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Posts posted by Awesome_Paul

  1. On December 20th - 21st. There will be a total lunar eclipse, because this is happening on the winter solstice (the shortest day), the last time it happened on this day was over 700 years ago :O


    In case you didn't know, this is when the earth, moon and sun aligns, But rather than a normal eclipse where the moon would block out the sun. Earth blocks out the sun while all 3 are alligned.


    So it should look like this (not the process will take a few hours)


  2. Ok my bad, that RDR is a sequel. But the one difference between Halo 3/RDR etc and Super mario galaxy.


    Sure they've al been done before, but Halo/RDR and most of the games, they have a good enough story to keep you involved and always keep you playing wanting to know what will happen.


    Mario though, even though it is a decent game (I prefer the early games tbh) they have the same story in every single game. Princess got captured and in most games there are 8 worlds each with its own boss, and once you start playing, you know, there won't be no story twists, friendlies become foes etc. You basically go through the worlds to rescue the princess.


    People enjoy the games because its Mario which means good gameplay. But to be Game of the year, you need good gameplay, good story, good graphics etc.


    But after looking at the choices more, my bet to win it would be "Heavy Rain". Never played this game but it has a great combination of all 3.

  3. The snes would beat all other consoles in a war :P


    But it common sense Red Dead redemption would win it. This game was made by the same company who made GTA. RDR is exactly like GTA except in the wild west. No other company has done something this cool.


    Super Mario galaxy 2, was a good game, but nothing special, when I played it, i lost interest after a few worlds because it was done before. The only thing this game had which the first didn't was a few more costumes and yoshi. To truly get game of the year, the game should be a brand new game, not a sequel etc.

  4. All we can hope for is that no console has any exclusive, I think it would help the sales as well. The only exclusive would be Mario, (wonders what a mario game would be like with sony/microsoft graphics)

  5. Today bought back many memories, way back in 2002 was a legendary game such as Golden Sun, then in 2003 was its sequel. After this game, everyone wanted more, yet the team concentrated on other games.


    Today saw in town, there was a NEW Golden sun, will post a review in a few days.

  6. That's the difference between America and England, in England it's illegal to carry any weapon or even own major weapons. I watch rubbish late night tv so British cops programs are on, if they go in a house to search for drugs and find a massive knife/decorative samarai sword/guns etc, they will confiscate and arrest the person. So the English laws are much more strict and there to protect people.


    America will allow people to own guns/knifes etc, because they think "You can have one to protect yourself" Heck, I even saw this company with this ad: "Buy a used truck: get a FREE Ak47" This has been up for a few weeks now. I read more into it and saw that you have to have a background check etc before you get free, but AK47 aren't protection weapons, they are killing weapons.


    But you can't get rid of guns from anywhere, throughout the world there will be a source of weapons. Buy a Dog? How will that protect you from a knife or gun attack, burglar with a knife/gun won't think "S***, this house has a dog, my gun/knife won't work on here" Or even "use a knife" Pointless. Either way crime will continue.


    So Picture this situation

    You live alone, you wake up hearing a noise downstairs, Do you:

    A- Find a Gun/BBGun and try to sneak up on him

    B- Sneak to the kitchen and get a Knife

    C- Stay in a Safe place with a hard object.



    A- try and sneak up to the burglar with any weapon, he will either Run (YAY!) Or if they have a weapon, they will shoot and run.

    B- Same as A really.

    C- Correct, Element of surprise will scare any burglar especially if you surprise attack from behind.


    So you could try and ban guns and control the output, governments say they want to, but with many countries so freely able to buy a gun, there will always be gun crime,

  7. This is why I hate online shopping, I prefer going round shops etc.


    $300 glasses. The ultimate proof that either the seller is cheap, or you are an idiot for buying them. Why pay $500 for a jacket, when you can get one for $40? Oh, my bad. I didn't know it was from France. Who gives a crap!?


    Because the cheaper it is, its basically crap. My winter jacket cost me £100 (equivalent to $192 ish), Yes there were cheaper jackets out there, but I rather look like i care about what I wear, rather than looking cheap.


    You wouldn't see footballers/actors etc shopping in walmart or charity shops. If you have the money to buy nice things, go for it.

  8. I also heard CoD was pretty rubbish, haven't played it myself, but my mate told me the single campaign was crap.


    Well so I don't waste my more posts, I will review 2 games (OMG DOUBLE REVIEW)

    First game is

    Star wars: Force Unleashed 2

    I rented this game out on Wednesday, thinking it will last me a week, got through it in 4 hours o_O

    I was quite disappointed because I am a pretty big star wars fan, and I loved the first one. 4 levels and 2 bosses. Although the graphics was good, gameplay had evolved with 2 lightsables, the story just lacked it. They are releasing new levels with DLC, but I think most people would have preferred them being included into the game story etc.


    Final verdict: 6/10


    Now for the Best Game of the post, my second favourite game series ever (first being Final Fantasy)

    Assassin Creed: brotherhood

    With the third game in the series, this game is getting better and better (the first was crap I know). This game could be made from combining 2 other games

    Assassin creed 2 + Batman AA = THIS.


    The story followed on exactly from the last game in the series, combat has evolved more etc. Though 2 things stood this out from the others, Execution kills (When you silently execute someone, you can combo this and kill more with a single hit) and Assassins. recruiting and training assassins could be the best part of this game, training your assassin with tasks/ sending them round Europe on missions to level them up or helping you in field.


    Plus with this game taking place in Rome, you can see all the sites (one of my fav would be the Colosseum which is fun to climb)


    Final Verdict: 9/10

  9. Sory to hear about that.

    Im not too sure on this, so someone may need to clarify, I always thought if the bailiffs came round to collect the debt, If you haven't got enough items to pay it off, won't they take possession of the house to pay it off instead?

  10. There is a solution to finding the 3 items.

    1. Click on the right door.

    2. Shout

    3. Search the floor

    4. Feel for a exit (and then exit on the first tunnel)


    Repeat this about 19 times and you should have all 3 items and be back to xandra etc.

    This only works for the darkness bit though.

  11. Listening to MaiterHorn by a Band I know: Jumping Ships


    Other than oldie rock, indie rock is second best, love going to the small gigs (where bands play in pub/clubs etc)


    And now while writing this, Its now Bad outweighed the Good.

    I do recommend this band, so people should check out their myspace page and listen to some tracks there.

  12. Well the day of game releases have come! In the end I rented out Fable 3, and tbh I'm hugely let down. What is with the games with so much hype is so crap. Im not gonna give a full review until next week, because 5 hours is barely enough time to get into a game.


    But atm the moment Fable 1 >> Fable 2/3

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