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Posts posted by Awesome_Paul

  1. Oh and for anyone information. The One-Use Robotification Zappermajig is Un-tradeable. (some people may jump for the highest prize for a profit)


    Though these prizes look okay, Im going to wait until tomorrow until there are some tests for the BD equipment.

    The site theme is pretty cool though.


    So Robot gun = useless

    Buzzler = useless (3rd top prize but it sells for 6k)

  2. This is basically a board where you can post what you're playing at the moment or what new games are you waiting for.


    At the moment Im playing:

    Sonic and Secret Rings

    Red Steel (FPS + Samurai)


    Though the 2 games I am waiting for are.

    -Mario Kart

    and Sonic Unleashed. Trailer Pictures


    It actually has awesome graphics and the old sonic returns to us.

  3. Its the same with anything. Kids are just frickin stupid.


    When Manhunt came out in the UK, My boy was murdered (by another young person) and the killing was exactly the same as in the game (being stabbed like 60 times). Thats why it was banned here.


    Though it can't be blamed on the TV / Movies / games. Fact is, some kids are stupid enough to try it.

  4. "Shhh... we have heard that you might want to finish your Daily Dare challenges before the 30th... *sneaks away*"



    This was on the news section of neopets. If anyone hasn't seen this


    Maybe the last day is on the 30th (rather than the 31st)

  5. For the pet discussion, I have 1 bird, used to have 2, but one died. A canary by the way, they are bloody annoying.


    But later in the year (once we fix our garden (fence is basically falling apart) we be getting a dog (either a greyhound or a husky)

  6. Ugh, Im so glad this week is over.


    All week, they had a new person at work, and they got me to train him. Any other week it would be fine. though of course this is the week to Easter (and easter w/e). So I had to do my work, and basically double it :(. Thankfully another supervisor is back tomorrow, so I shall move him onto him.

  7. Im hoping the prizes will be more rarer. TOW sucked because anyone could get the top prize so the people who concentrated didn't get anything special.


    So im hoping for the top prize to be like 50k points or something.

  8. Something else which made the Rooligans quite popular was their attitude.

    Its true thats every team has bad players which ruin the game. But in the last 2 years of AC, if you ventured to the neoboards, you would find insults being thrown from team to team.


    The Rooligans though (and there were afew other smaller teams like Virtupets etc) Stayed within their board, rather than making loads of boards insulting their opponent.

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