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Everything posted by granny63020

  1. In the past when I kept getting FFQ's I wasn't sure what to do with them either so what I did was I offered to paint pets for other members. Of course I had to create a pet for them then color it whatever they chose then transfer the pet to them. One time I was able to adopt a pet from the Lost and Pound, I trained it then painted it the necessary color for the Lending Program. I felt as if I made good use of the quest rewards. That's been around a year ago but still thought I would mention it as a possible option for you and others that may not have a use for the reward and are feeling generous.
  2. So far I have not received a FFQ, not that I need one because I would have to pull a pet from my side account since I don't have interest in painting any pets from my main. Although after saying that I might consider painting L_A something different. She has been Candy for a long time. On the other hand until this event I have never had a Space Faerie quest and I have had 2 now. Each time my level raised 5 points. I am pretty excited with the 10 point level up and I would be happy to keep getting those! Doesn't the event continue until the 22nd?
  3. I don't know if you have already bought the item but I found one using the SSW a little cheaper. Also, I have seen another comment about members raising prices due to the event. I am wondering how members would know what the Faeries would ask for in order to raise the prices? Do you (and others) think they just go through their shops and raise the prices on Faerie Quest items? I really don't know but if this is the logic then why not go through and buy Faerie Quest items before the event starts and keep them in a SDB until the event. Even use the time between the event to the next event to buy items here and there and just store them away until needed. This is just a thought based off of my own ideas. I do this same tactic for the CC event (because jellysundae had made comments similar to yours during the CC event). Since the CC event I have being storing away 80 R and above items to prepare as well as other lower R items. I haven't thought about inflated prices for the FQ event but since it was brought up in this forum more than once I'm thinking that I will be using this tactic and time until the next FQ event to buy items and keep them until needed. Maybe it will be worth it, maybe not but I won't have to buy every item for every quest as I am having to do now. Thanks for bringing this to my attention, much appreciated. nimue28no 2 29,000 NP amythest00 2 29,999 NP yretie13 5 34,990 NP
  4. Yes but it was a surprise that it didn't start from the 25 / 7. I started with 14 / 7 today.. I had checked the price history on JN and at 1 time that Sun Scroll sold for 45 NP. LOL I just read your post about the quests. I should have cancelled.
  5. Since I brought this up and found out that due to DST changes Trudy had reset and that was why I couldn't play yesterday, well I just went to play and to my surprise the days were 14 / 7. I expected the 25/7. Now this was a surprise! Perhaps they changed the way Trudy handles DST? I'm anxious to know if this is the case with others. Today's quest was for the Air Faerie, she needed a Sun Scroll which was 12,000 NP. I had the Shop Wizard opened today instead of the SSW and it worked out fine. Opening the SW was one of the best tips posted. Of course this was definitely too expensive for an Air Faerie quest but it is what it is. Also did the Craft Faerie quest and got Lilac Creek Background I do think it's pretty and I like it alot. Faerie Quests You have completed a quest for Air Faerie. "Huzzah! The hurricanes have simmered down to an adorable gust. I cannot thank you enough." For your efforts, Legretta_Abyss's speed has increased!
  6. granny63020

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