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Posts posted by Awesome_Paul

  1. Comparing the teams to this year AC to the overall Fifa teams, perhaps swap these around:


    France - Krawk Island



    England - Meridell


    France is a much more powerful team, and like in the KI they have grasped victory so many times. England is mainly all talk in the world cup, we get to the top 16 and then fail xD

  2. Chances are it wouldn't have been today anyway. Very unlikely that they would end the altador cup then reveal the next plot straight away.


    My prediction is they altered the map to excite and wanted to listen to the speculations and ideas (or just funny stories) we will probably get a introduction on friday?

  3. Quick question, how was Maraqua the biggest threat?. They moved between the top and second tier many times within the finals. Surely if they were a real threat (or contender) to the top, they would have been in the top tier the majority of the tournament. Kreludor and Krawk Island were the real threats within the tournament. Maraqua only secured a place in the top 4 within the last few days.

  4. It kinda depends on what area of retail you're aiming for. If you're working for a shop that has a good reputation (one of the shops where rich people shop etc) They may get offended if you turn up to work (even if you are planning to get changed etc) Best advice, so you don't have to fake yourself, try and find a shop that suits your style.

  5. I got a good result from this round: 15k NP.


    Jimmy James: 5930

    Comastar: 9325

    Briek: 6265

    Mr Insane: 3080

    Socktastic: 7785

    Total: 32285

    Dunno if I be able to improve this team, providing good results now, though gonna wait till the other staff results, may need to change mr insane.

    Never mind, team is all performing well compared t others

    Glad socktasic finally out beat Snarkie. It was a close call each round, but she pulled ahead big time this week.


    dcoolb how come you haven't upgraded your team any rounds? there isgonna be a prize shop so should aim for top points.

  6. I dunno, If anything, they will get 2nd/3rd and they will win next year. Kreludor just have the finals motivation. But Maraqua really needs to step it up in Yooyuball, drawing that and winning side games, won't get into the finals :) But we'll soon see.

  7. I reckon Maraqua may come 4th, depending on how well they do this round. 11 wins so far in YB isn't enough so far (when you have 4-5 teams with more). I think Kreludor will win it this year.

    Though I predict the top four as:

    1st: Kreludor

    2nd: Virtupets

    3rd: Krawk Island

    4th: Meridell


    Maraqua may be able to switch with Meridell though, if they get their results in round 2.

  8. Well after the research I did from week 1 (posted in my last post) my team was:


    Jimmy James: 5930

    Night Owl: 1635

    Briek: 5065

    Mr Insane: 3220

    Soctastic: 4970

    Totalling at 20820


    Much better than my 9000 of week 1. Hopefully when we find out each person score, will see if I can improve again.

    The only edit I mad ths round was replacing Night owl with Comastar. I could replace Socktasti with snarkie, but their points are too close and i prefer Socktastic.

  9. Hold on, Adam and Donna sold Neopets to Viacom and went to start the new company Meteor Games. Think they were designing a MMO called Twin Skies to begin with. They are now making neopets games.


    So Adam and Donna has agreed to work for Viacom on a business they sold? Its like owning a shop, selling it then going back to work as a cashier xD

  10. 3 teams that jumps into mind are: Tyrannia, Terror Mountain or Virtupets.


    They aren't the biggest teams, yet they aren't the tiny teams. Because of that their boards are usually quite fun (from what I'v heard) and they work hard whilst having fun.

  11. Just to help people choose their round 2 teams, Here are the tables for round 1



    1: Snarkie: 4390

    2: Socktastic: 4180

    3: Twitterpate: 2705

    4: SenorMalo: 2540



    1: Briek: 5240

    2: Mr. Insane: 2860

    3: Bancha Ninja: 2510

    4: Dirigibles: 1400

    5: El Picklesaur: 1395

    6: Pie: 1375

    7: Undutchable: 525



    1: Jimmy James: 3935

    2: Night Owl: 2010

    3: Comastar: 1910

    4: Dragona: 1180

    5: Viola: 765

    6: Squiggles: 740

    7: DJ Skellington: 500


    So of course, if they play as hard, your team should be

    Snarkie (although mine is Socktastic (RI :D))



    Jimmy James

    Night owl

  12. It is interesting to say the least. You can tell it is going to be very expensive with that controller etc (could be £100 just for the controller). Graphic wise, looking at the zelda demo, they can produce really nice graphics, hopefully the game develops will use that part though.


    Thing that did interest me was the screen on the controller. You can play your games without using a tv, sorta making it more interesting as you won't need to wait for a tv to be free. Plus the fact with the demo game shield?. You look at the tv for the help but the screen on the controller gives you a new view on it.


    Not sure if I would buy this, hopefully some stores will demo it beforehand.


    Perhaps the original Wii was feeling threatened by the Kinect, and wanted to test the waters to see if they could jump ship from 'full-body' gaming to more a more traditional form that some consider a more solid market? D:


    Not really, with the new Wii, you still have the motion games etc, they have just taken it to the next level combining the old style of games with the new style. You can't improve the wii on just one area. Not like they sat in the office thinking, "how could we make this more of a motion style console".

  13. I think Nintendo has a day for itself on Tuesday because there are speculations flying that they are releasing their new console. Should be good if they're true to see what they have done with the Wii. Kinda hit and miss though, They should have waited for Sony and Microsoft to reveal theirs to compete for the next gen sales. Though suppose they will get the sales before them (if it's good enough)


    But games wise:

    Tuesday: Gears of War 3 and the new Batman game (COD doesn't interest me anymore)

    Wednesday: LOTR, Tomb raider, Prototype 2, Ninja Gaiden, Elder Scrolls.

    Thursday: SSX, Sonic, Rayman, Star wars TOP, Assassin Creed and Jurassic Park. It be interesting to see Jurassic Park. The film has been out for 10 years+ (Jurassic Park 1 is one of top 10 films) so be interesting to see what they made it into to.


    I be looking forward to Wednesday mainly. Thursday only a few things concern me.

  14. My team is


    --------------------------------------------Night Owl (DC)

    --------------------Pie (FL)

    Socktastic (RI)

    --------------------Dirigibles (LD)

    --------------------------------------------Viola (KI)


    Socktastic because its RI. Viola and Dirigibles because they got gamers I think. Night owl because its a owl at night (and she is new) and Pie, do i need a reason.

  15. I've heard good and bad this about this game.


    Apparently Rockstar designed the city completely unique, so nothing look the same. The only thing people hate is there is nothing else you can do in it. The only added thing is finding 50 hidden films.


    I will probably rent it, but I wouldn't pay £40 for it.

  16. Like Ryan, far too lazy to read all the giant posts. I also don't believe the world will end tomorrow. I think Americans are the only ones who do, but that isn't a good thing.


    When this all came about that the world will end today. One American set out to make some money. So he made a website saying:


    "pets don't enter heaven, If you pay me $100 I will personally look after your pet" (in more detail though)


    Here is the hilarious thing, most people who believed about the end of the world would think "But how could he survive".... They didn't. Instead he had more than 130 people ($13,000) asking him to look after their pet. It just shows you could walk out of the street and say Ice cream will grant you wishes, chances are everyone will panic buy Ice cream.

  17. One thing also is Osama is dead, but do all americans think the war on terror is over. Or has killing Osama only just started the terrorists. All you can think is there has got to be more than one person controlling the whole army, chances are someone else will replace him and they will want revenge.

  18. Yeah he has been hiding for 10 years. But if you were part of some army intelligence. You noticed a house bigger than others in a neighborhood, with massive walls around, burning all their rubbish and having no telephone lines. When noticing it would you either think:

    a) This is a nice house, away from any gun fire etc, wouldn't it be lovely to live here.

    b) This seems far too suspicious lets check it out more.


    Im not saying he has been there for all this time, but would have been a bit more common sense to check it out.


    Now to lighten the mood, who needs army intelligence when you have the Janitor!!


    But as far as this part of your comment goes, do you actually live in America? And where were these supposed street parties going on because that seems pretty ridiculous that there were street parties going on here because well quite frankly those kinds of things just don't happen.


    Don't happen, they were celebrating in times square and outside the white house, there are videos etc. Reports of some people lighting cigars and holding up signs of "Ding Dong Osama's Dead" and "America, [removed] yeah!"






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  19. If you have read the news or turned on the tv, you would know that the army finally caught/killed Osama Bin Laden. Good news this is and everything, but there a few things I think is stupid.


    The compound he was found in had 16ft tall walls, no telephones lines going in or out, and they were burning all their garbage. The army discovered this compound last august. Would you not think back then it was suspicious and should see who lives there :P Could have saved some time.


    This is what I heard briefly on the news this morning (so could have changed) Inside the house they found Osama, some other guys (they killed 3 other men) and some woman and children. Osama used the woman as a human shield, but surely the massive army could have gone into the house, killed the other men, and tried to escort Osama out alive to discover secrets etc. Not reun in there, discover he was using a human shield, shoot the woman and then killed him, understand it was a shock and everything but still.


    The third point is the final point, as soon as he was killed and it was all over the news, Americans decided to throw street parties and celebrating is far too much, sure it was a great victory on terrorism, but isn't that basically near the same level as them, celebrating the death of others, next thing will be they will want his head on a stick. Thought the human race evolved from that?

  20. Like Xepha said, usually best to study at least a week before.


    Either last year or the year before, I also had a studying problem, too many distractions so college overwhelmed me. My technique was (thanks to V :P) the library. If you take everything you need there, you look around and see everyone studying, so you think "If I don't study or walk out straight away, It'll look weird" so you sit there and read, then on the way home just try to ask yourself random questions about it.

  21. How do you collect the slugs? Every time I do it says I have to start over...


    Basically trial and error, its a certain order. You only use each slug once so find your starting point (when a yellow box appears around the slug, it means you're on the right track) and trial and error it :P

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