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Posts posted by Awesome_Paul

  1. Perhaps they don't know.


    When you enter keyquest, you can ort it from the groups, or the number of keys.

    When you sort by the number of keys, say 5 keys. The computer goes through all 5 groups looking for 5 key games.


    So if you created a 5 key game in the newbies section, People sorting the games by 5 keys see it.

  2. There is no need to complain to TNT. As stated in the news:


    Daily Dare Update - Sorry we are aware that there is an issue with people not getting their second prize who have beaten AAA in the Snowmuncher game. We will try to give out the prize that you are currently missing asap.
  3. Your abilities are fine. Your stats are good enough to beat them, however be easier with higher defense. Also isn't the next strength boost 85? If so, go for that.



    I reccomend getting a Downsize! and a Thick smoke bomb. These 2 plus your Sink and Burrow gives you 4 free rounds prety much.

    Getting a better healer be better. Green schorchstone only heals 40 points. If you can't afford a better one, get a Lucky Robots foot, which heals you max.

    Staff of Snowglobe is good but makes sure it freezes on the first turn, if not heal (via weak opponent) and restart.

    Then 2 good weapons, 2 Ylanas Blaster would be a good attacker.


    So a basic turn by turn guide.

    1: Freezer & Ylanas Blaster & Burrow (If it doesn't freeze, restart, or hope he uses its healer)

    2: Ylana & Ylana & Fierce

    3: Ylana & Ylana & Sink.

    4: Ylana & Thick Smoke Bomb & Fierce.

    5: Ylana & Downsize & Normal


    With those 5 turns his health should be low while you have avoided its attacks.

    But if you need to continue


    6: Healer & Ylana & Normal


    That should hopefully beat him, if you need anymore, just use your Ylanas Blasters, It can be luck sometimes, took me awhile to beat him.

  4. I personally like the island Sauropod the most.


    With your second pet, perhaps because you're painting it baby. Maybe a plushie petpet be best.

    Looking at plushie petpets, maybe a Plushie Harris be good. It looks like a teddy bear, which babies usually have :P

  5. Im still deciding what to paint.


    My first FFQ I painted my gelert plushie.

    I recived my second a few days ago, and not sure what to get.


    Well decided my second, I though I get the avvie, with a Pirate Buzz :D

    My collection of pets is building. 1 Pirate, 1 Zombie, 1 BD pet.

  6. It will probably be a Abigail prize.

    Wasn't AAA token given out by his GMC?


    If this is given out as Abis prize, I gurantee there will be complaints. Can't wait :D

    People going for the top prize will have 2 options.

    - Have top prize

    - Have this token.

  7. I've played the new POP. Its good, but don't expect it to be like the other POP. They have taken a different way of doing this. But if this one sells enough, they have made it for a sequel.

  8. Yeah, TNT has promised that the NCmall would not affect the free part of the site. But by paying $20 to buy the 30 game tickets. The user could walk out with maybe 1-2+ million np profit.


    Which basically breaks that promise becase the ncmall is affecting the free part.

  9. Is it me or should Lulu prizes should not be able to be sold for neopoints.

    TNT has stated in the past that the NC mall has no impact on neopoints etc. Yet having to buy tickets, beat easy challenges and then be able to sell it for neopoints. Isn't that basically buying neopoints with neocash?

  10. Me and V had a very strange conversation one night.

    I couldn't remember having it but the nex morning she told me about it. All I remember was it was when I got home from our work christmas party / deputy manager leaving due (In january)


    Sadly I don't have any quotes (they're on my old computer), but Im sure V still has them :P

  11. Well if you're not known enough around the forums, the collateral will be high. This is because there is nothing to prove you won't just keep the item.

    If you donated loads of been around the forums enough, You will be more trusted and it may not cost as much.


    A new person won't be able to walk in and get lent a 1million item for 100k. But yes depending on the item, you may still have to put up millions.


    Odee is right, Collateral is only the NP/Items the alp has while you have the item. It covers so if the item is lost or stolen, they have the funds to buy a new one. Your items are placed in the trades and once you offer the avatar item, the trade will be accepted and your items will be returned.

  12. ok so i really want this avatar and i havent signed up for any trades.... what collateral is accecpted and wanted? how does this work. you can neomail me at BailaBell.


    The first thing you should do to get lended is to PM 'TDN Avatar Lending' saying why you want the item/pet, who you are and what collateral you have.

    They should then PM you back with the required collateral. This depends on how much you're known around the forums, how long you've been here etc.


    Thats pretty much it. If you do want to donate then go the the 'tdnalp' neopets account and buy some sands. You can send the sand back to them so it keeps the shop updated, up to you.


    For any more information, you should go Here or Here.

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