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Posts posted by micheee

  1. Hi, I'm trying to get the "Outside Desert Arms Background" and the Jelly Neo item database lists it as 45,000 as of March 2013. I don't have the supershop wizard and I'm not able to find it in a shop yet--could someone do this for me? Also, when I check the trading post the prices listed are all around 400,000, which seems like a big jump from the records that the Item database has for this wearable. There's no auctions for it and it seems like it's in a couple galleries... I'm just trying to find where I might find the cheapest price. Thanks for your help!

    I took a look in the super shop wizard wizard for you, but nothing comes up. Looks like you're going to have to get from the trades, you can always haggle maybe one of the people that are trading is willing to take the price down a little. So maybe the database is wrong or the price has just sky rocketed since then. You can message all the people or some of the people that are trading it and ask how much the "outside desert arms background' is and they will let you know, some may even say its 400k but are willing to go lower. You never know. Your best bet is to ask around and see who is willing to go lower than 400k. Hope that helps :)

  2. 1: Will this be your first AC? If not, how many ACs will this make for you?

    This will be first AC and I'm super excited!
    2: Are you joining the same team as you did last year? If not, where will you go?

    Since I didn't play last year, I looked at some stats and decided that Krawk Island would be the team I wanted to be on!
    3: What are you most looking forward to this year?

    I'm looking forward to playing lots of games and getting lots of points!
    4: Who do you think has the best chance of winning?

    Krawk Island of course!
    5: What rival team are you most looking forward to playing against?

    All of them!
    6: Any AC goals? What are they?

    I want to be higher than rank one by the end of it
    7: A change you're hoping they made to the event?

    Don't know what it was like in previous years so I can't really say

    8: Something you're dreading?

    Being horrible at all the games and not getting any points for my team..

  3. This will be my first year playing the Altador Cup, I'm super excited to see what it's all about. I joined Krawk Island this year because I looked at all their stats from previous years and decided they had the best chance to win. I'll be playing lots of Yooyuball and the other games! super excited for AC to startttt!! :laughingsmiley:

  4. fire-faerie-1-2.jpg

    Hi! I've been waiting very patiently. Just ask the other faeries! Wait, you don't have my item yet? WHY NOT -- I mean, all right, I'll wait.

    You are supposed to bring me:

    Black Jewelled Collar

    help pleaseee :)

  5. this is very sad news.. the avatars that are randoms take the longest. guess I'll just have to keep trying. but the bilge dice - lucky streak is going to be impossible for me, you'd have to have the best luck in the world.. & if I play another hundred games and I don't get the avatar I'm going to start thinking that they're using loaded die too :P

  6. congrats!!


    & me and my boyfriend did that at the same time and he got it on his first run through of the game and for me I took me a couple tries because I kept getting stuck at a certain level can't remember which and I was getting so frustrated. But it is one of those simpler games I guess. If you search online as well there are some tips and cheats to help you out with this game.


    ps. I'm trying to get the bilge dice avatar (for scoring 24 is my preference at the moment) and I've been playing hardcore for the past couple days. I've played almost 300 games and scored 24 a lot of the time and I haven't gotten it yet.. it's such a bummer. :( is it just based on luck or is there something I can do that would improve my chances of getting it??

  7. For the rubbish avatar I started that after I got my SBD avatar and as I was clearing out my stuff I discarded so many things using the quick stock and I still haven't gotten it yet. So all I'm doing now is going through my dailies as usual and discarding most of the things I get from there because most are only worth 1-5 nps. I've been trying to get it for the past couple months but no luck.


    siniri: I'll try and use your strategy and see if that will work for me. sometimes I just get frustrated with playing the game over and over again and not getting close to what the avatar score is :(

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