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Everything posted by granny63020

  1. For your efforts, Legretta_Abyss's defence, strength, and health have increased!
  2. I think Your thinking on the Negg Festival. September 20: Faerie Festival Healing Springs / Guide: Free Complete Heals today. Faerieland Shops / Guide: 50% off items restocking in official Faerieland Shops today (excludes Weapon and Furniture shops).
  3. I didn't know, nobody told me. LOL Faerie Quests For your efforts, Legretta_Abyss's strength has increased!
  4. Yes, that is the answer. Keep playing! Your going to get it and I hope you post it here when you do.
  5. Grandson, why are you trying to teach your pets to be picky eaters! You weren't brought up like that and I just had a hotdog with sour cream for dinner and I had sludge pie for desert. You get in there and eat your dinner! love, teta
  6. Since this is a game of chance every time you make a choice to play a card it determines the path of the game. Here is what I see. 1st frame you have a choice of playing a b9 on a r10. You chose the b9 that had the least cards under it. Sometimes I will do that but mostly I want to get as many cards in the piles turned over and hopefully played as I can. Personally I would have chose the b9 next to the r10. Again, personal choice but this may may changed the outcome of your game. Once you played your b9 in gave you the rJ you couldn't play on it or play it on another card so it was holding up you having an empty column for a King. Also, since in was the 1st play of your game you could use the logic that you have just started so try to empty the columns that have the most cards, that will give you more playing options. From that 1st frame forward you made every play that was available In the last round when you played the 2 of diamonds and then the 3 of diamonds since it was coming to the end I would have moved the 3 of clubs onto the 4 of diamonds, played the 4 of hearts. Moved the 4 of diamonds onto the pile where they 4 of hearts was so I could get to the cards under the 4 of diamonds (of course you achieved the same outcome) but you didn't know what that card was going to be. Also, the 4 of diamonds could have been left in place and move the 3 of spades to the r4. Then you could have moved the King to the empty spot. Who knows what was under the King.You didn't do anything wrong in this game. I still say it is chance and luck with some strategy thrown in. Here are my game stats. Of course according to my plays and wins I only win once every 17 games. Your game was fine. Every time I play a card I play the *what if* game with myself. I do that before I move a card. Try that. Also, even though it gets down to the last round and you seem not to be winning don't quit. I have won many MANY games when it says I have no more plays and I am still playing off the card piles. Keep playing.
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