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Alice ☮

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Posts posted by Alice ☮

  1. Awww, it sounds like you're not too happy about it...

    I was in denial for YEARS about how bad my vision was before I finally went to see an optha-ma-something-or-other. But isn't it nice to see things clearly? And, if you were like me, you were probably having trouble seeing stuff in school, glasses must make it so much easier! My greatest joy in getting glasses was to be able to sit at the back of the class again and STILL be able to read the acetates/power-points/board! :P


    Wearing them gets easier. At some point, you just forget they're even there. I put them on when I wake up and take them off when I go to bed automatically now. You'll get used to them *hugs* (It's really not so bad ^_^)

  2. Hey, I just started investing today; I figured I might as well try my luck and start learning about the stock market now with the income I'm getting from my Habi.


    I've just purchased my first 15k's worth, now I apologise if this question's been answered before and I've overlooked it, but; how long does it normally take for the stocks to change in value? Should I check back every hour, or is that too often and should I just check back each day I invest my 15k? :)


    I believe the stock values "refresh" twice every hour. Once is around the XX:54 mark, I believe. Or maybe it was once every hour? (Now I'm curious too :P).


    I personally only check twice a day (unless I'm home all day) because it can take days to weeks for a stock to go up enough for me to sell it, and quite often, it goes down before it goes up.


    So every morning, I buy my 1000 stocks, and sell any that are 200% or more, and every evening, I check again. I'm not sure how often other people check these things, but you're sure to profit eventually if you buy at 15 NP, even if it takes a while :P

  3. Me too! Glad it's not just me. Seems to have gotten a bit better, but it's very "iffy."


    The lag is pretty much constant, but that's not so bad I suppose. And then, it's like every few page loads, I get a white page and have to hit "refresh" a couple of times before getting back on neo.


    It's odd... I hope they resolve whatever issue it is they're having on their end soon... it's almost vacation and I plan on spending most of my time on neo xD

  4. is it better to invest in only one company?

    Thanks again! :)


    Well, like others have said, it's good to go by price. The reason we say to buy a stock when it's value is at 15 NP is because that's the lowest you can buy it for. This way, you'll make maximum profit when you sell.


    Other than that, if there are two stocks worth 15 NP and I've already invested in one, I'll usually by the other just to have more diversity. :P

  5. That is weird xD (I hardly look after my Habi, just leave it running in the background sometimes).


    But you're not alone, I once had a dream that TNT were to police and they came to my house to freeze me. But they also took many of my belongings and my bird, and kicked me out of my apartment.


    They said I was free to look for a new apartment and get a new bird if I chose, but under the condition that I followed the rules.


    Weird... o_O

  6. Oh dear, that's awful :sad01_anim:


    Please keep us all posted. I really hope you get your account back. How did you contact them? I thought the ticket system was down?


    In the meantime, do you have a side account you could use as a temporary main? (I think that's allowed, but it's never happened to me so I'm not sure).

  7. I don't know who that is, but I assume she's a young singer from your posts. Since I've never heard her play/sing any of those songs, I can't say whether I'd like her music or not. But as a general rule, unless I know someone personally, I'm not going to waste my time criticizing them and "hating" them. (There are certain exceptions to this rule, but they're mainly politicians xD).


    So my opinion? I've never heard of her, never heard her song(s), and I don't have anything against her.

  8. that's so weird, what's the point of the hibernation event then? before we had 3 chances a day to get loot (and possibly an av), and now we only have one? i guess the guaranteed aspect of it is supposed to make up for everything else, but i think i prefer the other way better :\


    You're right...

    Plus, we have zero chance at getting the avatar for a month.

    (Not to sound whiny, I'm very happy with a free item. I'm just desperate for the avatar xD)

  9. Warning: Unknown: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 0
    Warning: Unknown: Failed opening '/home/neopets/public_html/preset.inc' for inclusion (include_path='.:/opt/php/lib/php') in Unknown on line 0


    Got this on the Help board. :rolleyes_anim:


    Me too! As soon as I saw the word "warning," the catastrophizer in me immediately thought: "Oh no. This is it. Neopets is broken forever and I'll never be able to play again and I'll have all this free time on my hands which will lead me into depression and... etc etc." xD

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