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Posts posted by Awesome_Paul

  1. No I mean, the group be released.


    So again

    Friday: Weakest enemies

    Saturday: Weakest and the middle enemies

    Sunday and Monday (until comic) All 3 enemies.


    But 15 Down atm, Might try and get 50. That was about the limit in the last plots I think.

  2. My Guess is "Five of a kind" is unlocked when you beat all 3 challenges 5 times. (Only the first is released though)


    My guess is:

    Sat: 2nd group of enemies is released

    Sun: 3rd group of enemies released

    Mon Evening: Comic is released and all opponents go bye bye.


    I think that's what happened with TOW etc. They were only there until the next comic.

  3. Psychic Prediction Time.


    No plot step today, there will be one tomorrow. In the news tonight it should say


    Are you waiting for plot news? A little Pteri has whispered to us that perhaps it goes tomorrow. But you have not heard from us!


    It may be a tad wrong grammar, my visions are still quite blurry.

  4. Watched 2 films yesterday: Robin Hood and Prince of Persia.


    Robin Hood: complete waste of time, they never even followed the legend, it was pretty rushed (should have stopped 20 mins before the end, and made the sequel), basically not enough action.


    Prince of Persia is the better of the 2, better story, more action, more special effects etc. Not many films can be made of video games, but this works.


    But in a few months time, I will share the stories of the biggest film studio in Britain "Pinewood Studios" as I will most likely be visiting it in a few months time

  5. Best Tip for the 3rd achievement (where she has to be one square away from you): Collect all the items, then move onto the rug (By the door). At this point, just click clicking the space you are on: (DO NOT CLICK THE DOOR) Then you just wait till she is near you (she can be diagonal to you to collect this)

  6. Quick question, what paint brush at the bottom. That empty space on the bottom right is because there is no paint brush to go there atm.


    With Relic and Woodland this year, I reckon they will want to release more pets for those before making a new colour.

  7. Cause I got just about every legendary using the AR. Dialga and the lake legendaries are the only ones I got WITHOUT the AR in Diamond. Since I lost Sapphire and I was unable to trade my pokemon to Diamond, I had to use AR to get them back. Then I got every other legendary imaginable.


    I don't hack. It isn't fair to the other player, and I believe in fair play for ALL games.


    Wow, playing for both sides eh?. You don't hack, and believe in fair play. BUT (big but) You crack into the game to get every legendary.


    So for someone who is playing soul silver and not able to get all legendaries, facing someone who has hacked to get every legend. That's fair play.


    That's why i hate anything like Action Replay. It makes the game not fun. Instantly getting what you haven't earned in any game. How can someone be a Video game addict, when they crack into the games. True Gamers achieve without cracking.


    But that's just my view. (Waits to be insulted by CAV)

  8. Lets add the minutes up of how much dirty play there was.


    120 minutes match

    across that, Spain may have bee dirty 5-10 worth of it.

    Netherlands was dirty 60-80minutes of it.


    I don't know why you're angry at me, im passionate about football, been watching for your whole life (about 13-14 years) used to play before work got in way. So I will defend my point of view 100% when I believe s right.


    This isn't the end. Not between you and me Paul. This isn't over.


    Wow. Is that a threat, CAV maybe you should take some time off the internet and grow up. My 8 year old cousin is more interesting and cooler.

  9. Don't you just love Irony. England lost their match after their goal was disallowed, no complaints. Spain won due to unfair goal to Holland, everyone is complaining about how it should have been called off.


    You act like Netherlands is the only team that played dirty. So did Spain, but many of their fouls didn't count when they should've.


    Im sorry, if spain played dirty, what do you call netherlands; evil, corrupt. The dirty level is way different from spain to holland. Holland played with pure aggression. Doubt there be videos yet, but tomorrow there might be.


    Made 2 spanish players walk off and see the trainer, kicked someone in the chest (like they were aiming for the ball) Robben ignoring the whistle and decided to kick the ball in the goal. That whistle was heard 80 yards away by the commentators, I reckon he heard it. Overall, offside or not, Spain was the better side, and deserved to win that cup. If you can't admit that, don't call yourself a fan of football.

  10. While watching it, I was also following the commentary on BBC. Here is one I fully agree with

    "It was a terrible final. Howard Webb's done his best to keep hold of the match but the Netherlands were out of control. It's a shame that the match was so poor, but Spain are worthy champions."

    BBC Radio 5 live's Chris Waddle


    "I'm all for teams going into matches with a gameplan, but I just don't think there is any place in football for the way the Netherlands approached this match. They kicked the opposition up and down the pitch for 120 minutes - but in the end, Andres Iniesta ensured World Cup glory went the right way, to Spain."

    BBC Sport's Alan Hansen


    These people know alot about football, and I fully agree with both of them.

  11. Watching this match, it seems like a bad way to end the world cup. I was hoping for a clean beautiful played match, except we get a dirty ugly game. I don't want to point fingers, but I think it was caused by Holland.


    Other all, the way Holland has been playing. Spain deserves to win this 100%, they have done nothing much played mainly clean and stuck to the game plan, got to the ball and tried to score. Holland on the other hand has followed Robben quotes and have made this a ugly match, and any fan of football in whole (everyone judging unbiased) Holland does not deserve to win this match.


    Spain wins the match, and they deserve to win the match, and what happens, Holland players run to the ref and whines. Like they have the right to complain. Overall the better team won. The End


    (This also proved Paul the octopus is a psychic)

  12. Infact going to do this now.


    Frst Half so far (will update as time goes on)


    Span has dominated this half, many close shots from both sides, but both good sides. One thing I dislike is all the dirty fouls that are happening. 25 minutes, think Holland has received 4 yellow cards, ridiculous fouls, injured someone. My comment from another post is right, they now spain is playing better, and will are setting out to destroy that.


    Holland has now pushed this match into dirty, van persie pushing the spanish player into the goalie. They have shown one act of good and that was when they gave away the corner because the goalkeeper couldn't see the shot.




    Spain has been playing much better, one man down. Their goalkeeper has been amazing, though is one of the best goalkeeper's in the world. The reviewers on BBC, all agree on me, Holland should have be down to 9 men, their football is atrocious (their words). If they can't play like this or they will be shown red cards now with their tackles. Most of their good players have yellow cards, any more of these tackles, and holland could throw their chances of the cup down the drain.


    Most of their tackles are pure aggression and a few of them (at least 2) should be straight red. We both have a different opinions but no-one can argue that holland is playing with aggression tonight.


    Player of the match so far:

    Iker Casillas


    EDIT: I am disgusted, Holland has been playing absolutely dirty, 2 spanish players injured and not even 1 red card. wouldn't surprise me if holland bribed the refs. Dirty tackles and no-one can deny that. Holland manager has gone out and is applauding ever foul. That is why I dislike holland. And CAV dn't even try and defend these tackles

  13. I've never seen Netherlands use dirty play.


    Of course you haven't. You're from Holland, so when a foul happens the home supporters are like "Thats not a foul"


    Im gonna give my review of the first half during half time

  14. Neither have I, but if the player is saying it, they must be planning it. Im only saying it because that is what the quotes say.


    And you research about the octopus, (heck, you can even see one in the Netherlands half) They put a mussel in each tank, and the octopus picks what container etc, Both the same type of mussel. And if the owner puts a mussel in only one, the octopus wouldn't really be pyschic.

  15. Okay, can't be bothered to copy the whole article. But the picture is good




    But never did say why I dislike netherlands, but found a nice article on BBC which shares my view (and no virus protection will block BBC, if it does, get a new one)




    2 Favourite quotes, Note: this is what the holland players said


    "I would much prefer to win a very ugly game than lose a beautiful one,"
    "We have heard enough of talk about how our football is very nice. But it gets you nowhere. We want to achieve something"


    From these 2 quotes I can guess that in tomorrow match, they will do whatever it takes to win, dirty fouls, diving. they said it themselves. Any decent team would be proud to lose a beautiful match, they wouldn't want to win the final in a ugly way.

  16. I think you're the only one who won't admit it. You ask anyone who is a massive football fan and they would say Germany vs Spain was the real final, and whoever won that would win the cup.


    Yes they surprised everyone by beating Brazil (who wasn't even playing that great this year (and full of old players)). Do you really think anyone expected spain to beat the powerhouse germany.


    One lucky win does not make a great team.

  17. He has predicted every Germany match right, Germany vs Serbia: Octopus predicts serbia and they won. Germany vs Spain: Octopus predicts Spain and guess what, they won. Every other germany match he predicted was also right. I doubt he will fail now.


    Even in the Euro 2008, the only match he got wrong was Germany vs Spain. 1 mistake out of 10-15 matches. I rather side with the pyschic octopus than what you say CAV, because he can back it up.

  18. Sorry CAV, Netherlands downfall is official. The octopus has predicted Spain to win, and before anyone says that he is a fluke. He can't be, every prediction he has made has been right, Its not possible to make 5-6 flukes in a row.

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