad experiences. I've had it where I made 2m+ 1 week, but the next made some horrible mistakes, and lost money.
    Mail me on here or neopets if you ever wanna talk.
  10. Like
    Brit got a reaction from Kute in Restockers, I have questions   
    I'm probably one of the better people to ask this.
    Restocking, easily consumes your time spent on neopets. To be good at it, and to stock something of great value -- you have to be willing to give it time. Let's say you're trying to restock a morphing potion, (which I would advise against since you're new to restocking) you may have to sit there for an hour just refreshing the page to see a stock. Restocking takes a lot of time and effort. It's a just a lot of waiting and refreshing.
    Personally, I find restocking worth it-- if you're good at it. I'd say your best bet is to ask around or do some studying on what are some profitable items that stock often, and in which shops. It's a very easy way to earn TONS of neopoints, but it's also just as easy to LOSE neopoints by buying items you think may be worth something.
    Best answer to your questions I can give: By the sounds of it, you want to try and make the most money you can, in the least amount of time. Problem with that is, it sounds like you're coming into this game and excepting to be able to stock unbuyable items immediately, and often. Which just isn't the case. Especially for someone who is newer to restocking. TBH, yes you see people with millions of neopoints, and millions of np's worth of items because they're good at it. Practice makes perfect. Becoming good at restocking, is an art. Not to mention, damn near impossible to restock anything good with the lag.
    Some Shops to avoid as a beginner.:
    To answer your questions: Even if you do get good at restocking, sometimes the problem is finding a buyer. So, 1 good stamp a month is doable depending on what you've stocked and if you've sold it.
    On average a day; I spend about 2-3 hours a day restocking, refreshing and eventually getting restock banned.
    It's worth it to restock, if you practice and smaller shops first, If you don't practice and get use to knowing what often stocks where you'll just lose money.
    I'd say for a newer restocker it's not impossible to make profit right off the bat, but it depends how much you want as profit. Are we talking like.. 50k in 1 day, because if so that's easy. Or are we talking 200k+ in a day, because that's a little harder. Best advice, don't expect to set into the game and immediately earn millions. It doesn't work that way. Those who have millions thanks to restocking usually spend hour upon hours a day refreshing, have been restocking for months, if not years and have an incredible download and upload speed.
    Personally I've had my my share of good an bad experiences. I've had it where I made 2m+ 1 week, but the next made some horrible mistakes, and lost money.
    Mail me on here or neopets if you ever wanna talk.
  11. Like
    Brit reacted to Shane for Wax in it's almost time for my favorite holiday!!!   
    We haven't done anything exciting for new year's in a while. And when you normally stay up all night to begin with, it loses its punch that it had when you were a kid.
    I'll probably be reading and not even notice midnight come around. lol
  12. Like
    Brit got a reaction from Jaq2010 in This is SERIOUS!!!   
    Unfortunately, you're asking for help from the wrong people. Only TNT can help in this situation. Also as someone already said; you stated you thought your account had been compromised and didn't do anything about it, until it was to late. That's rather unfortunate, but, it could have been prevented.
    Anyway, your best bet is to make a side account and submit a ticket that way. Make sure you include as much information as you possibly can pretaining to your lost account. Every little bit,helps. Literally... ANYTHING is very helpful in proving the account does indeed belong to you.
    Now here's the issue; TNT is notorious for taking their time when handing requests. Meaning, you might be waiting quite some time to get a responce I've head of people waiting MONTHS for a reply, and even then that didn't give them their account back. That was just a reply. When I was hacked, I personally had to wait 4-5 months before getting my account back.
    Also If you lost anything- like items and neopoints, TNT will NOT replace that.
    I wish you the best of luck, my friend.
  13. Like
    Brit got a reaction from leverhelven in Neoquest II   
    Still haven't finished it, and I wouldn't dare try to with this BRUTAL lag!
  14. Like
    Brit got a reaction from Lia Seeya in YES! Finally!   
    Ahww very well done! I remember my first and only entry was rejected. It was a game guide, but I didn't know I wasn't allowed to give out the code works.
    So, the rejected me :c
  15. Like
    Brit got a reaction from Lia Seeya in Lia's (late) Advent Calendar   
    Ahw great idea. Even if I don't get on the calendar, I'd be very appreciative if you would draw Emeline for me.
    I have her customization finished on DTI but, trying to get the items are annoying. >.<
  16. Like
    Brit got a reaction from rowtiderow in I got something at the Coincidence!   
    I have yet to get positive stat changes. Usually, I get negative-- and usually when that happens I have my BD pet as my active. -facepalm-
    However I have gotten 2 p3's from it so far; and sold them both for about 750k all together. So, that more then makes up for the cost of retraining.
  17. Like
    Brit reacted to lizzyjane101 in Yay for coming out to my dad!   
    Wow! Thanks everyone. You guys are all so supportive and nice :')
    It's considered totally acceptable in my household, so I was just raised with no concept of homophobia until my later teenage years and the internet. I know I'm very lucky and I hope that my boring old story is the one that becomes more common in place of all the horrors. Kids will be like 'I'm not straight/ cis' and parents will be like 'k.'
    I have a dream and this is it.
    (Also, for the full effect, read that sentence in a jersey accent. I think. I don't know much about American accents. The ditzy one. Sorry if I just offended anyone.)
    Oh you poor thing. That must have been so terrible. Liking someone relies on a certain amount of trust. You thought she was great and she was awful. What a let down :(
    I've been really lucky that all the girls in my life have been super wonderful. One of them I even ended up really good friends with even though I apparently treated her really horribly during the time I liked her. I don't remember anything of that year other than spending a lot of time staring at her butt. :P But I'm lucky we managed to heal our relationship, although she's not 100% she anymore and goes by Spence. Se la vi :D
    EDIT: Just noticed you have synaesthesia! Me too! I'm always interested about the specifics, because it seems to manifest differently in people. Would you mind if I sent you a message or smt? It's okay if you're uncomfortable :)
    Haha. I spent most of my teenage life waiting for 'the talk' and when it came, it was basically just 'You get to have way more fun than I did at your age. Better contraception. I had so many abortions. Oh, and don't waste your university sleeping with older guys and not having a proper social life.'
    So yeah. I feel totally prepared for adulthood... It's nice to have such open-minded parents though. My mum used to works in an AIDS clinic helping people through their last few months. And she was an actress, so plenty of exposure to the gay.
    Wiccan? That's so cool! Just casually doing blessings as one does. I have a friend who loves researching about that stuff. She's not Wiccan herself, but she's fascinated by it.
    It's really something to be able to have that relationship with family. The first person I ever came out to apart from my three best friends was my grandma. She referred to Spence (back when she went by a different name) as my 'special friend'. Such a cutie patootie.
    Eee you put a big smile on MY face <3
    It would be nice if I could claim some kind of inner strength, but really I was just raised to believe that these things aren't really a big deal. I know Australia is much more chilled than America, but also my parents specifically are just really open about this stuff. We do get some homophobia, but it's nowhere near as bad as a lot of other countries.
    Yeah, a phase. You know, I've had instances where someone's said, "You just haven't met the right..."
    And then I say, "STOP."
    And then leave. Some people are just so annoying.
    But I am one of the lucky ones.
  18. Like
    Brit got a reaction from nightfall8705 in Yay for coming out to my dad!   
    Congrats! I'm really happy things worked out well, and wtg for being so out and open with your Dad, brave girl.
    I know I had the hardest time coming out to my mom. My mom knows I'm bisexual, and know's I have had a girlfriend or 2 before, but I think she thinks it's a phase, even though I came out to her when I was 15... It's been over 5 years, and yet this "phase" continues. I guess it's a similar situation to Wonderlandwanderer, my mom has no problem with gays-- in fact has quite a few gay friends herself but when I came out she "didn't wanna talk about it." and "It was only a phase I'd get over."
    I never got to come out to my dad before he passed away, but I choose to believe there's life after death and I think he knows now, and personally I don't think he minds.
    At least your Dad seems supportive, and wtg for not only being brave enough to finally come out of the closet, but to be brave enough to accept yourself, cus there are quite a few people in the LGBTQ community who refuse to accept themselves.
    I think this thread is just awesome, and put a big smile on my face. -hugs-
  19. Like
    Brit reacted to nightfall8705 in Yay for coming out to my dad!   
    Wow, congrats on coming out! Your dad is awesome to be so supportive and understanding. Reminds me of when I revealed myself to my mom (rest her soul) when I was 16. I remember we were sitting in a doctor's office, and somehow we just got to talking about a bunch of intimate stuff; you know, how we felt about things, just getting stuff off of our chest. She talked and I listened, then I talked and she listened, and then then all of a sudden, I guess I got caught up in the moment and I blurted it out. "Mama, I'm bisexual. I've dated boys before. I've dated girls before. Never at the same time, but yeah. I go both ways." She laughed at me and said "tell me something I don't know!" Then I said "I've been an active Wiccan for the last 3 years (I started when I was 13)." She said, "So? Wait, what's a Wiccan?" So I laughed and said, "I'm a Witch, mom." Then she paused and said again, "SO?"
    She then said she was glad I told her. Said she trusted me, and my decisions. Said that if I were to get into "relations" to come to her first so she could provide the "safety" like wtf Mom, I can buy my own, haha. Then she said she loved me no matter what - and then bought me this sweeeeeeeet box of Wiccan books and supplies for Christmas.
    I've retired from being Witchy woman after being that way over half my life now. I still do blessings on houses for people, and nowadays, I'm a bit turned off of relationships (but I notice that I am more comfortable around men) but it was really great how she was so understanding and loving regardless. I think a true parent should love their kids and support them unconditionally. I wouldn't say I was lucky, but I was blessed with a truly great mom. I lost her 9 years ago when I was 18, and I miss her every day. She really was something, and it meant a lot that I could tell her anything without judgment.
  20. Like
    Brit reacted to lakecat in Funny Item Info   
    One of the special things about Neopets is the thought that goes into the writing. Item Info for example. Every once in a while they really crack me up. This time it's the Elegant Scarab Whistle. If you think of any others that make you laugh, please add them.

    This topic has been edited by a member of staff (Spritzie) because of a violation of the forum rules.
    There is already a topic for posting hilarious/funny Neopian items. Please continue the discussion there.
    Please check your user inbox to see if you have been contacted regarding this incident, then review our rules.
    Per the reason above, this topic has been LOCKED. Please contact Spritzie if you have any questions regarding this action.
  21. Like
    Brit got a reaction from thunderlight25 in Best games to play to earn NP   
    Try to low res link.
    Also when it gets time to play a mini game, right click and click Quality and set it to low.
    It works like a charm! Might make a difference. If you wanna test KQ using low res but don't wanna play against someone who will report you if you end of leaving, mail me on neopets and I'll play a game with ya. :)
  22. Like
    Brit got a reaction from Avia loves Chias in Neopets dreams   
    I haven't had any dreams of Neopets lately, as my addiction to it use to be a lot worse as a kid.
    However, when I was about 13 I had a dream my account was hacked, and when I woke up I rushed to my computer because I had finally reached my NP goal, and was needless to say; relieved to see everything was still in tact.
  23. Like
    Brit reacted to Alice ☮ in The 'In-My-Pants' game. (Part 2 since Noog's died.)   
    A Hard Day's Night in my pants x)
  24. Like
    Brit reacted to Tedhaun in The 'In-My-Pants' game. (Part 2 since Noog's died.)   
    I Like Trains in my pants!

  25. Like
    Brit reacted to -Ryan in The 'In-My-Pants' game. (Part 2 since Noog's died.)   
    U + Ur Hand in my pants.
    Nobody can beat Pink song titles. x3
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