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Posts posted by micheee

  1. I'm only on rank 5 :( I feel so behind.. why is everyone doing so good...? I did get sick last week so I wasn't on as much and playing as much games as I would have liked. hopefully I can get up to all star, I know it's a long shot but I'll try!

  2. I collect avatars, big time avatar collector. Just recently got into it and using the ALP for some of those rare ones that are more expensive. I also have a collection of petpets in my gallery, it's not too big yet but I'm working on it, quite a lot of money goes into it and I can't wait until it's complete! My stamp album is also a side project that I try and work on now and then. :)

  3. good job! but yeah you should play some SOSD now. maybe you can alternate, like play 20-50 games of SOSD and then one or two games of YYB so at least you doing a few more and take a break from SOSD for a couple minutes because after a while you kinda get tired of it. It's what I usually do so I don't get bored of the same game over and over again! :)

  4. YAYYY! Super Happy we swept VP after getting taken down by Tyrannia...... I'm glad that I pushed myself to continue playing for my team! We can definitely get at least 3rd this year if we keep playing hard! We need to take down DC and move into 3rd, been playing lots of YYB today even though I'm not the best like I said before. Even though we aren't the best at SS we can still keep trying at least to get points for our team.


    Maxdestru: I think you should focus on YYB for today, they seem to be a little better at SOSD than at YYB but their scores are pretty close in YYB. We should be able to take them down in SOSD. Going to be playing that lots today!

  5. You are currently on a quest for a Fire Faerie.

    Hi! While you're out looking for my item, I'm going to sit here quietly. THIS IS BORING! Er, please don't take too long, okay?

    You are supposed to bring me:

    Pink Tiara


    Help pleaseee :)

  6. [Removed] and their cheating is sooo disappointing, I thought we would at least be able to beat them in one thing. It's really unfair and it honestly makes me want to give up.. Plus the other two all star groups that we probably have to play against soon, hopefully we can beat them in something. But I know I need to keep fighting to at least place this year and I know we can do it, I just wish neopets would do something about it.. :(

  7. So I took a look around for you, and it seems to be between 100,000 and 500,000 NP. I know it's a vague range but that's the best that I could find. It looks like it's not the most popular item and not a lot of people are trading or selling it. Your best bet would be to neomail the people who are trading it in the trading post and hope one of them responds with an answer telling you how much they are willing to trade it for. All the users who are in the trading post do seem pretty active having been seen under one day ago, so there's a good chance they will respond fairly quickly. :) hope that helps! if you need anymore help don't be afraid to ask!!

  8. Glad to know that I'm not the only one that freaked out and is now waiting for another 50 minutes to be able to get back into my account. I thought I got locked out and I was slowly dying inside, because of all the work I've been into my neopets account.. so I ran here, posted on a neopets help topic, freaked out some more, went to change my password because I thought maybe that would work, then proceeded to type in my new password only to get denied by neopets and wait a whole hour to log on again.. :worried:


    ps. is the problem fixed, does anyone know??

  9. HELP!!!!!!


    I logged out of my account and now it won't let me back in :crying_blow: i've tried about 5 times now... did i get locked out?


    I just went to see if changing my password would help, so I did, and when I tried to log in it said that I have tried to submit my password too many times so now I have to wait 58 minutes... I dont want to be locked out... this is so sad

  10. For my first AC I think I'm doing pretty well so far, aiming for rank 4 today hoping to get all star by the end of the month. I am a bit behind on where I would like to be in ranking because I got sick and I've been sleeping a lot, so when I get better hopefully I can catch up on my ranking.


    We swept Terror Mountain, yayyyy! :dance: Hopefully we can keep it up facing Brightvale today! I'm super excited to face Tyrannia and see what the outcome of that is, they are in the top spot right now for our bracket and have been beating every team they've played against in everything! Let's not have that happen to us and show Tyrannia who's boss when it's our turn to play against them!

  11. For the hogshead no one seems to selling or trading this item. Looks like the only way you can get it is going to the golden dubloon and feeding your pet. It cost 10 dubloons (~7,300NP) for the hogshead but your pet will eat it at the restaurant. Sometimes you can bring food home if you feed your pet something from every category but I'm not sure how likely that is.

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