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Posts posted by Awesome_Paul

  1. Oh, I disagree. Remember last year when SK did their first debut at Round Robin? It was as bad as this year, but in the second round, they swept all the teams to guarantee a top 4 position. So we never know...


    Yeah, Like i said in the other board, If they hope to get into the top 4. They will have to sweep RI, DC, KI, LD, HW. Otherwise they will be 6th.


    Shenkuu is relying on Virtupets, Brightvale, faerieland etc to regain the top 4.

    Though chances are RI, DC, KI, LD and HW will also beat them. The only way to close the gaps will be like stated above, sweep the 5 top teams. That way the point gap will close.

  2. Though the one who clogs the sink. Im just saying, shenkuu way to get back to the top is the weak teams.


    The top 5 you mentioned, some have played each other, and each have held their own. The top 5 you mentioned will also beat the easy teas with a full sweep.


    So win lose draw, the only way you will get to the top 4 is to sweep RI, DC, KI, LD, KI in the 2nd round. If not, the highest shenkuu will go in 6th.

  3. The one, I don't think you will sneak to the top 4.


    You're relying on beating the weak teams to get back up. Some of the top teams have already faced each other (RI vs DC for example) and proved they can hold their own against them. Beating weaker teams won't help shenkuu, because everyone at the top will beat them.

  4. Here are my predictions.


    1st: Roo Island

    2nd: Krawk Island

    3rd: haunted woods

    4th: Lost Desert


    5th: Mystery Island

    6th: Darigan Citadel

    7th: Kreludor

    8th: Shenkuu (Only if they win against the top teams in the second round, if not then 11th)


    9th: Maraqua

    10th: Meridell

    11th: Tyrannia

    12th: Virtupets


    13th: Altador

    14th: Terror Mountain

    15th: Brightvale

    16th: Faerieland


    Afew changes to yours, but i believe kreludor is a stronger side than Shenkuu this year. (Perhaps last year, most of the Shenkuuians were Kreludians)

  5. Im not sure, RI, DC, KI and HW/MI/LD seems to be able to draw or win against each other.


    Shenkuu cannot rely on winning against the easy teams to get to the top. because each easy team they will beat, the top lot will also beat.


    SK will not get into the top 4. Highest they will come is 6/7th

  6. Wow someone voted all Nopes and they didn't leave a comment why?.


    The reason the poll is up that is that, in the first 6 hours that the table was up. (There was quite alot of users on) I had one compliment on it, other than that, the board was complete and utterly dead.


    I do miss the old forums, over the past year, I find it has changed.

  7. Altador, DC, KI, MI and RI have all the same chance of winning and you said they cam second in the years before so you think they will win this year but you are wrong because people will pick it now all the noobs and everyone keeps saying krawk island that means all the noobs will be there but DC will have supporters becuase people say it won last year and the year before it nearly one so people will choose DC or Krawk Island.


    So let me guess, Everyone will join RI and KI and just become freeloaders, yet no-one will join DC.

    DC will become the HW of last year, they will not be in the top 4. They will be in the group of 5th-8th.

  8. Roo island will get into the top 2. They are pretty much one of the top attenders this year. We have a huge fan base and if you check the boards most people can score like 8-0 most times.


    Also, its our turn to win it, and we will keep surprising everyone along the way.

    Day 1 - Beat Shenkuu all 3. AND Lilo Blumario is the top scorer.

  9. I weren't planning on doing this on this forum, (I have it going on another forum also).

    But I agreed with TDN that it would be too confusing to have 2 tables. But because I can't find this table I thought I'll help for the day.




    As you can see from the Table. Roo island has fully swept Shenkuu with a 3 win surprising everyone.

    And will kreludor be a better contender this year.


    EDIT: Because this doesn't seem to be commented on, Im having doubt about doing it here. So can you answer the polls.

  10. To be honest, Sign up will start June 1st. Last 2 years it has started then (or the weekend, but released on the start as the weekend news)


    Its like any other sport, Everytime the start date and finish date are reasonable the same (maybe adjusted 1 or 2 days)

    so the AC follows that.

  11. Okay the point of this board is for 3 reasons.


    1. All those that saw/followed last years table (would post a pic from last year, but deleted them all last year :P) Is there anything else you want added to the table. (I have the place, win/loss/draw total points etc columns) ??


    2. What point scoring do you want me to use? I think last year I used (I will scower through my old board because i posted it there)


    3. Can anyone who is usually on TDN in the neo night PM me, I will need someone to edit the table and post it on the forums every Friday (because I be at college so by the time I do it, it be 8-12 hours late. (Though if you are PMing me, can you make a reason why, i don't want any "I can do it if you want" in Pm's because it shows your not dedicated/focused.


    Note: Also (as part of 1.) Anyone who doesn't remember and wants to help with one, can PM me and I may show a sneak peek of the table which i made already ;)


    3. and Note. is NOT first come, first served.

  12. He was basically saying, not all hackers in the world are criminals. There are some bad hackers that causes trouble to your computer (viruses etc). There are some hired by Microsoft etc to test out their security. And others that can target websites for ethical or non-ethical reasons.


    I myself know 1 hacker, (not sure if he does it anymore) But he owns a website/forum all about hacking and protecting your pc. Only websites he targets are racist un-ethical websites (which I respect because it takes rubbish off the net)

  13. Like stated above, Team selection will mostly open on June 1st. (Or May 30th (for the friday news))

    They will then give us a weekend of practicing yooyuball vs the practice team.


    Then the actual rounds may start the 5th?

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