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Alice ☮

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Posts posted by Alice ☮

  1. for a student yes, coffee/caffienated anything = major food group (as does whatever's left in the cafe)


    the way i look at it,


    coffee = fruit (since its a bean)

    sugar = vegetable (since its from a plant)

    milk/creamer = dairy (got to have calcium!)


    so there is the food pyramid :D (totally ignores the top part of the pyramid with the sweets.. and lollies.. and fats..)


    LOL! That made my day xD

    And speaking of coffee, I think I need a refill :P

  2. What's currently giving me problems at the moment is time dilation. I keep assigning proper time to the wrong observer *facepalm*


    *sigh* I wanna go back to high school and draw ray-diagrams of lenses. Or go back to elementary school and play chess. Or go back to daycare and eat crayons... My brain is mush >_<

  3. Why did you have to go and make things so complicated? Newton had a good thing going there. Simple, logical, intuitive. Modern physics is playing tricks with my head. It's so trippy :sad01_anim:


    Then again, I probably should have started studying before the eve of my exam. Especially with something so conceptual.


    I'll be kicking myself tomorrow for staying up so late :sick02:


    I hate the procrastinator in me.

  4. I have a Mac, and I can confirm the above suggestions.


    I've also played on a PC, and I believe to zoom in you right-click and select "zoom."


    Also, when you're still on this page, you can select the "large" size, and a new window will open with the larger version of the game.



    I hate this game so much. <_<

    I've been trying for the avatar for MONTHS. Curse you Buzzer Game!!! :grrr:


  5. I am the self-named Guru. And I am here to teach you on how to make thousands, even millions on the Stock Market!


    To begin, you need either a hefty amount of NP already, or a steady flow of 15,000 NP per day. It will sometimes work on less, but 15k/day is the best.


    I could give you what it all means, but I'll give you a heads-up on what to do.


    To begin, go to http://www.neopets.com/stockmarket.phtml?type=list&bargain=true with 15000 NP out. In the "Curr" Column, find a number that says '15'. (If none exist, come back later) (if two exist, choose either one). Click on it's abbreviation. Click on it again. As 'Number of Shares', put in 1000. Click 'Buy Shares'. Then you're at your portfolio. Depending on how fast you want your NP, wait until one of the percentages in the last row is Green and says "+100%" or more. Then, click on the arrow at the start of the row, type in 1000 in each of the open boxes (provided you always bought 1000 shares), and go to the bottom of the page. You may or may not need to enter your PIN, depending on your preferences, and then click 'Sell Shares'. Repeat daily.


    This is a slow method of making NP. It may take a week, a month, a season, or a year, but just be patient.


    If you want to know what all this means, just tell me. Otherwise, you have all you need to know to invest on the Stock Market. :)


    Just wanted to say, this is really good advice. I do the same thing only I wait for 150-200%, which takes longer, but yields a bit more profit. Well, I say that, but in truth I often lose patience and sell earlier, but in theory, I sell at 150-200% :P.


    The stock market is amazing if you don't have time to play games. It takes almost no time to buy your daily stocks and sell any that are above your sell point.


    The way I operate is as follows: I play games on weekends or whenever I have time and put it in the bank (I try to have a minimum of 200k saved up at any given time), and then during the week, I do my dailies + stocks + Habi. It's the most passive way I know to earn NPs :)

  6. Aw, I'm sorry to hear that :(.


    At least your pet will be fed for the next month, and you'll earn back 14k in no time :).


    In the future, know that there's absolutely no difference between Cockroach Towers and the other hotels (besides the name). Cockroach Towers keeps pets perpetually bloated just as well as the "fancier" hotels, there really is no real reason to spend the extra NPs.


    It costs me 140 NP per 28 days per pet and it keeps them bloated and happy enough not to turn blue/red/invisible. And that's good enough for me! :P

  7. As everyone else has already clearly stated: more than 1 main and 4 sides is a big huge no-no.


    I have 1 main, and 4 sides. Reasons for having sides include:

    • Extra secret lab rays
    • Pet storage
    • Extra petpet lab rays

    Other than that, I probably wouldn't have any sides. If we could have more than 4 pets per account, and more than one lab ray, I probably wouldn't bother. Too much time logging in and out all the time :P


    EDIT: Just wanted to add: Extra lab rays funded by main, of course (in case it wasn't obvious).

  8. First of all...


    "Your vote has been cast for Keyvli"


    Nice entry! ^_^


    Welcome to TDN forums! I like Kougras, too. Any of the cat-like neopets, really: Kougras, Aishas and Wockies... But my favourites are Blumaroos, since that's what I had as a kid when I first started playing years ago :wub_anim:


    Your program sounds cool! I took a computer graphics and design course as an elective last year; it was pretty cool (although completely unrelated to my program, which is health science xD). I was by no means anywhere near the top of the class, but seeing what some of my peers came up with was pretty amazing...


    ...But, I digress. I think you'll like it here, and I hope to see you around (which I already did!) :)

  9. Hmm... well the only two things that came to mind would be improperly ejecting (you have to actually click "eject" and get the "safe to remove now" message, but you said you're doing that, so scratch that), or just normal wear-and-tear causing it to malfunction. How old is the USB key?


    I don't think it would be because of mac/PC compatibility issues. I've never heard of that. (Which doesn't mean it can't happen :P).


    I'll put my thinking cap on and see if anything comes to me :king:


    EDIT: Never mind about the Mac/PC compatibility thing. Wembly just eliminated my theory xD

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