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Posts posted by barkie

  1. I also played this on Zen mode and got to the required score for the avatar but when I pressed send score it said I needed to login in to neopes to send a score...I don't know how long of the 10 to 11 hours I had been logged out I have not tried again since though

    Congrats on your getting it and best of luck to anyone else trying for the avatar


    Angelo what was the 12.40 reset thingo that you mentioned...

  2. Thanks.... they were aged. One was a mazzew and the other a harris and I can't remember what the other one was but they were all aged and I had got the avatars for all of them. I just don't know if I can zap a pile of soot and if I do will the petpet lab ray actually still zap them

  3. I signed up for the free trial and it was too "Busy" on the screen for me and I did not use it at all....I did get the avatar though. Being in Australia I had to email to cancel my subsciption .There was 2 months deducted from my bank even though I had cancelled before the 15 days free trial was finished. I sent 4 emails and eventually they replied with an apology for the delay and refunded the amount of the 2 payments they had deducted from my bank so I think that being in Australia and having to email caused the problem.....Colleen

  4. Yesterday I hatched all my P3s with nesters...Workers...soldiers This morning they all started dying and now my Habbie has no P3s until I hatch more...I am at level 50 and have been making a good amount of Xps for a few weeks so really miss that. I do have lots of eggs and resources so am not panicking yet.....Re hatching them is a pain though and then they won't do as they are supposed to anyway

  5. I buy more storage buildings and then when they are almost full buy again...... You can delete your full storage buildings from your item bag by clicking on them.... When the little red X appears you just click on it and it will let you discard. You don't get any nps for them though....Yesterday I discarded 20 buildings full of resources as I can only send 1 item per day to my neofriends..Which is a shame

  6. I am just about ready yo give up on habitarium. The last few days I have had to put the P3s back on the resources every few minutes. The resources are not empty and my storage buildings are fine and I rest my P3s regularly . I think that TNT has woke up to the fact that many of us leave our habby on and so maybe they are finding that we are gaining too many Nps without having to do much. Going by the effort some of the games take from me I thought I was on a winner with Habitarium but it is worse than looking after kids. At least kids do what they are told occasionaly

  7. You will be missed for sure but really your personal life is more important for you to be happy with. If you are feeling down then maybe work on picking yourself up and hopefully the drive for neopets will return. It may even help you to visit us here on TDN as we are here to chat and always love to hear from you

  8. I had the same thing happen to me though when I saw my Yurble was now a baby I tackled my granddaughter about painting it without asking me first. I apologised for being wrong when I realised what and how it had changed to a baby and we both had a laugh about it

  9. I have been trying for the rainbow worm for ages now. I have had the lantern filled and got the moltara rock several times. Each time you use the lantern of worms though it is emptied of worms for some reason or other so you need to collect all the worms again Ho Hum

  10. I have saved and soon will have enough for a H4000 Helmet weapon.... In the info on it it says limited use... Does this mean that it can break or disappear after a certain number of uses and if it is stolen by an opponent during a battle is it returned after battle is won or lost...It is a high amount to spend if there is a chance it will break or be stolen soon after I have purchased it...

  11. Your Habbi is wonderfu...l Mine is just a serviceable one, and as I am at level 50 it is a good way to collect resources and eggs and nps. I wish I could gift more than 1 item a day to each of my neofriends and it would be great to be able to gift eggs and also full storage structures

  12. Yes nesters and workers and soldiers can all build and repair though the soldiers are the fastest I think, plus it leaves your nesters and workers free to do what they are good at ,also there is really no need to buy food as if you rest your P3s in the houses they will be rested and fed and healthy.

  13. I find it annoying that I can only give you 1 gift per day as I have an item bag with heaps of buildings and eggs galore and I have been deleting buildings full of resources because I am at level 50 and so do not really need anymore. If anyone does want any buildings and they add me as a Neofriend I will gladly gift them what they need..

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