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Posts posted by Awesome_Paul

  1. Perhaps you didn't "cheat".


    But the sound of the email, they said you've been doing games/plots on your side account, which at the time you thought was okay, but infact it is against the rules.


    There is still no definite answer about your account, they are looking into it and if you broken any other rules (so been warned) You won't get your account back.


    If thats your only thing wrong, you will only get the account you included in the form back but they will take away 50% of your neopoints and remove any painted pets (turn them back into basic colours)

  2. Does any of you remember Kalium Echo? Well, I think TNT should have tried our puzzles... they could have found inspiration!! I do not think these riddles were really hard to figure... yay, only 1 step left!


    Correction: 2 Steps left.


    We have completed 5 missions at the moment so the size of the box seen on the Plot HQ is:



    Capable of placing 5 missions links inside it.



    If you increase the end number, the furthest one it goes to is number 7



    Hence there are 7 missions in total. (Hopefully the last one will be BD)

  3. While browsing through the boards, I noticed a thread about this, which contained a paragraph (quote) and the source. I still haven't found the source for this myself, so im waiting for the board creator to neomail the link so before I post the quote, I have this to say:



    Due to there being no source at the moment, This may or may not be 100% true


    Reliable sources have confirmed that the staff has just recently finished work on the next plot. It will be a traditional puzzle plot with a minor emphasis on the battledome. The story will revolve around an ancient and evil curse turning all Neopians to stone. You can expect it to launch within the next few months or so.
    Source: The Italix.


    So hunt for this Italix if you like. But this would be a cool plot. Once I get a reply, I will edit this post straight away.

  4. When browsing other help sites, I recovered this about a week ago.

    Posted by Snarkie on JN


    The plot is English only, meaning not everyone on the site can play it. Hence, there will be no trophy. (One of the same reasons sponsor games don't have trophies. It's not fair for those who can't access them.) Sorry. I'm not sure exactly what the prizes will be, but I know they'll only be of use in Petpet Park.


    Basically, I'm trying to tell you now not to expect your average plot. It's something small and simple that was put together to try and keep everyone entertained while waiting for the park to open... not your average mind-bending saga. :)


    The prizes will be items which you can use in petpet park. I also agree with the no trophy.

    If another country had a plot which we could understand, and they got a trophy out of it, everyone would complain, so why should we.

  5. I think the mayan predicted that in 2012, like levy said the poles will shift, not that the world will end.




    They got sick of writing a calendar, I mean, if you were back then, would you want to write a calender to year 99999 :P They just decided to stop at 2012 and let another generation carry (which they didn't) though world ending or not, this shall be interesting to see :P

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