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Posts posted by barkie

  1. I followed the instructions and submitted my games high scores here on TDN The games I have played show but where on TDN site do I find the list of games I can still play to try for the Top Gamer Avatar....

  2. I have lost about 4o workers 12 nesters and 6 soldiers over the last hour I have put out a magical marshmallow though not sure if it will help I am not hatching anymore eggs until I know this glitch is fixed though

  3. Thanks for that. I will probably not have the patience or brains to win the avatar for this game but I will give it another go....


    I tried again and got booted out cause I had no money to pay my bills Bit like RL really...I will try tomorrw again and try to get the plushies to my warehouse and then into my shop before I am flat broke again...








    This has helped me and I have sort of worked it out so Topic can be closed Thanks

  4. I am having trouble setting my time zone for Plushie Tycoon....6.31pm Monday my time is 12.01am Monday NST which makes me 18.5 hours ahead of NST time.

    I would like my first update at 10.01 for the game to be at approx. 11.00am My time.... I have had no success working it out. Can the game times run into the new NST day to suit my times I am on the computer

    Any help would be appreciated...I can't believe it is so hard for me to calculate I was an honour student at maths but that is a long time ago and the more I try to work it out the more frazzled I get

  5. There are several in the trading post at a lower asking price..You may have to wait for them to go before you get an offer on yours...(On a different note.)....Maybe it is just me but I am annoyed when there is no asking price or trade listed for items as I am not sure how much to offer without offending the owner.

  6. Cograts on the two avatars. I spent several hundred on the Bon Apettit and lever of doom also, I have never played either since...Yesterday I knocked the coconut off and got another coconut so I will ,after promising to never play that game again,keep playing it in my dailies. You did get off cheaply getting your two avvies though so well done...

  7. I am never sure how and when TNT filters work...I often see things I think are inappropriate and they are allowed, then a harmless expression/phrase or comment is classed as punishable by death or freezing (which to me are both as bad) I often think they get up in the morning and over breakfast they decide..."Let's make Neopians lives miserable today"


    I think that your new pet is adorable and see nothing wrong or offensive with the name......I just had a great idea.......Take the X away and gift the pet to TDN staff ( Sorry just a bad joke)

  8. Today I messed up in my gallery and somehow cleared my background and colours and etc from my gallery main page....All my catergories are still as I had them...Where do I go to redo my galleries main page background and colours again....Help please...

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