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Posts posted by Awesome_Paul

  1. We have a few topics in the debate section, yet they more into one area.


    Did you watch any events?

    Which were your favourite?

    How did your team do?


    I mainly followed GB myself. (Who ruled over sailing/rowing and especially cycling :D)

    But I watch the Taekwondo, which did see quite a few bad decisions (some were re made)

    One which was in the (China) CHEN Zhong vs (Great Britain) STEVENSON Sarah. All replays saw the kick to the head by Sarah, yet the ref didn't see it and awarded the win to China. Thankfully though (after some protest (or so i heard) a official changed the result due to the bad decision.


    The other decision (I didn't see this match) was in the Mens Taekwondo. Some-one was awarded their point (which caused him to lose). Rather than protest, he kicked the official.


    Another GB athlete, I've was watching was GB diver Thomas Daley. 14yrs old and already in the Olympics and I doubt I will be the only one to say, he was pretty well. came 7th/8th in the end, but he gave some of them a run for their money. This person will be one I will be watching again in London 2012. (I may even try to get a ticket if I'm lucky)


    So, did any of you see any of it?

  2. I watched abit of the Olympics, but falling off, doesn't mean it will be rubbish. They performed quite well.


    They look at the performance in general, difficulty, landing etc. The US did a alright performance, but they were no where as difficult as the Chinese.

  3. It gives many prizes (Though you are bound to get alot of repeats)


    Books, Stamps, Furniture, Codestones, Neggs, Wearable are the most common prizes.

    Some have even been rewarding with a Paint brush.


    Though coming in 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th does not matter about rarity of prizes (If you come 1st, you not guaranteed better prizes for those who come 2nd. The only difference is:

    1st = Gold Key: 4 Prizes

    2nd = Silver Key: 3 Prizes

    3rd = Bronze Key: 2 Prizes

    4th = Metal Key: 1 prize.


    So you may be extremely lucky to come 4th and win a paint brush but for those who come 1st may only receive neggs etc

  4. Corvidae, like stated above, people do randomly get kicked out of a game.


    The one thing that I hope TNT does, measure the PC speed of the user and have them in groups. Its so unfair playing against someone that has a high powered top speed pc.

  5. Though you're missing the point.


    Forums/Boards: Quick, Easy, organized. You have your own board for your question, you can disappear for 30+ mins and the answer may be there


    IRC: Disorganized, Slow. You ask a question (in a midst of another topic) you have to keep watch of that screen to hope someone answers it. Come back 30+ and you lost your answer.


    Some people don't like to spend all day on their pc. Some like to post a question then disappear and do other things. That way when they come back, they will see a answer there and the conversation can be more detailed.


    Not entirely if you have 3 mods per channel


    So 3 mods per channel, you said 7 channels. That be 21 mods.

    AND you need back up mods or mods at different time zones. Thats over 40 mods.

  6. Hence the reason for the multiple channels


    You are correct though about the "many" questions at once. Well from my past experiences i have seen 1200 people in a channel and it still flow "smoothly".... Just because people are in there doesn't always mean that they are going to "talk". Some people just stay in and leave there computer on... The dedicated channels CANT be spammed, hence the reason for the bot. Right now its set to kick users for posting 6 lines within a 10 second period, but this can be changed to fit channel needs.


    You said the channels would be battledome, general etc.

    Imagine, you want a question about battling the Meerca henchman. You go into that channel and you see many people talking about different weapons. You're pretty much stuck with your question.


    If it was a board, there be many questions at once. In general, IRC has its places for some places, but taking over a forum, I think not sadly. It be too much hassle.


    Forums are easy because they just watch the new posts as they come in. IRC, the mods will have to switch to a different channel every 5 minutes, and they will have to hire about 20 more Mods to keep a eye on it at all times.

  7. Sure, it's a pretty big idea, but we can pull this off since I think it's time that we got some kind of a shoutbox, since ours isn't available and the Neopets community is already sick of forums (you have tons of Neopets forums, but nothing in real-time).


    We did have a shoutbox. There were two reasons why ian got rid of it.

    -Too much spam

    -The forums came inactive because everyone was talking on the SB.


    The problem with this chat is that they can't have loads of questions going at once.

    On the forums, you can have as many questions/boards as you want. In the chatroom, you pretty much have one topic per channel (until one goes quiet, then you can ask something)

  8. This was probably a prank. They brought out the other building, pretend to blow up their own restaurant to make publicity.


    My money is next month, in the destroyed Cheeky's, There will be a new Ruby Tuesday.

    Business aren't bothered, if they have 2 stores next to each other, they are eliminating the competition. So this is a good way.


    You just brought out a competitor old store. You advertise about blowing up a old store as advertising their restaurant.

    They blow up the other store then rebuild their own there.

  9. Well a comment was posted on the website.

    sadly, there is no Cheeky's Bar & Grill in Mount Holly, OH (or anywhere in OH) --- looks like a marketing stunt - a good one, but a stunt nonetheless.


    I haven't a clue what a Ruby Tuesday or a Cheeku's is (I know they are restaurants though (I gathered that by the name)) But he seems to know more than me, so Im gonna go with the quote.

  10. Okay, here is the guide for being invited. Imagine you have a friend who has created a game and invited you to it.

    You're confused. Its not on the list. How do you find it.


    The first thing to do is ask your friend (if over MSN/PM/NM etc) what chat they have put it in. (general Chat is the most common)

    So you would click on general Chat when reached the main menu.


    So you've click general Chat and you are here:




    The first thing you have to do is click the button located by the blue circle above. This will then take you here:




    Because I couldn't get myself to create and game and invite myself to one, I got Mr Teej to create one and then invite me. When you get to this screen, type your neofriend username into the box, and click the '+' button beside it. Once they have been added, return to the 1st screen by re clicking the Friends box (located on the 1st screenshot)




    This is what you will see. In bright blue It will say

    [Neofriend] came online

    [Neofriend] has invited to you a game


    If you don't see this, ask your friend if he can re make a game.

    Don't worry about all the other text, They're just other users chatting.

    Click [Neofriend] has invited you to a game.


    This will take you to this screen.




    The final step. Click either Accept (Join the game) or reject (Turn down the invitation).

    This should get you into the game. Hopes this helps :)

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