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Posts posted by Shelley


    Welcome to the voting thread for the eighth round of the Customization Contest (V2)!

    Customizations are displayed in order of entry

    Voting Ends Sunday April, 12th :)

    Thank you to all who entered! As of now all the original voting rules still apply. This will still be a public poll with multiple votes allowed. Anyone and everyone is welcome to vote :) If I have made a mistake with posting your entry please mail me ASAP!

    The next round starts Monday the 13th. If you are interested in participating please see the main thread:


    Theme: Use at least two dyeworks items on an Aisha




    1. You can't vote for yourself, as stated in the rules on the Customization Contest thread.

    2. You can vote for more than one entry.

    4. The top 3 multiple voted entries will awarded a trophy and a designated prize.

    5. If you have any questions, please mail my account (Shelley).

    6. Please do not use any of the trophies from the Forum Customization Contest if you don't have permission

    Congratulations to the Top Three Voted Entries!!

    and thanks to Hert123 for her donation prize!

    First Place

    (Awarded Hew Brew Potion)




    Second Place




    Third Place




    Thank you to everyone who participated! :)


    Expired Entries

    #1 Little Wraith Riding Hood


    Link for animations: http://impress.openn.../outfits/875367



    Link for animations: http://impress.openn.../outfits/877530

    #3 Queen of the Desert
    Story: Sparkha, Queen of the Desert, was obsessed with anything that sparkled, shimmered and glowed. She ordered everyone in her kingdom to bring all of their shiny items to her palace, even the ones that were worthless. Jewels, utensils, fabrics, everything. Those who refused to give up their items were turned into stone. "Now you shall be dull forever! And I will shine on, for I am Queen of the Desert and Daughter of the Sun!", she would say.

    Link for animations: http://impress.openn.../outfits/876671

    Story: On the night of the Winter Solstice, the Ethereal Aisha appears for only a few moments in the Garden of Statues. Very few Neopians have been lucky enough to witness her appearance, and most believe she is simply a legend.

    #7 Starry Night
    #8 Candy Floss Princess
  2. You have awoken the great Turmaculus...
    AHHHHHH!!!! Turmaculus ate your petpet! BURP

    Something Has Happened! turmaculus.gif You are now eligible to use 'Turmaculus' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


    FINALLY!!! :D so happy...I mean, not for my petpet of course ;)

  3. Tie for first!! Yes voting ends on sunday nights (or monday mornings) err, yeah... I should put that in the voting thread lol just a tad important :p


    I'm really looking forward to the next round, I'm really hoping for a lot of entries! :D If anyone hasn't checked that out, the first place prize will be an NC prize! (donated by Hert123)


    For round 8 Tess (Hert123) has volunteered to donate an NC item to the top voted entry!!

    For the upcoming round you will have to use at least TWO dyeworks items to customize and Aisha. That would be items that can or have been dyed. See a list of those items HERE.

    The top voted entry will be gifted a "Dyeworks Hue Brew Potion", so spread the word and don't forget to thank Tess for this opportunity :)

  5. one word: meditation!! (it really works) I can COMPLETELY sympathize. about a year ago I was having them at least once a day. The exact same symptoms you describe. I didn't have any specific triggers that I can actually think of, they just came on, and it was absolutely terrifying. I am taking regular medication (it is a low dose) and it has helped tremendously. I've had them since junior high but I've never had them as bad as recently. What helps me the most is doing something that is engaging that I can focus my mind on. Especially if there's something funny. Generally the happier I am overall, the less likely I am to getting an attack. Just know you are not alone!! Panic attacks are quite common, at least among individuals I know.

  6. It's nice to meet you Whimsu :) I'm 21 abut to turn 22 (in a few days actually). I came back from a hiatus about two years ago and am totally hooked. Probably more than I ever was.


    THE OLD TYCOON GAMES OMG. I love them. All of them. Except mall tycoon, that was a bit of a bummer, not sure if you've ever played :p I actually recently bought an addition to my zoo tycoon game, and yes, I still play them lol

  7. Hi Jill!! Also 21, also have been playing for round 11 years, and also currently back to bumming it on my parents couch after college. haha (well I'm taking on another degree right now so I'm actually not finished). The profile glitch is rather bothersome isn't it. Usually here I would say something to the affect of "wow, impressive avatar count" or "great customiations!" but I'll just leave it as a nice to meet you :) I look forward to chatting with you.


    Welcome to the voting thread for the seventh round of the Customization Contest (V2)!

    A bit f a challenge, but I have to say- I kind of want a fruit chia now :)

    Thank you to all who entered! As of now all the original voting rules still apply. This will still be a public poll with multiple votes allowed. Anyone and everyone is welcome to vote :) If I have made a mistake with posting your entry please mail me ASAP!

    The next round starts Monday the 30th. If you are interested in participating please see the main thread:


    Theme: Mmm, Fruity! (Customize a Fruit Chia)


    1. You can't vote for yourself, as stated in the rules on the Customization Contest thread.

    2. You can vote for more than one entry.

    4. The top 3 multiple voted entries will awarded a trophy and a designated prize.

    5. If you have any questions, please mail my account (Shelley).

    6. Please do not use any of the trophies from the Forum Customization Contest if you don't have permission

    Congratulations to the Top Three Voted Entries!!

    First Place

    (Awarded Goparokko Fruit Punch)




    Second Place

    (Awarded Gadgadsbogen Fruit Background)




    Third Place

    (Awarded Gadgadsbogen Fruit Background)




    Thank you to everyone who participated! :)


    Expired Entries

    #1 Who Lives In A...

    By: Siniri


    Link for animations: http://impress.openn.../outfits/869990

    Story: Are you ready, kids? Aye, aye, Captain!

    #2 Unwitting Kitchen Helper

    By: Spritzie


    Link for animations: http://impress.openn.../outfits/869740

    Story: Trying to save time at the beginning of a long day of soup making for those in need within Neopia, the Soup Faerie decided a little faerie dust could go a long way to speed things along. Little did she realize she would soon have help in a different way than she was expecting and learned quickly to keep the faerie dust away from the ingredients.

    #3 Tropi-Chia
    By: Dan!elle
    Story: Enjoy a sip of this tropical drink on the beach... but watch out for that Chia!
    #4 Lemon Chia's Lemonade Stand
    By: Leverhelven

    Link for animations: http://impress.openn.../outfits/873396

    Story: If life gives you lemons, make some lemonade, they say! But what if life makes you a lemon? Well, no matter! This cheery Chia is happy to keep the family bussiness going. After all, what better spokesperson than a lemon itself?

    #5 You're Turning Violet, Violet!
    By: Shelley
    Story: "I want you to roll Miss Beaurgarde into the boat and take her along to the Juicing Room at once. 'Kay?"
    #6 Super Terrific Chia Half Time Show!
    By: LillytheGrundo
    By: Oravay
    By: Aquarella

    Link for animations: http://impress.openn.../outfits/872696


    By: Hert123
    Story: This brave green Apple Chia woke up one day, to find her precious, little red children GONE! She immediately knew where they went. The Haunted Forest. So this brave green Chia got to the Haunted Forest, only to see another Neopet near: Vandebart Biggsby the Green Gnorbu. He's the one who runs the Apple Bobbing daily. She ran towards the tank, only to see a couple red apples in there. "Noooo!" she yelled, in terror of her children.

    'Surprise!' she heard next and one by one she saw her red apple children popping up. 'Thank goodness!' she said and she hugged her children tightly. "Don't you ever dare to do that again, you little apples!" she said, but she couldn't contain a smile.

    #10 Borovan Chia
    By: Deboratibi
  9. I had Neopets "liked" on Facebook but I think I recently unliked them. I'm very active on facebook but I kind of like to limit the amount of "liked" pages that will appear in my news feed. I go to the page quite frequently though for news. I'm not very active on twitter much or any other social media. I actually get pretty much all neopets news from the website itself or TDN.

  10. Oh how I wish I could be a freshman again!! It was the scariest time and most exciting time of my life. Like when my parents left me in my dorm room all alone with these strangers I had a slight moment of panic. That entire first day was just general anxiety, and my roommates (I had two) were just as anxious. If you're nervous or home sick, just remember that everyone else is too!! All my life I've been the kid that was always home sick, yet when I settled in I realized how much fun college was (especially the weekends!!) and really opened up. I feel like college made me a more self confident and outgoing. I mean I'm still not super outgoing but the people skills I learned will carry on with me for the rest of my life. It's like college is secretly teaching another class that you don't know about.


    From personal experience- roommates can be the best and the worst. Do not immediately expect that your first roommate is going to be your best friend forever lol- I have some roommate horror stories. However, I am still in communication with all of my roommates and we are still friends so it's all good.


    It was a lot easier to make friends than I thought, but at the same time it can be intimidating. Clubs were already mentioned...get in on them!! And don't let who you were in high school affect who you think you should hang out with. Some people REALLY intimidated me. Especially going into the art program. But it was funny because in my second year towards the end, some of the art kids told me that I was the one they were intimidated by lol


    Lastly, make sure you double check everything you've packed before leaving home to move in. Do not forget your bedding. haha. Also just relax ;) Personally, college wasn't as big of a change as I thought people made it out to be. Meditation is also something good to pick up if you don't already practice


    P.S. does you school have a social networking website for freshman? I made a lot of friends through my school's site that I actually hung out with.

  11. CLOSED

    Welcome to the voting thread for the sixth round of the Customization Contest (V2)!

    This has been my favorite round so far!

    For the first time since I have been hosting this is going a be a two question poll. You can vote for as many entries as you would like. If you do not want to vote for any of the entries in one particular group select the "none" option

    Thank you to all who entered! As of now all the original voting rules still apply. This will still be a public poll with multiple votes allowed. Anyone and everyone is welcome to vote :) If I have made a mistake with posting your entry please mail me ASAP!

    Entering for the next round starts Monday the 16th. If you are interested in participating please see the main thread:


    Theme: Neopoints Only


    1. You can't vote for yourself, as stated in the rules on the Customization Contest thread.

    2. You can vote for more than one entry.

    4. The top 3 multiple voted entries will awarded a trophy and a designated prize.

    5. If you have any questions, please mail my account (Shelley).

    6. Please do not use any of the trophies from the Forum Customization Contest if you don't have permission

    Congratulations to the Top Three Voted Entries!!

    First Place

    (Awarded Heavy Meridellian Cloak)




    Second Place

    (Awarded Golden Water Fountain)




    Third Place

    (Awarded Golden Water Fountain)




    Thank you to everyone who participated! :)


    Expired Entries


    By: Hert124


    Link for animations: http://impress.openneo.net/outfits/862471

    #2 Queen of Darkness



    Link for animations: http://impress.openneo.net/outfits/856888

    #3 A Wandering Soul
    By: ArowanaPrincess
    Story: If there's anything that a Neopet deserves, it's a great adventure. After all, all souls are wanderers, but not all those who wander are lost.
    By: Oravay

    Link for animations: http://impress.openneo.net/outfits/608262%20%20Story:

    #5 Friend of the Forest
    By: Spritzie
    Story: She feels most at ease when she's immersed in nature, so she frequently spends her days, and nights, wandering the forests.
    #6 Library of Silence
    By: LillytheGrundo
    #7 Divergence
    By: Serythe
    Story: I tried to contrast both ice and fire. Not sure how well that worked out, but I did have fun doing it nonetheless! Enjoy :)
    By: acquarella

    Link for animations: http://impress.openn.../outfits/805861


    #9 Adventurous Acara
    By: Dan!elle
    Story: Cold days call for a little summer daydreaming. This Acara desperately can't wait to adventure again!
    #10 The Lost Isle's Lost Treasure
    By: Deboratibi
    Story: this summer, direct-to-video, starring Gunther Grundsman (you may have seen him in Escape to Kreludor 2)
    #11 Spring Reading Nook
    By: Siniri
    Story: With the soft dappled light filtering through the trees, melody of the beekadoodles winging through the air, gurgling of the spring-fed stream, and fragrance of blossoms wafting through the glade, it's actually no mystery why this forest clearing is Lena's favorite spot to escape with a good book.
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