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Posts posted by Awesome_Paul

  1. I reckon Spain will win this now, look at the German scores, 2 matches, 8 goals scored, 1 goal conceded. If the Spanish can beat that, there is NO WAY Holland can topple Spain. It be quite interesting both teams aren't known to play defensive. But Im predicting 3 - 2 to Spain, End 2-2 FT then spain will score last goal in extra time.


    Either way, gonna throw this out here, Spain deserves this cup, and if Holland does win, it will be the biggest upset this year. Spain has beaten most of the top teams this year. Hollands impressive victories is one: brazil.

  2. Football has nothing to do with me anymore. God has appeared through this world cup.


    God = German Octopus who has guessed correctly to every match in the world cup. I don't care how well the players are doing, whoever wins is down to the german god octopus!

  3. Who is in charge of the global ranking systems? I would have thought the ranking would be due to previous world cup's etc. Last time brazil won the world cup was 2002, and in 2006 they weren't even the top 4.


    2006 Results:

    Winner: Italy

    Runners-Up: France

    Third: Germany

    Fourth: Portugal


    Either way, Germany will win this year anyway, they have the superior team and are on top form this year.

  4. I think yesterday made most english feel a bit better. Argentina has been on a rampage, beating most teams, yet lost to germany 4-0


    England lost to germany 4-1(2). Plus the added fact, if germany does win (very likely now) we would have been knocked out by the champion.

  5. And passed the test we have. If we can beat BRAZIL, we can beat anyone. Brazil is ranked 1st in the world when it comes to soccer, and we won.


    Brazil is one of the best in the world, not the BEST.

    My money is now on Germany, watching their quarter final against Argentina, this team is bloody unstoppable, unbeatable etc. They have amazing defence and amazing strikers.


    Spain is obviously going to go through tonight, but the winner of Spain vs Germany will win the cup. That is my final to be honest, that will be a great match. Holland is a contender, but if germany can outplay all their opponents they are a higher contender. And spain is still favourites

  6. Today is the real test for you then CAV, You've have been saying Holland is unstoppable, the favourite to win the cup, they have been playing good.


    Now they will face a good team, and watching it, Holland is nowhere near the skill level of Brazil, whether it been one brazil player running round 3-4 holland players, or whether it be that crap corner (kicking it a tiny bit then running off. Fav part about that is that no one capitalized so they said, "we forgot to take the corner and i ran off")

  7. Normally with ______ got talent (well at least the British version) During the auditions, the viewers take no part, its all up to the 3 main judges.


    The next step, after all the auditions is the judges narrow the competition down to 50 people. At that point, the viewers vote who goes through. Normally, if there are 5-6 acts on a show. At the end, the viewers can vote. Then the act with the most votes go through and the acts who has the 2nd and 3rd amount of viewer votes, the judges pick.

  8. I think RI may win it. Like Bloom said, we have improved since last year. Plus the added fact, we have beaten LD and KD in the round robins. Im hoping for a RI vs DC final


    I don't want KD to win since no female has ever held the cup and I want Mirsha to be the first


    When RI won, Lilo held the cup, pretty sure she is female.

  9. CAV, Netherlands is doing OKAY. not Good, not amazing. And im looking forward for someone to kick them out now.


    Plus, Capello's contract is until 1012 - I don't think they can get rid of him...


    He has said he won't resign, but he is holding a press conference after taking to the club manager, he can still be sacked though.


    I do disagree on how England played crap in that game. The fact they had possession of the ball more than the germans, and had more attempts than the germans. I think they played 100% better than they did in the group stage.


    Still disliking that FIFA will not comment on technology after the disallowed goal. Though do love how England may be changing football. With that goal they will keep arguing about bring in technology


    But my question stands, If the England Club manager does decide t get rid of Fabio Cepello, who would you like to replace him.


    My choice would be Arsène Wenger, he be good because he can get all the younger players into world class stars, If you look at his Arsenal team, most of his players are younger than the rest of the league, yet he manages to get them to beat some of the best.

  10. To be honest this is ridiculous. Anyone could see that goal went in, even the linesman had a cleared vision yet nothing. That goal was the turning point for the whole match.

    After that, they decided to replay that goal 5 times, which affected the players.


    I know think football should do what rugby, cricket etc do. Have a video referee as well. This will avid any confusions and avoid any referees being seriously harmed. I would hate to be that linesman, due to his muck up, England is out of the cup and now has every England supporter going straight for him.


    Question is: with Capello not being able to take the team to the quarter finals he will surely be sacked, who will be the new manager?

  11. This World cup is weird, France is knocked out, Italy is knocked out, Ivory Coast is knocked out. All the small teams are surprising the bigger teams. 2 Matches im looking forward to is Argentina vs Mexico (Go Mexico!). And probably one of the biggest matches of all. England vs Germany.


    And this isn't because Im supporting England (so this is the biggest match of all) Anyone can google this, England vs Germany has one of the biggest rivalry in derisory of football. Guarantee everyone who is a old football fan, whether they support England, Germany, USA, Holland, Spain, Brazil etc(Basically any country) will not miss this match.

  12. No offence, I don't see why how Netherlands are "Unstoppable". Looking at the qualifiers they have had, still isn't impressive. I mean, look at England's qualifiers, They have some 5-0 results. Plus in the group, Netherlands and England had the same number of points and Goal difference. So England should be Unstoppable, but I don't think they are. For most teams, It isn't "Unstoppable, Undefeated etc" It is just one word: "Lucky"

  13. But within the qualifiers and the group stages, most their opponents hasn't been that great. Good yes. Best in the world like Spain and Brazil = No. That's why I got them losing to them.


    Plus another reason why I have them being beaten by Brazil. In Brazil group, another team is Ivory Coast, a team which has some amazing players (Drogba for example). Im not too sure of Holland's players, but if Brazil can beat IC, then chances are they will beat Holland.

  14. My predictions for future world cup fixtures (does not include scores)




    As much as how I support England, they may scrape past Germany, but unless they start playing better, they won't be getting pas Argentina in their current state. Im hoping now they passed the group stages, they may start plan better.


    Reason why I have chosen Ghana over the USA is the fact, they have been in a much harder group than the usa, so they may get past 1-0.


    I do reckon I have the top 3 correct though

  15. Im glad England came second to be honest. USA has Ghana (tough match :P) England has Germany, and if we beat Germany Argentina.


    If I want England to win the cup, they should have to go through some tough matches first and knock out some top teams. I wouldn't be a fan i they had easy match after easy match. They're not earning the cup then.

  16. Glad Spain lost. Now, if Switzerland wins or draws the next 2 games, and Spain wins both, Spain will still finish 2nd.

    Its pretty obvious Brazil will 90% win their group, which will turn out Brazil vs Spain in the next round. Which is good because it will knock out one of the favourite before the finals.

  17. One interesting fact I learned today (about Germany and the ball). When FIFA announced the new ball, most teams argued that the ball was rubbish and hard to handle. Real reason why Germany is the highest scoring team so far is the fact, where every other team have no experience with this ball and are finding it hard to handle, Germany has been playing with it for the last 5 months. This could make them a huge favourite to win now.

  18. Ouch...some bitterness, eh?


    I'm an American, and I am proud of that goal! :D


    Not really, Just not a fan of own goals. Even when england won against mexico due to 2 own goals. I was calling that match pathetic etc, They should just cancel own goals (meaning they have no effect on the score etc). Football is better and more exciting without own goals.

  19. To be honest, The England - USA match was a JOKE. England goal was alright, but the equaliser was rubbish. Im with most of the UK, get rid of green and bring back David James. He wouldn't have made that error.


    Also any Americans should not be proud with the goal. No effort was put in, he was running towards goal, English defenders came up so the striker gave a light kick. No skill etc, only reason it went in was due to the goalkeepers error, not the american forward

  20. Obviously England will win tonight. England main 2 sports we're good at are Football (Not soccer). America is baseball and American football.


    Overall in the world cup. I do think England has a good chance. They have a good team, good group and even good fixtures after that (If you know about this you can easily spot who will win each group). They should reach the semi final, if not the final itself. Qualifiers we played well, the pratice were rubbish.


    As i was writing this England is now 1-0 after 3 minutes.

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