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Posts posted by Awesome_Paul

  1. I would ask the person to wait a day until you choose.


    In that day, go around the trade boards and neomail Resellers what they will buy it for. Because it usually sells for 2.5 million. They might find 1mil a good deal. So wait but research on boards if that will sell or not.

  2. P.S. Regarding the finals, ~75% of those who answered "Who will win?" said that KI will win while ~25% said RI. Definitely interesting stats to consider.


    Although I know its unbiased, I do think this shouldn't have posted.

    I too have traveled around the boards, looking at all predictions everyone is making and I'm calling it 50/50. Even some Krawk island think Roo Island will win.


    In the last 2 days, RI needs all the confidence they can get, if they are to win the AC. And with coming on to see only 25% of the people support RI, It won't really help them.


    Edit: Just held a survey for non KI and RI to answer. It is basically 50/50. It seems that some teams overall are supporting KI (Darigan, Shenkuu) Whilst there are teams supporting RI (Maraqua, Lost desert etc)

  3. Woo ian is with RI :D


    But the finals are quite cool. 2 Matches im looking forward to know who won is

    Krawk island and Roo island


    and the return from Year 1

    Haunted Woods vs Darigan.


    Btw, why does 75% say Krawk island. In the double round robin. RI beat KI in both matches. (I think we the only team to fully win a match)


    EDIT: Has anyone noticed, the match results are mostly the same.

    The winners always win Yooyuball and Slushie bringer. and the loser always win MSN?

  4. The new table is up.




    Also If you look at the standings page, they now have a new finals page :O

    Also Im pretty sure the finals have been set, If you look at the schedule, they all show the 1st match of the final round.

    (So roos and facing LD 2 days in a row)


    EDIT@: Whoa, I've just noticed, We are now in the finals :D 4 more days of tournament to Go (which means I need to modify my table for the 2 days.

  5. (I see that too)


    Yeah Neopets is completely slow today. some say that Neohomes 2.0 is coming tonight, some say the servers is having trouble with more visits (because its now the summer holidays) and the rest say there is a problem :P

  6. So next year, Another team will be removed for Kiko Lakes return. Who do you think.


    I personally think Krawk island may be out next year. They are a big team, but it seems TNT has made a story why already.

    Caption Dasher, this is his last year. So the story may be "No suitable captain has been found to lead the team this year"

  7. I think Krawk Island has been ripped off. I cannot see how RI beat us last night. I play and play and play, turning in 8, 9, and 10 goal games, but RI wins. I don't get it. I would feel much better IF we could see the numbers and not just the win-draw-loss columns. Please speck up if you agree with any of my statement. FIGHT on and FIGHT hard Krawk's.


    *puts on professor outfit and becomes Professor Paul*


    This students is what we call a sore loser. These creatures mainly spend their time inside, refusing to play any sort of activity because they can't stand to lose. They have no sense of teamwork and they smell of uneaten pie :P


    *takes off outfit and returns to normal*

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