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Posts posted by Awesome_Paul

  1. No problem, links on the post now to make it easier :P


    Like how they;re doing it this year, we aren't actually in the Festival of Neggs yet. These quests are preparation until the 19th (so last quest 17/18th?) then the real festival begins :P

  2. Done a bit of research on this before posting, looking at past news reports etc.

    1) This dog is a companion for a 12year old disabled girl, why would you get her a American bulldog, it doesn't exactly seem like, you would think it be a gentler/lazy dog. Plus the owner even said

    Lennox's only issue is with strangers, which is when I would muzzle him.

    And hoping no one takes offense, people will say anything to prevent anything bad (how many people lie on CV, applications etc).

    2) No matter how many signatures it gets, nothing will happen. Like every petition, disagreement etc, there are always a few idiots, when this was taken to court, the judge may have looked at the support etc, but instead there were some idiots (hold on, calling them idiots would make idiots look bad) who sent letters soaked in petrol, or slashed officers tires.

  3. I like it, with others who have won, they over do it and try to fill the page with information/graphics etc. This person done the opposite, they haven't tried to show off by saying "Yeah I can put graphics all over the place" They left it with simplicity.


    Like many others things, whatever you're doing (Like I'm doing marbling) You work on your project till it looks good, but you can make something good look terrible just by keep working on it. Put what needs to be there and that's it.


    Also Im pretty sure no-one else has done the pets in the header thing either so its original/simple (plus I love the wood background). Easy Win in my opinion.

  4. It depends on your personal opinion. If you're just a employee work is a 9-5 job, you barely have any stress but your wage isn't as high. But on the other side, if you're self employed, you work 24/7 to find any work, you may struggle to find work sometimes but you will get all the money, not just a share of it.


    Im not a accountant, but im hoping to be self employed by the end of the year/next year.

  5. Just unlocked the surf move, so I decided to go back hunting. On the town map it actually shows Team Plasma secret lab (surely if its a secret, should be be viewable on the town map :P), yet nothing that special there.


    Also managed to catch Cobalion, think I only had to use 3-4 dusks balls on it which is lucky.

  6. Just completed the 5th gym now, at first it gave me trouble, but finally got around it.

    Team is:

    Panpour Lv32

    Servine lv30

    Archen lv30

    Herdier lv30

    Victini lv30


    Still haven't decided on the 6th member. Anyone know whether Archen can learn Fly in its evolved form?

  7. Thought I give it a post, decided to rent out Black, and gonna post my thoughts.


    Haven't gotten far (only beaten the 2nd gym) but for what i have found out is the difficulty has sorta increased slightly. It has turned into an actual RPG where grinding is not possible, the higher level you get, the lower exp you receive. This does make the gym battles slightly harder and have found out round the beginning its best to pick 3/4 to train because 6 would take far too long. But so far my main team is:

    Servine lv21

    Tranquill lv21

    Herdier lv21

    PanPour lv20


    Plus others which are around Lv10-15 which haven't trained yet.

  8. Im still in college at the moment studying my final year of Painting and Decorating (More specialist painting now (marbling, figure oaking etc)). After that I have loads of options to choose:

    -Going to uni and doing a teaching degree (what I probs do in 10-20 years when im old)

    -Standard Painting and Decorating (owning my own business etc)

    -Going into film/tv and designing and building the sets.


    Im the type of person who can't stand a desk job, I prefer to be out and about than being stuck in the same building, in the same room, in the same chair behind the same desk.

  9. Ok, so I just shut down and re turned on. The desktop icons appeared at first but on the system tray (the bottom right corner) a new icon appeared then disappeared (It was a little person with a speech bubble :P). After this dude disappeared, the icons went.


    So at the moment I right click and disabled "Auto arrange" then used a system restore to go back 3 days ago before this problem started). This may have fixed it because the icons didn't disappear.

    But if it starts again, may just take it to a computer shop to give it a maintenance check(clean inside (have a crack on one corner so must be galleons of dust inside by now :P, use some powerful checkers etc)

  10. This all started 2 days ago. I have a Asus Laptop with Windows Vista.


    Everytime I restart my laptop, the desktop icons disappear. I usually fix this my right clicking and click "Show desktop icons" twice.

    I ran a scan on AVG and Spybot and nothing came up. Plus I haven't really touched anything to do with the icons so no clue why? :P

  11. Well here are some of the stats:


    Brynns Legendary Sword of Wraith Smiting: Constant 13 Icons (5 Physical, 3 Earth, 3 Fire and 2 Light)

    Altador Strength Potion: +5 Strength

    Hansos Legitimately Acquired Dagger: 3 Fire, 3 Dark, 1-3 Physical

    Hanso Charisma Charm: 5-6 Earth, 5-6 Light 20% ( roughly ) chance of 2 HP heal.


    And yes, the guyliner is wearable ;)

    I wouldn't recommend the Pb, It has just hit 300k on the TP so by the morning will be about 800k I guess.


    Haven't bought anything yet, but with 108k points, my list would be sword, backgrounds, maybe the charm and some books? I will probably leave 20k left to spend in a few weeks

  12. After reading it, I understand where you are coming from, the site is full of trolls and need some more mods etc.


    But I agree with others here, Its his website and if his web traffic isn't affected, he won't worry. With all the problems, people are still going back to the forums every day. Im sure there are other spyro forums out there anyway.

  13. Im not gonna post images, because it will just cause the page to go BOOM at some point.


    Most Surprisingly Good Game



    Most Disappointing Game

    Fable 3


    Least Improved Sequel

    Star Wars: Force Unleashed 2


    Most Improved Sequel

    Assassin Creed: Brotherhood


    Best Story

    Heavy Rain

    (Close runner up: Alan Wake)


    Best Multiplayer

    Battlefield: Bad Company 2


    Best Co-op

    Army of Two


    Best Sports Game

    FIFA 11


    Handheld Game of the Year

    Golden Sun: Dark Dawn


    Worst Game of the Year

    Alien vs Predator


    Game of the Year

    Red Dead Redemption



    I add reasons why later.

  14. My Last film watched was "Scott pilgrim vs the world"


    I actually really liked this film, many companies try to make games into films but they usually end up crap (a few are okay). A few companies turns films into games, again these are usually crap and overrated (and again a few are okay). What has never been done before is throw out the changing one into the other, and turn the film into a game whilst in the film xD, because of this, the graphics was taken to the next level with the incorporation of video games. The story isn't as good as the entire film, boy meets girl, then must fight the seven evil ex's. Never been done before, but with any other film it wouldn't work.


    Final verdict : 8.5/10 Great entertainment film!

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