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Alice ☮

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Posts posted by Alice ☮

  1. Have lots and lots of cheese. And have the cheese arranged "around" the Drackonack.


    To do this:

    -Put everything in your SDB.

    -Remove 7 "cheese" items.

    -Remove Drackonack.

    -Remove 7 "cheese" items.


    Then just hold down refresh. And check your avatar count every once in a while to see if it went up :)

  2. Some are numbered (like captions) and some are not (like those new wearables for your favorite species, new petpets, etc.) All it takes to find them is some intelligence and luck ;)


    So for the items, do you literally just have to plug "guesses" into the image code for the new item? (Sorry, don't know how to phrase that properly). Like, trial and error?

  3. I've been meaning to get that one as well... I don't know if there's a certain time that's better, but I do think that it's much harder on half-price day. But that doesn't really help much, does it? (I'll be lurking for tips as well :P)

  4. I just wanted to add a comment about the "unfairness" of people getting booted for valid reasons.


    Firstly, a typical KQ game can last anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes or more. The odds that my opponent should be booted when I'm about to win, and not any time before or after that, are slim. So in my book, anyone who quits when I'm about to win gets reported regardless of neomailed explanations or excuses.


    Secondly, even if, by chance, they DID get booted when I was about to win, and it was just a very unfortunate accident, it is safe to assume that this doesn't happen often. If it doesn't happen often, then my report will probably stand alone, and have no negative impact on whomever I was playing.


    Thirdly, if it was NOT an accident, then it probably DOES happen often. And my report will simply be one of many. One of many reports that will lead to them getting warned, suspended, or frozen for their offenses.


    Lastly, if your computer is SO bad that it boots you out when your opponent is about to win OFTEN, then I can only imagine that you must hardly get through any games at all. If this is the case, then perhaps KQ is not the game for you, since you're time-to-NP ratio is probably very low.


    These are my views on Key Quest. I don't really care how anyone else handles being quit on, but I will exercise my right to report whenever I see fit.

  5. It is my understanding that there is currently a debate going on in Australia about whether they should allow same-sex couples to marry. (I'm from Canada, so Australian politics are a bit beyond me to be honest). This is a pro-same-sex-marriage ad (for lack of a better term) which I thought I'd share, since I agree with the message. It is definitely time.


  6. I never get angry when someone quits on me. I do, however, report every single offender. I also only play other green-faced players. And for the record, I don't think that people's agression/anger is unreasonable. I've seen stories of people who were playing 30+ minute games and got quit on as they were going through the door. It's understandable, because not only does it rob them of their rightfully deserved NPs and prizes, it's also a huge waste of time. Most of us can't be on Neopets 24/7, so the time that we do get is valuable.

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