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Posts posted by barkie

  1. last christmas i think it was 48 degrees C, i'm hoping its cooler this year otherwise i don't want to leave the house :P snow would be helpful (even if it melts, then can go swimming :P)


    i'm going to post an updated wishlist, going to be out all day today (its christmas eve already) when i get back, i'll do some more shopping :P be back about the time christmas eve is in NST


    Babylionian, if you open that bag, let me know if you get anything good from it :) i generally don't open those things, (except that pinata for the avatar)


    eightbiti, sent you those korbat sandwiches :) they are cute!


    under 5k

    Green Tiered Scratching Post

    Cloud Litter Tray

    Disco Petpet Bed

    Deluxe Canopy Petpet Bed

    Deluxe Red Treehouse

    Sturdy Petpet Cage

    Scratching Driftwood


    over 5k these are expensive, :sad01_anim:

    Neonip Garden

    brown petpet paint brush

    spotted petpet paint brush

    checkered petpet paint brush

    green petpet paint brush

    ghost petpet paint brush

    robot petpet paint brush



    I have sent you a Scratching Driftwood and a Catnip Garden...Enjoy And the green tiered Post thingy

  2. I very rarely play coconut shy now I have the avatar but I do play bagatelle each day. I often win a few thousand nps on that one and I also have some luck with Pawkeet slots, though I don't play everyday. I liked the old version of Pawkeet Slots better than this new version as with Brucie B Slots also...

  3. I am going through the list and checking it twice though no need to find out whose naughty or nice as everyone here is nice. I would like any Plushie that I don't have in my gallery no matter how small the price





    .Thank you kadoatielove the plushies are great I love them...


    This post has been edited by a member of staff (Neomysterion) because of a violation of the forum rules.

    No double posting, just edit your post if you want change something.

    Please check your user inbox to see if you have been contacted regarding this incident, then review our rules.

  4. All your pets look Spiffy and I am really glad you got such a good price for it, after your worries when you started the auction. I was there (at the auction) from beginning until end and was pleased with the way the bidding went in the last 30mins.Glad you are part of this great community......It is great to know there is always folk willing to help each other with any and everything..... :rolleyes_anim:

  5. I believe so. I've seen it done on the HC many times (someone posts a topic asking for people to raise their auction price to selling price after a mistake), and if anyone those people would point it out if it were against the rules. Besides, it's a krawk morph, I would think it is bound to go up to near selling price anyway.




    That was I thought also but I am always worried about doing some thing new. I also like to be able to help people if I can but wouldn't want it to make it bad for them or me either.

  6. I just got 350nps but no avvie...


    This topic has been edited by a member of staff (Neomysterion) because of a violation of the forum rules.

    This is a duplicate topic. There's already a topic for Turmaculus alerts right here

    Please check your user inbox to see if you have been contacted regarding this incident, then review our rules.

    Per the reason above, this topic has been LOCKED. Please contact Neomysterion if you have any questions regarding this action.

  7. I don't see how they could claim this because the point of an auction is to bid up the price.

    You also shouldn't worry about the price too much at this stage, since it's a 24 hour auction. A lot more interest and people bidding will happen in the last few hours/minutes. Until then you're just locking up you neopoints for the day -IMO



    Thanks for that, I was not sure and I would like to help anyone I can plus If I was to win the auction it would be okay as I would re-auction it for the nps I spent that way everyone is happy...

  8. Oh lucky! I played today and got 2984 points. I'll try again tomorrow because getting that close without actually getting it sucked :(



    Oh that is so close. I was like that also and ready to give up but I am glad I stuck at it.And today it was the featured game with double Neopoints but even though I always play the featured game this is one game I just couldn't face playing...

  9. Thanks everyone, it was a pain as I always forget that I am supposed to lose 2 of the rounds and also until I worked out I didn't have to be right alongside the meepit to use the combos I had no chance of getting the score needed. Now I will work on the TNT Staff Smasher for the next few days. I find that I do better if I just concentrate on the 1 game for days even if it is rrreeeaaaaaallllllly boring ....

  10. Today I finally got the Meepit vs Feepit Avatar. It has taken me 3 or 4 days but thanks to the TDN guide and also all the tips and help from the TDN forum I eventually got it. One more Games Avatar I can cross off my needed list....

  11. Are you making sure you hit the Meepit as much as possible without killing it on the rounds you lose?




    I am trying to but does hitting it have to be when it is not blocking to score points and can I still knock it off it's feet during the losing rounds

  12. I can get through the levels but the highest score I can get is 2,400 even when I lose 2 and win 3 rounds. If I use the combo when opponent is blocking do I get points and if I just punch when they are blocking does that give me any points....I have played for 3 days now and am happy I can at least do all the levels but it does go against the norm trying to LOSE the 2 rounds....How many should I be getting for each of the 5 rounds in the stages...

  13. vikkimok.........2,400np There is one here but the previous reply has found a cheaper one...As they said if you put your neopets username on the TDN forum it iss easier for others to maybe send you Quest items



    Sorry I should have checked before I mentioned the TNT :wub_anim: username as It is already there now...

  14. I also am guilty of being angry when I am playing my last move for a gold key after having been losing the whole game time and the other player leaves the game. I now have a list of the ones that have done this to me and so if they come up as opponents I just leave before the game starts. On a brighter note I once managed to move only a total of 10 spaces for a whole game and the person I was playing neomailed me to say thank you for not quitting on her. I have had computer woes in a game myself, but I always try to neomail the other(s) and explain.I think that if we work on the way we would like to be treated, it would not include quitting when we cannot win..Most of the Quitters cannot be neomailed as it is set to NFs only or the user is under 13 etc

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