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Posts posted by Shelley

  1. Personally, although I love the mutant draik, I would go pastel or water, just because I'm a huge fan of customization. I do have one hard to customize pet (a maraquan kacheek) and she's my absolute favorite! I just don't think I could take on two pets that didn't have many custom options.


    oh! Also stealthy is always a good option. Fun to customize plus it's a really expensive color :)

  2. My first pet was a starry kau, I loved him! ...I still have him but currently he's been zapped into a wraith poogle. I also got an elderlygirl kau zap which I enjoyed for a while...now I have the clothes at least! Anyway, welcome to the forums, I look forward to chatting with you :)

  3. Congratulations to all the winners this round!! :D A new theme is now up on the main thread



    I voted "none of the above". I don't really have any idea. I like some of the contests, most of them (since I have been paying attention). But I never get the courage to participate. Also, I don't know much about customization.

    I think this contest is a great way to play around with customization and get to know how things work. It's also given me some great ideas for my own pets. If you have any questions don't feel shy to ask, either on the main thread or you can message me any time :)


    Welcome to the voting thread for the ninth round of the Customization Contest (V2)!

    Customizations are displayed in order of entry

    Voting Ends Sunday May, 3rd :)

    Thank you to all who entered! As of now all the original voting rules still apply. This will still be a public poll with multiple votes allowed. Anyone and everyone is welcome to vote :) If I have made a mistake with posting your entry please mail me ASAP! Customizations are displayed in order of entry

    The next round starts Monday the 13th. If you are interested in participating please see the main thread:


    Theme: Rep' Your World!


    1. You can't vote for yourself, as stated in the rules on the Customization Contest thread.

    2. You can vote for more than one entry.

    4. The top 3 multiple voted entries will awarded a trophy and a designated prize.

    5. If you have any questions, please mail my account (Shelley).

    6. Please do not use any of the trophies from the Forum Customization Contest if you don't have permission

    Congratulations to the Top Three Voted Entries!!

    First Place

    (Awarded Altador Cup Shield)




    Second Place

    (Awarded Altador Cup II Team Background)






    Third Place

    ​(Awarded Altador Cup II Team Background)




    Thank you to everyone who participated! :)


    Expired Entries

    #1 Mystery Island

    By: Deboratibi


    Link for animations: http://impress.openn.../outfits/889537

    #2 Lost Desert Kougra Princess

    By: LillytheGrundo


    Link for animations: http://impress.openn.../outfits/887734

    #3 Kreludor Fashion
    By: Shelley
    #4 Karnie Kougra
    By: Dan!elle

    Link for animations: http://impress.openn.../outfits/887383

    Story: In a land foreign to him, this Kougra decided to drop everything and become the Deserted Fairground's newest carnie. No one knows quite what happened, but they do know he hasn't been the same since.

    #5 Jake the Explorer from Caves and Corridors (Mystery Island)
    By: Siniri
    Story: Has Jake the Explorer finally found the mystical tiki idol of the Kawillawoa Kingdom?
    #6 Shenkuu Geisha
    By: Aquarella
    #7 Greetings From the Mythical Jelly World!
    By: Spritzie
    Story: Due to her adventures outside of Jelly World, she has gotten in the practice of dressing as brightly as possible, considering it's difficult to be noticed when the majority of Neopia refuses to believe you, or your home world, really exist.
    #8 Fyora the Faerie Kougra
    By: cat_attack
  5. I love the movie/musical!! You know these fairy tales are all very dark in their original context. The musical brings these aspects to light and sort of humanizes them in an adult way that Disney cartoons could not. At the same time it's witty and has great music.

  6. I actually like this color...I mean I don't LOVE this color, but it's nice to have more options. I can think of a lot of colors I like less. However, if a pet of mine zapped into this color I would definitely keep on zapping.

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