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Posts posted by Awesome_Paul

  1. Another amazing thing about the outback is the strange localised weather phenomenon called the willie-willie1. Imagine mini-whirlwinds that reach up into the sky, but are only about 20 feet across: they're a bit like little tornados, I suppose. They occur quite frequently in the dusty outback, and once I came over a hill to find about five of these things whirling away over the fields. They're quite amazing, but they don't half create havoc if you drive right past one: there's a lot of energy kicking around inside a whirlwind. It made the journey to Burra that little bit more interesting, anyway.



    Thats the only useful paragraph I found. They sound pretty cool :P

  2. For afew months now, I have been really inactive.


    This has mainly been due to my RL, which from January has been going into a not so good area :P

    So last month and this month, I have been working towards new goals, aiming higher, basically taking the time to chill and relax and look at things around me.


    So Yeah, This year, if I have been a complete idiot and been mean, my old self apologizes. But if not say hello to the new me. Super Paul (75% in training) (Who can guess what word I have shortened to make Super ;) (Work related people should know ;))

  3. The reason Roo island is up there because thats the only powerhouse with the most interesting rounds.


    If it was Krawk island, it would just be, KI wins again. KI wins again. Yawn kI wins again, There is no story behind that.

  4. Whoa, what happened, Sorry about this people. i sort the images out right away.


    Fixed: sorry about that, but all images have returned.


    Okay sorry this is late, had a rough day :( :(




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  5. Why does everyone clarify a ponytail as a female hair cut.


    There are many people in the world with ponytails. i think there are some male footballers with it.

    Many have ponytails for many reasons, 1 could be. If they're playing a sport with long hair. it would get in the way, so they tie it up.

  6. Most likely, but if you look at the image name, Its called the_tie. Which is also the news title.


    Note: We all now this is a mistake on the artists. We are just having a joke about it (can't believe how many serious people are saying "Its got to be a mistake, how could a spy affect the AC"


    My advice would be chill out, have a laugh.

  7. People, we all know its a slip up from the artists. I just saw the image and showed TJ and we try to think of a good way to show it.


    Whats better:

    Maraqua player within Room island team.

    Slip up by Neopets artist.


    funny article, Paul! ^^


    Thanks, there is probably a few errors (I wrote that like 2am so i was tired).

    But I like it, I could have made it longer but I was suffering from anti-sleep disorder :P (Something TJ is suffering with right now)

  8. I was a quarter asleep, but it still did take awhile :P


    OMG Article above :P


    lol i think i saw somebody saying this on a KILL board the day we played against RI but didn't stop and stare =/


    sadly you couldn't, that image was only released about 45 minutes ago


    i think it's a slip up, how can MQ destroy RI chances at the cup with a spy player? =/


    Well this could show Jair Tollet returning to HIS!!! Home team

  9. You wouldn't know how long it took to tell TJ about this. I had to go over it about 3 times :P


    My Article!!!


    Breaking news emerged from the Roo island team room yesterday. It appears Maraqua had placed a spy within Roo islands team.


    The team captain Lilo Blumario was the first to find out.

    “We were all shocked. Our match with Brightvale ended earlier than usual on Monday so we decided to get some last minute training in for our big match against Maraqua the next day. We all played great, though something about Jair Tollet bothered me. After her match, she decided to walk the opposite way from our room, so I decided to follow her. I saw her heading into the Maraqua room. I found out she was telling them about out plans. We felt betrayed.


    I was up all night working for a new plan. Then right before our match told the team about the new plan making sure to not identify Tollets betrayal because I thought it would distract the team. The plan worked and we totally confused Maraqua and won the match. After the match I met with Tollet and chatted to her in private, sadly, I cannot reveal the contents of the meeting.”


    Thankfully we're managed to talk to Jair Tollet ourselves and find out what happened.


    “I will admit it, my first plan was to destroy their chances and allow the cup to be brought to the underwater city. But then I realized about how hard the team were working this year. The last 2 years, they had been so close at reaching the title, not even I could stand in their way. Yes I did go to Maraquas room, but that was only to tell them, i wouldn't continue to do their dirty work”


    At this point Jair Tollet is still a member of Roo island, but the question we will all be wondering will be. Will she keep to her word and stop giving info, or will she be sacked from Roo island.

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