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Everything posted by granny63020

  1. OK I have sent Glaive of Verdancy to you. Your free to keep and test it until you are satisfied. No hurry on returning. Good luck and I hope you'll post your test results!
  2. Aquamentis12 Did you get the Glaive of Verdancy and the Illusens Staff? If not I am offering to let you use these for testing purposes. I don't intend to add them to my weapons at this point so they can be loaned if needed.
  3. So, there's this... Head over to the collectible coins and click on the shopkeeper for the next part of the quest, then go to meridell's main page http://www.neopets.com/objects.phtml?type=shop&obj_type=68 I don't know what comes after this so I am looking for help with it.
  4. I have no magic of my own to reward you with, so I'm asking for help from another faerie. Light faerie, come and bestow your blessing upon this Neopian! I cannot abide a debt that is not paid. She has brightened Legretta_Abyss's outlook with a new level! A level is fine with me. I don't think I have has a Light Faerie in quite some time.
  5. I got this when I went to the FQ page.
  6. What are you looking to sell it for? I checked and don't have it in my gallery. Want to message me about it?
  7. I lost again last week going to try the Awakening again this week.
  8. You may come visit me at my Rainbow Fountain any time! I'll be happy to reward you with a brand new colour!
  9. Shoot, I don't have the SW open so therefore can't find the item ! UGH! Waiting for a friend to come online so I can ask for help.
  10. when I saw this I thought I would post just in case anyone has a lot of this stock. LOL I am considering selling the 1 I have, just wishing I had more.
  11. Nice little gift for a card game prize. it's an r98 and has a nice price tag.
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