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Posts posted by Shelley

  1. Oh I kind of stopped participating in that daily- mostly because I forget. It's not much of a hassle to do, just a quick click every day to see what your petpet has found. As previously stated, there's no harm in doing it and there are some pretty neat prizes if you're lucky. Almost everyone that I talk to in my guild have reported something neat that they've received from the daily, so don't get discouraged

  2. I'm fortunate to have a face that stays fairly balanced- I've never had an oil problem but sometimes it does get dry especially in the colder months, and no problem with acne. However I'm really unfortunate in the fact that my skin is ultra sensitive to everything. I mean, I'll have an allergic reaction to a band-aid haha. So I've had to experiment a lot with lotions, face creams, face wash, and makeup. Even some brands that are marketed for "sensitive skin" I have a problem with. But my favorite things are the Neutrogena transparent face bar (the fragrance free one) and almost everything Burt's Bees. I'm really obsessed with Burt's Bees products. I really enjoy their facial moisturizers. I use their "Sensitive Daily Moisturizing Cream" every night when I wash my face. I have never had a reaction to any of their products *knock on wood* and I find them all to be very effective. Plus they're all natural and I'm really into that. In the morning most days I will also apply some sort of Burt's Bees face cream with an SPF because I'm a ginger and I burn easily :p ...that's probably the biggest issue with my skin- protecting it from the sun

  3. Not finding any items with that criteria!

    Category: School


    Well, it doesn't look like I'll have much luck with this SDB supply! I kind of really dislike the charity corner. I'll donate a few times and see what happens. I don't have much time to participate in a huge event at the moment so I kind of do hope that this is all there is to it this round.

  4. I've only spun it twice during my time on neo and have landed on the "X" both times. I have heard that if you spin it enough that the items you receive and all will even out eventually. I've had terrible luck with getting the avatar for Kelp so I know how frustrating it can feel

  5. Thanks Siniri! I will definitely clarify- Because of my life situation right now- school, work, other personal matters it has been very hard for me to be very attentive to this contest. It is currently suspended (though I will first announce the winners of the last contest). I'm working on a change of leadership for this contest so don't worry about it vanishing for good :)


    Thank you all for your patience and again, I apologize (especially for the lack of clarification)



    Welcome to the voting thread for the 15th round of the Customization Contest (V2)!

    Customizations are displayed in order of entry


    Voting Ends Sunday August 30th  :)


    Thank you to all who entered! As of now all the original voting rules still apply. This will still be a public poll with multiple votes allowed. Anyone and everyone is welcome to vote  :) If I have made a mistake with posting your entry please mail me ASAP! Customizations are displayed in order of entry


    The next round starts Monday the 3rd. If you are interested in participating please see the main thread:



    Theme: Neopocalypse!


    Prize: 1st place- gif_smile_slothy.gifSlothy Smile




    1. You can't vote for yourself, as stated in the rules on the Customization Contest thread.

    2. You can vote for more than one entry.

    4. The top 3 multiple voted entries will awarded a trophy and a designated prize.

    5. If you have any questions, please mail my account (Shelley).

    6. Please do not use any of the trophies from the Forum Customization Contest if you don't have permission


    Congratulations to the Top Three Voted Entries!!


    First Place






    Second Place









    Third Place









    Thank you to everyone who participated!   :)


    Expired Entries




    #1 The Last Neopet


    Link for animations: http://impress.openn.../outfits/974037

    Story: Neopets' servers had finally given up the attempt to patch the site back together. Everything had been erased: the games, the battledome, the lands, her Neohome, all her friends and family. The lonely Flotsam could only cry and hug her last plushie, remembering the good old days, as the internet spiders crept ever nearer, examining the site's remains, and the time of her own destruction loomed. She could feel the touch of shadow hands as strange, wingless faerielike creatures unsuccessfully tried to save her from her imminent doom.




    Link for animations: http://impress.openneo.net/outfits/970890

    Story: Robots have unleashed chaos onto Neopia! Who is the mastermind behind these robots?


    Story: The Robots may have taken over Neopia for now, but Raina is determined to lead her underground warriors and take it back someday.

    Link for animations: http://impress.openn.../outfits/979761




    Welcome to the voting thread for the 14th round of the Customization Contest (V2)!

    Customizations are displayed in order of entry


    Voting Ends Tuesday August 4th (It has been slightly extended)    :)


    Thank you to all who entered! As of now all the original voting rules still apply. This will still be a public poll with multiple votes allowed. Anyone and everyone is welcome to vote   :) If I have made a mistake with posting your entry please mail me ASAP! Customizations are displayed in order of entry


    The next round starts Monday the 3rd. If you are interested in participating please see the main thread:



    Theme: Rainy Day




    1. You can't vote for yourself, as stated in the rules on the Customization Contest thread.

    2. You can vote for more than one entry.

    4. The top 3 multiple voted entries will awarded a trophy and a designated prize.

    5. If you have any questions, please mail my account (Shelley).

    6. Please do not use any of the trophies from the Forum Customization Contest if you don't have permission


    Congratulations to the Top Three Voted Entries!!


    First Place






    Second Place






    Third Place






    Thank you to everyone who participated!  :)


    Expired Entries


    #1 Running in the Rain

    By: ArowanaPrincess


    Link for animations: http://impress.openneo.net/outfits/963282

    Story: Why must it rain so? You run, run, run all around, hoping you'll find shelter in the storm. Goodness knows what happens when a Neopet is struck by lightning.



    By: Siniri


    Link for animations: http://impress.openneo.net/outfits/963284

    Story: (as told by the Faellie) Come sit with me, relax, and watch the water pouring over your garden wall rearrange the rocks and sand into beautiful patterns.  Ahem! You're not relaxing. I don't think you can bail out the garden fast enough with those hoses... At least you're wearing floaties! {Make sure you click to see the animations for the full effect.}


    By: LillytheGrundo
    Story: This poor Tonu has been rained upon one too many times and now remains frozen in the Jungle.
    By: Aquarella

    Link for animations: http://impress.openn.../outfits/952516


    #5 Rainy Day Delivery Boy
    By: Dan!elle
    Story: "I look drearier if you check out my animation"
    #6 Gothic Rain
    By: Shelley
    Story: Make sure you check out the link for animation!
    #7 It's Raining
    By: Deboratibi
    Story: "UGH, mom, come pick me up!"
  8. I'm so, so, sorry :( Having a sick pet is tough, I've been through it myself when I lost my Brittney Spaniel to stomach cancer when she was just a pup. It's very hard to watch them suffer and not knowing how or if you can do anything to help. I used to work at my local vets office so I know how hard many veterinarians work to ease the pain of the animals they see. Just know that there are many people out there to support you through challenging times such as this

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