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Posts posted by Awesome_Paul

  1. Haven't been on here for awhile, but I thought I may pop in.


    Just like snow has visited England, not just light snow, heavy snow, Snow fully covers my foot (and my feet are quite big).

    Best bit is, it is going to get worse this afternoon (or in everyone viewwss better :D)

  2. I really hope you mean chips in the British since of the work like French Fries, instead of like potato chips...

    Because if you mean the later I can't think of a single kind of chip that I would put Ketchup or Mayonnaise on! Yuck...


    I dunno, Crisps can go do anything, Mayo, or even dipped in coleslaw/potato salad/

  3. Defense can be helpful, but your defense should last you through the DON.


    I would constantly use the lab ray, and training to increase your HP though.

    Weapons wise: I recommend ditching the scarab rings and Psellias Fighting Fan, and replace them with Ramtors Spellbook, Ylanas Blaster and a P-pot (Prickly potion)


    Also when you get later into the DON, I definitely recommend burrow and sink (though looking at your level, you may already have them)

  4. There are 6 ways to train your hitpoints.

    -Training at Mystery island

    -Training at Krawk island

    -Kitchen Quests

    -Dark faerie quests


    Or my personal favorite

    -Lab Ray


    But note if you are training, be careful to level up as well. Because my pet has 290HPish and because my pet has level 4, It is impossible to train any stats.

  5. Have you unlocked sink or burrow yet. If not, they will help.

    Downsize is really useful and quite cheap.


    But your weapons are good. I beat him using 2 scarab rings (My high HP helped loads though)

    You could upgrade your Lesser healing scroll to a greater healing scroll.


    But other than that, you should be able to beat him. If you need any weapons, I could always lend you Ylanas blaster and Ramtors spellbook.

  6. Um... google has this lovely function of saving and searching earlier versions of websites which you can see by clicking on the "cached" link next to a search result. ;) SO... thanks for sharing.

    Awesome logic puzzle, btw!



    By which I meant: If you're still missing any of the clues, a quick google search will get them for you. I know, I know... that's not how it's supposed to be done. But the logic puzzle is the real challenge, and it would be horrible to not be able to finish it because you couldn't find a scroll (which is busy work, not logic at all!).

    One hour left!


    But consider the prize is 500k. TDN would rather have you look for the clues yourself. That way would be cheating.

  7. The only times I quite during the game is when you can tell the computer speed is too much of a difference to provide a fair contest.


    The other night I was playing, and I got to a mini game where you toss darts. I was tossing like 1 dart per second, but on my computer, every second he was throwing 10 darts etc.

  8. Whoops, I guess I missed that :*


    So would it be a good idea just to wait til the last day to find all of the scrolls, that way you don't have to look through all of the pages every day?


    Lol, thats my plan anyway. Im far too busy to go through all pages, and finding 24 at the end is easier than finding 5 :P

  9. There hasn't been many good items recently. It's almost all toys that sell for under 100 NPs.


    Thats no surprise. Advent Calender is for all users (Over 1 million) so per day the prizes that come out, there will be at least 300,000-500,000 there. The only chance to get a good item is christmas day, because not everyone will be on site.

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