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Posts posted by barkie

  1. Just got rank 11 so am on schedule I think....I get downhearted when I see the results though I have beaten the other team 60 times each day in YYB and it doesn't seem to help our team at all


    Goals Scored 3,325 Goals by Mirsha Grelinek 1,932 Goals by Timu 461 Goals by Antola Maeir 459 Goals by Larcy Phu 473 Saves by Xana DiLanche 1,189 Number of Wins 514 Number of Draws 3 Number of Losses 0

    Trouble is I am hopeless at the Make some noise and Slushie Slinger so I cannot help the team much with those scores

  2. Did you not play any of the other games?


    No I just played the YYB until I had the required 34 games scores and then I went to a few other games, which by the way I am hopeless at anyway.

  3. The outfits are great. I started on Neopets 9 years ago with 3 moehogs then got a Yurble when they were first released A couple of my moehogs have been zapped and one moehog and a yurble has gone to my grandaughters account so I will probably not get the outfits as I am on a NO NC Mall strike

  4. This has been coming for a long time now...The downhill slide I feel started with the new V2 neohomes where the NC items were by far fancier and included items not able to be earned with nps,then the same happened with the Habitarium where paints and decorations were far more appealing than the XPs items were.... The quests and plots started to include NC items also so the cookies are really just another chapter and I shudder to think just how far and how quickly TNT will move with this gold farming...

  5. I have 4 dresses and 2 wigs from the starry cookies if anyone still needs them. Just let me know and I can gift them to you


    Dresses are gone but still have 3 wigs to spare if anyone needs them

    Wigs are now also gone so this post can be deleted

  6. I never thought I'd say this as I normally enjoy NC wearables but DOWN WITH THE NC MALL! We all need to go on a STRIKE, I say! Hopefully no-one will buy this as it is an UNFAIR advantage. This is just as much as a mistake as the 3 Day perk!




    This IS a scam. TNT doesn't think they are scamming but they are! They are breaking their own rules. If they keep this up, I might just quit Neopets altogether. One more of these things and it's over.



    I for one will not buy this cookie I can usually get the 1000nps from the few games I play regularly so can't see any advantage really and it is WRONG of TNT to blatantly offer advantages (if they are that) for Neocash

  7. It is a case of If it sounds too good to be true ,It usually is!!! I always told my grandkids and others that Neopets was a good safe site and a great place to spend time that didn't have the downfalls of costing them their hard earned cash as several other game sites do.... now I am not so keen on recommending or stating that, as even the grandkids naturally want what they see as Must Haves to keep up with the Joneses

  8. It's not like they planned for this to happen. It's a giant website with loads of traffic, which will probably be heightened due to 5x scores. Glitches are bound to happen at any time.


    Maybe TNT could start lessening their content

    1 Scrap N.C Mall

    2 Refrain from events like the games galore that put a load on their website and servers if it means that it interferes even obtaining the normal amount of game points

  9. Yeah, I can't deal with the slowness anymore.


    I suppose I'll just try again tomorrow. :(


    I couldn't even to get it to switch back to English..wouldn't load. -sigh-


    Good luck guys! lol.


    I just love the way TNT gives us the wonderful opportunity to earn big nps with the games galore, but then mess up the site so we can either not login or load games cutting us off on the ability to actually make the most of their Wonderful,Selfless,Generous event.

  10. I recieved my first warning from Keyquest due to my internet crapping out -_-;; Do I have anything to worry about?


    I am sorry to hear you got your warning through no fault of your own...I am however glad to see that TNT may at long last be going to take notice of some of the tickets submitted about players leaving the game on a regular basis. I always thought they could see which ones left the game to avoid being beaten in the game...My computer also gives me a lot of woes playing keyquest so I don't play it now...I will admit though that I do submit a ticket if the other player stops playing while I am moving (in my last turn) to home and a win

  11. I do use the NC and I do like to check for new items but I am not soooo competitive that I would strive or spend real money more often to be able to purchase or receive item(s) before other players can....I think that TDN is targeting the mid teens who do have money(or more accurately their poor parents) with this latest plot(y) First in the last month or so came ...

    The Magnifying glass....to enable us to find the RL money we have stored for a rainy day

    The Negg enlarger.....to help us enlarge the amount of RL money we would normally spend at the Neo Mall

    Then came the Cookies....but hey they allowed us to gift our Neofriends who were already happy if we gave them Np items, and the Neocash items soon became non special as the rarity diminished anyway with the number of them available


    All in all I think that TNT may well have links to several banks or the taxman who seem to have the knack of extracting Blood from a Stone

  12. The games room is down for me :( I just see the pacman and then the meepits message and when I go to hit play on any of the games, I get a giant grey box. I'm annoyed, I want the NP I get from my games, and I can't play anything. Hope it's fixed by 12am NST, so I can get a jump start on a games trophy this month.


    My games room has the same problem though I can still play the games I normally play each day...Hope it is fixed soon

  13. Make sure you check out all the guides that everyone has posted. I've been playing it for a while and have yet to get it right!

    I know there is no "easy way" of playing this game! I haven't heard of the bronze at the end of the month thing but maybe give it a shot and see what happens...?

    As for the time zone - be sure to pick one when you will be online the most! I know when i first started I always picked the time zone for where I live and I always ended up losing after like 3 days of playing!

    Mostly though, just make sure you read a lot of guides on this game before you start playing/expecting to win at it.



    You do get a bronze trophy and an avatar

    the end of the month if you have 50,000nps cash on hand in the game on the last day of the month . I found that starting midway through the month suited me but I missed the trophy etc when TNT had their big problems and my store missed approx 11 updates I will probably have another try in June as May is hectic in RL for me

  14. Well, since that was fast, I may as well keep posting sequences that you guys need to figure out. Only 5k for the smaller, non-name ones.




    Part of a sequence.


    Edit: @Naamah: Can you make a junk trade so I can give you the NP? I'm george_200

    So that would be SONDJF.......I hope and if it is give the prize to moni_rawr as she gave the hint
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