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Posts posted by Awesome_Paul

  1. Fish Negg is only 40mil. Not sure why, only effect it has is 50 Neggery points (be cheaper to buy 50 cheap neggs :P)


    My Guess excluding stamps or the Darigan Sword of Death.

    Malevolent Sentient Poogle Plushie (TCG)

    Super Attack Pea

    Wand of the Dark faerie


    Most of the expensive items are BD weapons or stamps.

  2. The 2 games im currently playing are:

    Tales of Vesperia (never completed on first play through, but going through all my xbox rpgs again)

    Driver: San Francisco


    Though think my gaming days are away for a while, broken/dislocated my thumb today, im hoping the doctor will just click it into place tomorrow :P

  3. There are a number of things that is causing this. Going to your manager and saying, This is unfair, I'm sueing the company will only get you in further trouble.


    Each company has a hours budget, something a manager cannot go over. Maybe he is planning to hire a new worker to cover your maternity leave, and needs to use some hours to train a new person up.


    Maybe his boss has said he is using to many hours and not bringing in enough money, so they have cut his hours budget. (This can happen, happened to where I work, we weren't making enough money so they cut our hours budget from 480 to 420 a week. When that happens they can take hours off people.


    Why have you not gone to your manager and asked why? Unless he has admitted its because you're pregnant, if you take legal action and accuse them of using pregnancy when its not, will cause you to be in a lot of trouble and have a bad reference.

  4. Today was pretty challenging, got the to the end, found a few mistakes so restarted, then had to redo it. Its even tougher when most of my pre placed members are on the bottom half of the board. I can easily get the bottom complete, but by the time I got to the top half, its mainly guess placing sometimes.


    I'm hoping they will do a 9x9 square puzzles, simplicity at its best.

  5. Chances are it will be released at 12am (13 hours time)


    Though I do have a feeling he isn't who he said he is, perhaps he is the Dread Pirate Sherman, wanting to return Krawk island to recruit more pirates xD


    It said check back tomorrow so I am thinking next step will be out with the news seeing the news is tomorrows news. I am soooo excited.


    Though the official start of searching wasn't released with the news, it was released at 12am, so perhaps it will be the same

  6. The best reflective to use is the U-Bend of Great Justice, It reflects all water damage. So because the Snow beast uses only water based weapons, if you get get him to use the right weapons on the right turns, it can be a quick battle. Only problem is it costs 1.7m

  7. BB got cancelled in our country when a racist comment was made on our celebrity one :(


    I miss it! Might have to start watching the American version ;)


    Never got cancelled. After however long it's been going on for, Channel 4 must have gotten bored with it (finally) and sold it. Five bought it off them and it set to release soon.

    May see how much Five changes it, but I hate Big brother. Just hate how they have it on 24hr.


    3:15am: Everyone is alseep, someone wakes up to get some water.


    Surely there was better things to show in the morning.

  8. Most teams have trolls on the board. Which in end makes the whole team look bad. Like V said, go have a chat in some of their boards and see which suits your personality. If you wait till the AC you will get all the trolls with"My team is the best!!!1" boards.

  9. Thought usually if it was a plot, the front marquee would say plot, rather than event.


    Krawk Island Marquee



    Negg Festival Event



    Return of Dr Sloth Plot 2008



    Notice the sides, quite unknown why no-one thought of this before the editorial. If it was a plot, the marquee would say Plot. Even though Im wishing it will turn into a plot, think it will just be like a negg festival, find the pieces, help put it back together. DONE!

  10. Gonna point this out seeing as how no one has thought of it. Someone has said the minimum age is 15, so people are ageing some as 15/16. If we are still talking about human years, and the fact some/most of them has played for 5/6 years. The minimum age should be 20?

  11. My sister's father-in-law got a 3D TV for Christmas. I wouldn't buy one, but it was nice to visit.


    When I was to a local electrical shop, they had a 3d tv for people to try. Its pretty impressive, maybe not to use 24/7, but for the special occasion

  12. Lutari Island - I like this the most, maybe when they get around to opening the island (TNT has stated they haven't forgotten about it) A team may come forward to represent.


    Jelly World- Pratice Team


    Neopia Central - Perhaps, Maybe TNT are trying to think of a uniqueness for them (KI looks like pirates, RI = jesters etc) Neopia cetral is more shopkeepers, but tehy may come in with Lutari Island to make it even


    Neovia- The people in Neovia are far too posh to play a rough game, they're all on the sidelines with their little binoculars making bets xD


    Geraptiku- Another perhaps, but I always thought it was abandoned, like a old ancient indian village etc


    Maraqua Ruins (Old Maraqua)- Surely no-one lives here, When maraqua was destroyed, all survivors went to build new Maraqua, not 2 different sets of people.


    Tyrammet, Qasala,Ice Caves, Happy Valley: Gonna group these together, They re still technicall part of Tyrannia, Lost Desert and Terror Mountain. Like in the world cup, although Texas is a state, it is still inside the US so the US represents it.

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