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Posts posted by barkie

  1. Glad to see you back in the land of the P3s again . I wasted 3 weeks at least of everyday trying the merge method and though I could get the merge working I could not get mine to unlock. I guess restarting is kinda fun, waiting for the next level is slow towards the higher levels,but rewarding when it reaches it...

  2. I play keyquest fairly often but yesterday I talked my granddaughter into playing it on her account (she never had before) and she got a gold key which she redeemed for a Tyrannian Paint brush . She said she didn't want to paint her pets so she would donate it....When I told her how much it could be worth she promptly said I could buy it from her if I wanted it...This coming from the one I used to buy rotten old shoes from her shop for 99,990nps so she could build and furnish her neohome.. :sad02: I guess I taught her the art of bartering too well.

  3. That awesome moment when I learned that forgotten Shore is still giving out that elusive avatar which I am still waiting to get.


    That awesome moment when bagatelle gave me the three consecutive spins today of 1000nps/10,000nps and 20,000nps . I was glad that I have stuck with playing it each day with my dailies..

  4. Too many purple gems built up on Christmas day as I didn't have a chance to clear them(didn't even think of Habbie) during the cooking/washing dishes and eating. The habbie board looked about as full and tired as my stomach and legs felt at night when I checked it...Then the log in notice came up when I went to collect the gems obviously one of the kids had used my computer...which is usually okay... so of course that was it, I was locked out.Then I made the mistake of deleting EVERYTHING in my item bag when merging so had nothing to work with

  5. I today got my habitarium reset to level 1 Luckily (I guess) my buildings and NC items were returned from my board to my item bag. I forgot how slow it is to go through the levels to get to level 50 again but I will keep at it. Thank you to the couple of TDNers who helped me attempt the merge method which sadly did not work for me...

  6. Yes I think that is the only way I will get my habitarium back...starting at level 1 that is ...oh well better than nothing I guess. Thank you for your reply though I thought I was going to get no answer to my post at all which is unusual for this forum...








    I seem to have had only 1 reply with any help suggestions so this post might as well be closed

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