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Posts posted by barkie

  1. Has anyone here had success with the merging and unlocking their habitariums after a gem lockout. I have managed to get my habitarium to merge to the item bag stage often and once I got as far as my neofriends showing in the alternate habitarium with my item bag also but I can not seem to get any success beyond that. I have submitted a ticket to TNT but so far no reply....I have heard of people unlocking their habitatium several times and so am wondering where I am going wrong...

  2. I did it wrong I think as I deleted everything from my habitarium when I merged with a friend and could access my item bag. I can get the level 50 to show in the alternate habbie and my item bag shows but I cannot get any of the buildings etc on my Habbie to go into the item bag so I can delete them

  3. I asked for help for my "friend" but "she" only got a couple of buildings and I didn't get my habitarium unlocked.. Can any of the several I have gifted in habitarium everyday please gift me an item as I emptied my item bag completely in the process of trying to get it unlocked

  4. Yes I think that is where I went wrong I deleted everything from my item bag first. I can get stages of the merge working .It shows my level 50 on the alternate habbie and my item bag on the alternate habbie and once yesterday. my neofriends showed in the alternate habbi also.I am going to try and buy and put some items back in my bag today and deleting the cornmeal does work so I will try and add more this time then delete.If I put a building from the alternate habbie into my bag it doesn't show as an item in there so I am now totally confused and after this post I have written I think maybe I have confused you also...

  5. Thank You I now have a house and can start to try further in the merge fix. I can merge and get the 50level to show in the new habitarium screen and the item bag shows my items...not that there is any there but I am having trouble getting any further. I have spent quite awhile today trying to move a building around the alternate habby but when I refresh mine it still does not merge or open...This time my neofriends showed in the alternate habbie also.but I still cannot load my habitarium when I refresh it..

  6. Is there anyone who can help my "friend" minibark22 with a couple of houses for her habitarium. They would need to make her their neofriend first . I have been locked out of my habitarium and am hoping to merge with that new habitarium but there is not enough resources there yet to buy houses to rest the workers etc.

  7. Tonight after feeding the hordes of hungry mouths and cleaning up I went to Habitarium and realised I had left it running all day.There were heaps of gems to collect but when I went to reload it wouldn't let me in past the loading circle of dots. I remember seeing a post some time back with a maybe solution to this problem but cannot find it on the past forum posts...Can anyone help as The habitarium is my main priority each day and a great nps earner for me...

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