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Everything posted by granny63020

  1. If you all take a look at this picture that Angelo posted you may like the cape/robe better. I think this pet looks great in it.
  2. Wow! The Battle Faerie! That was a great ending. I always like getting quests from her.
  3. Well, I guess this is the last day. I had hoped to receive more FFQ but maybe Neo was reading the boards of people complaining they were getting too many and they stopped giving them out. Still wish I had gotten at least 1 more but, Oh K SARA SARA. Today the quest was for the Water Faerie and she wanted a Unguberry Elixir. I found one for 2500 NP's but when I clicked it it was gone. So, the next best was 2999 NP's still not a bad price. Here are the results. Good luck to everyone on this final day! Oh, I also forgot to mention that I did get all of the Crafting Faerie items. I was happy with the items but only happy enough to buy just one of each item. Faerie Quests You have completed a quest for Water Faerie. "Oh thank you. That was far from a positive experience." For your efforts, Legretta_Abyss's defence has increased!
  4. Oh goodness! I think I'll pass on this quest today. I appreciate you looking for me. I'm wondering what in the world happened to all of the Voidberry Potion's? OK, I refused the quest then used the SSW to search the item. It does seem there are not many available in the shops. The SSW lists the top 10 lowest prices and came up with only 4 results so that means there wasn't even 10 to list. Here are the results. Searching for 'Voidberry Potion', matching 'Voidberry Potion'... Owner Stock Price mikh26 1 974,999 NP lookidontcare3 1 975,000 NP kaenguyen 1 994,500 NP reliving_chaos 1 999,999 NP
  5. Can someone please search this item and see what you come up with? I have no plans on paying this amount for an Air Faerie quest lol. Please and Thank You. Today my quest is for the Air Faerie and she asked for Voidberry Potion. I have refreshed the shop wizard no less than 25 times and each time it comes up I did not find anything. Please try again and I will search elsewhere! The 1st time it came up with the price of 942,754 NP
  6. Yes you did! I noticed you and Angelo both got a Water Faerie quest. I noticed you both had an increase in Defense. What I want to know is yours says Defense has increased and Angelo's says his Defense increased by 3. Yours also says Tatofase's defence has increased and Angelo's says Reward: +3 defence points for your active pet. Do they just word it differently and yours increased by 3 or do they sometimes award different stats for the same Faerie?
  7. Fire Faerie asked for a Corn Brush that I got for 1020 NP's. Faerie Quests You have completed a quest for Fire Faerie. "Gone. Oh that feels so much better. I can feel that fire return." For your efforts, Legretta_Abyss's strength has increased!
  8. I just put Midnight Cat in to search to see her not it came up as Sorry, nothing containing 'midnight cat' was found. Please try again. I am obviously using the wrong name but your side bar has no neo user name. I am surprised you said Candy. L_G was Candy before I painted her and she was blue and white stripped which is part of the reason I wanted a new colour for her. I just went to the Rainbow Pool and looked her up. I love the Candy colour for the Zafara. I wish it had been something similar for my pet.
  9. Glad you got a second one and are able to change things up! What is the colour she will become? Although I don't know I sure like it and the customization too. I like all the sparkle. Can you post a picture without the clothing?
  10. Here is the results of today's quest. I can not tell what stats were increased. Faerie Quests You have completed a quest for Grey Faerie. "Wow. That actually has cheered me up. For real this time. Ha! Take that, Mister Krawley!" I have no magic of my own to reward you with, so I'm asking for help from another faerie. Earth faerie, come and bestow your blessing upon this Neopian! I cannot abide a debt that is not paid. She has chosen to grow Legretta_Abyss's stats in the Battledome!
  11. Thank you. I bought the one in the link you posted. Normally 5 windows open with the Sop Wizard is enough to find the going price. Just a spot of bad luck using it today.
  12. Today I got a Grey Faerie quest. She is asking for a Skipping Harris Painting. I opened 5 shop wizard windows before I accept the quest so I would have a variety of prices to chose from. Well, 3 of them the Shop wizard said he couldn't find anything and the other 2 were the same as below. I have not bought the item or refused this quest. Could someone please take a look and see what you come up with. I went through my closet, inventory and neohome but it seems I don't have the item. Please and thank you. Shop Owner Item Stock Price cabbil_bane Skipping Harris Painting 1 34,980 NP peppcook2 Skipping Harris Painting 1 99,999 NP
  13. It's 2:18 AM NST Turmaculus The king of all petpets is sleeping... can your petpet wake him up?? You have awoken the great Turmaculus... and he has decided to give you 100 neopoints!!!
  14. Welcome back! Here's to hoping nothing goes wrong and you stay a very long time. Welcome Ceddy. Looking forward to knowing you both.
  15. Thank you SO much! I have to agree with youabout naked pets. It is hard for me to visualize a pet any colour with a white background and no clothes. I know that's what DTI is for but.... I do like Polka Dot but never consider it for a pet. After searching through the Rainbow Pool looking at other pets and colours I think I find the Vandagyre Polka Dot the best looking. It is a bright cheery green not overly done in dots. If I get another FF dip I will consider painting a Vandagyre from my side that colour. Other choices that were not available for my pet were Oil Paint and Marble but I would have liked to have had those colours. After looking through the the available pets I really like the Oil Paint Peophin. I have a Woodland Peophin on a side account and if given the chance I am going to paint it the Oil Paint. I also was zapping a lab rat pet and it became an Oil Paint Quiggle, it too is on one of my sides. Marble pets are a little strange because it seems that all the pets that can be painted Marble are different colours of Marble, no consistency so I would have to see what colour they actually come up with for the Krawks. If I had to chose a Marble pet out of what is available now I would chose the Meerca, Ixi or Kougra. All the Marble pets look a little strange to me. Anyway, if I get more dips I am ready and know what I want to use them for. P.S. Happy St Patty's Day everyone!
  16. Yes, the wings @clock showed were nice but I am a wing collector and I have 27 pair. I know I can use wings on my other two choices my only concern was if I could change the wings on the Faerie Krawk. I like the hair of the Faerie and the color is OK but nothing special. I like the measles look of the Polka Dot. Very bright and colorful. I've never had a Transparent pet and I am a little odd so I like the look of this pet. All dressed up though you maybe wouldn't know she was Transparent, not that this would matter too much to anyone but me. In the past I have tried to add wings after I had finished with adding the BG and the Upper and Lower items and the wings would cover items that I wanted to be able to see. As far as I know the Faeries wings are not removable so that is a minus. So, I guess I won't chose Faerie because of non-removable wings and I won't chose Transparent because I will want her to wear clothes and that would cover her beautiful color. Thanks for all the input but I guess I'm going with the colorful measles look! The worse that could happen is I don't like it and I have to change her color again. If that happens I'll chose another 3 and go from there. @Jelly... I got the same daily gift today that you got. TADA! I love it!
  17. Thank you! I just recently dressed her in these clothes and changed the BG and added the other items so I will be keeping her like this for a while although I do change her up somewhat frequently.
  18. Well, how about some input. Here are the options I am giving. I'm not concerned with what they can wear or what comes with them (if anything) I am only wanting to change the color of my Krawk. She Is Candy now. I like Candy but she has been painted Candy since it was 1st made avaiable and I truly thought when I painted her Candy it would be Red and White striped. My only concern with Faerie is if I can remove the wings and use different wings. So, anyone want to help and give me their opinions?
  19. HORAY!!! Throughout this event I have recieved one Grey Faerie quest but was rewarded by the Air Faerie. TODAY I got a quest from the Fountain Faerie. This is my 1st one during this event and I am excited to get over to the fountain and use my dip. All I needed was a Roast Garapple for 900 NP's. Faerie Quests You have completed a quest for Fountain Faerie. "True to his word. The colour is back. Your kindness will never be forgotten." You may come visit me at my Rainbow Fountain any time! I'll be happy to reward you with a brand new colour!
  20. I recieved another Space Faerie quest YAY! The book she wanted was 1045 NP and my level goes up another 5 points. This is the 3rd Space Faerie quest and I have qained 15 level points from her. I guess those members inflating prices forgot to include her items, thank goodness. Nothing for her 3 quests has been expensive. Faerie Quests You have completed a quest for Space Faerie. "There! I hope that did the trick. Hopefully you won't see me stuck in this loop, again. And hopefully you won't see me stuck in this loop, again... Just kidding." For your efforts, Legretta_Abyss's level has increased -- a lot!
  21. Today I had a quest for the Light Faerie. Had to decline due to price. Here's what JN had to say... Flaming Blooble Potion has price fluctuations! We have detected an increase in price of 18,650% on this item. You may see this item being listed for 900,000 NP on the Shop Wizard as of March 6, 2020. For buyer protection, we list the last known stable market values below. Remove Alert The price before inflation was Price History Inflation Notice: 900,000 NP (18,650%) on March 6, 2020 by Item DB Crew 4,800 NP (+3,350 NP) on January 9, 2020 by Item DB Crew 1,450 NP (no change) on October 16, 2019 by Item DB Crew
  22. LOL You were right. Yesterday I cancelled my quest because it was for the Air Faerie because the item was 24000+NP So today I got a Grey Faerie quest and the item was 1500. I decided to do the quest of course but the outcome wasn't so great... Faerie Quests You have completed a quest for Grey Faerie. "That's better. I guess no wings are preferable sometimes." I have no magic of my own to reward you with, so I'm asking for help from another faerie. Air faerie, come and bestow your blessing upon this Neopian! I cannot abide a debt that is not paid. Her gift with the wind has increased Legretta_Abyss's speed! Well, I can't say I haven't received a Grey Faerie quest anymore. LOL This is the 3rd Air Faerie quest for me in this event. YIPPEE!!
  23. In the past when I kept getting FFQ's I wasn't sure what to do with them either so what I did was I offered to paint pets for other members. Of course I had to create a pet for them then color it whatever they chose then transfer the pet to them. One time I was able to adopt a pet from the Lost and Pound, I trained it then painted it the necessary color for the Lending Program. I felt as if I made good use of the quest rewards. That's been around a year ago but still thought I would mention it as a possible option for you and others that may not have a use for the reward and are feeling generous.
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