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Posts posted by barkie

  1. Try this and fingers crossed! ^_^


    R= red

    B= blue

    Y= yellow


    1-3 the symbols as they appear left to right on the bottom

    1= shield

    2= volcano

    3= flower/swirl


    R2 Y3 Y2

    B2 Y1 R1

    B3 R3 B1


    good luck :)

    Thank you so much I had been at it for ages and it really had me stumped...

  2. Congratz on the Potion. The peophin mutant is one of the few mutants that I seem to like. Balance all the pros and cons and make your decision.

    Are you planning to hatch the Draik. It comes with a nice avatar.

    What avatar is that then I have the Draik_Hatched but I am not sure what the other avatar is
  3. Something has happened! skarl_tax.gif King Skarl appears and orders his guards to collect 11122 Neopoints from you. Who knew there was such a thing as Marrow Tax?






    Random events are supposed to be fun or so I thought until I got this one today :sad02:

  4. noilkeet_faerie.gif

    Rover jumps out of the hole a few seconds later...

    It appears that Rover came back a little richer. They must have found the 1,336 np in the hole... Something Has Happened! symol.gif

    You are now eligible to use 'Symol' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!







    It only took every day for almost 9 years so I am so pleased to get it

  5. I accidently bought the

    Yooyuball Topiary twice....when I was gonna get the Slushie Slinger Background with it...oh well...at least I have a background that is coming to use?(check _Sela__Pretore_)

    I sent you the topiary but I see you already have one ...

    _Sela__Pretore_ does not look happy at all maybe some AC Cupcakes would cheer her up

  6. I got 16,084 points for getting All-Star rank.

    To be honest, there isn't really anything that looks good to me. =/

    I'll probably end up picking whatever looks like it will sell well in the future.

    Apart from the plushie and stamp I wasn't over enthusiastic about any of the prizes either I would have liked to see the pillow be able to go in my neohome.

  7. The

    8-bit Power-Up Potion is pretty cool, though I don't personally want an 8-bit pet. I got 4,013 points for making just above Rank 8. I can get the stamp, but looks like I will be buying the books, and the Moltara pillow. That's really all that I see that I actually want...

    There you go I have sent you the books and pillow Enjoy!

  8. I have been with Shenkuu for 2 previous years and have never gotten past beginner. This year I did go all out and got to All Star but I have the luxury of being able to play all day and all night if I want to. I have never had anyone criticize me for not getting to higher ranks. I am sorry that someone is so selfish and ignorant that they would send that type of message to someone they do not even know or what their circumstances are. These types of people are the ones who make beginners lack the confidence to try new things on neopets.Don't even answer the person and good on you for reporting the person...

  9. Today I got the Forgotten Shore avatar. I feel that feeling of success for getting another avatar, even though this is random and I didn't do anything.


    Something Has Happened! forgshore.gif You are now eligible to use 'Forgotten Shore' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!

    I also got the forgotten Shore Avatar today so am really happy about that Maybe I won't be so upset now when I see those dreaded map pieces every day
  10. I found Brightvale hard also although I managed about 9-11 goals each game except when the Darigan ball was in play and that cut me back to about 6 goals per game. I have gotten

    Mirsha Grelinek score for goals to 5,156 so far and am 35 points off All Stars rank so am seeing Yooyuballs in my sleep...


    Yay I did it from beginner for the last two years to All Star this year...Just wait till next year TNT will have to make a special rank for me..Nah just joking not bragging...

  11. I found Brightvale hard also although I managed about 9-11 goals each game except when the Darigan ball was in play and that cut me back to about 6 goals per game. I have gotten

    Mirsha Grelinek score for goals to 5,156 so far and am 35 points off All Stars rank so am seeing Yooyuballs in my sleep...

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