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Posts posted by barkie

  1. I am not embarrassed...in fact quite the opposite.... as it is a real winner with my grand children and great grand children and something that their parents are totally comfortable with us sharing as a pastime when they visit. I am not so sure they would be as happy if it was World of warcraft or some of the other games and sites that I have seen being viewed and played...

  2. It took me about 11 hours all together also but I did have a break overnight as my NST new day begins at 6.30pm my time so spent a few hours then and then probably 7 hours the next day my time which was about 8.30pm NST

  3. I chose my team and then panicked when I saw that brawn team was action games as I am hopeless at those type of games but I was surprised that I did all but 1 challenge and almost all the bonus plays. I did get a lot of duplicate prizes and was a bit disappointed with that but overall it was enjoyable. I have now played several games I would never have even tried before...I am going back though to master feeding that florg dude

  4. I have gained the score needed in the Biscuit Brigade twice but it does not show my prize box ready to be opened I have done the 1st challenge and opened my prize box then sophies stew from the second challenge but cannot get the hungry skieth score. would this be the reason the 3rd prize box is not opening...If the challenges get harder each day as they have been I won't be getting many more prizes...That's for sure.

  5. I did not join Team Brain but I am confused as to how and why the prizes that people are showing they won are actually gained I have played a few games but haven't received any prizes......I am a bit dumb but I really don't understand the page with the padlocks and Random Challenges and etc...

  6. Congratulations!


    I don't know how you stuck it out TWICE!!


    That game is evil! :evil:


    Actually it's the third time I have reached the avvie score in Zen Mode First time I somehow got logged off Neopets without knowing till I went to send my score....second time the message came up that there was a problem sending score and thank goodness this time every thing worked fine....I cannot start till 7.15 p.m my time as that is the start of the new day NST so I lose several hours asleep and unless I leave the game loaded then start early the next day(my time) I cannot get the time needed before the day changes NST....That sounds as clear as mud doesn't it but I have learned to juggle my computer time around the time zone differences for we Australians. I do find that the new Lenny Conundrums are posted during Australias sleeping hours so that makes it hard to get into the early entries.....

  7. Today after an overnight stint I at last got the Juice break avvie. I played it a few days ago and got the necessary score but got the problem processing the score message but after several hours of zen mode I at last got the avatar. Don't look for me in the juice break game room cause it will be a lllllllooooooooong time before I go there. I am off to bathe and massage my wrist now...lol

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