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Alice ☮

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Posts posted by Alice ☮

  1. Hmm... I think I'll have to categorize, since "worst" is a very broad term. This is based on the petpets from here only.



    Poppit. Without a doubt. It's the eyes.. O__O



    The Petpet I wouldn't want to touch:

    Sludgy. 'Nuff said.



    Personal least-favourite:

    Ghoti. Because I have a million of them from Key Quest.



    Honourable Mention:

    Greeble. Because it looks like hypno-frog from Futurama.




    Also, I would like to add that the Filamen is no longer eco-friendly. We should all change in our filament light-bulbs and pets for CFLs.

    (Sorry Filamen).




  2. Hmmm... I might zap occasionally, but stop if ever one stat gets too low. Although, it would be terribly frustrating to be constantly re-training the stats that were lowered by the ray. On the other had, HP can only go up... Ah, decisions, decisions...

  3. My BD pet, blubberingfooljunior, is taking FOREVER to train. Plus, it's fairly pricey.


    He's a permie, and his final state should be Purple Blumaroo. (He WAS a Purple Blumaroo until Boochi got him -__-).


    So my question is this: since I'll have to re-paint him anyway, should I just zap to get stat increases? I'm afraid of uneven stats, but I really want him to be maxed out on strength and defence *conflict*


    What should I do?

  4. I have not had one ever in my 7ish years of playing neo (my main is more recent, since I went on hiatus and lost my old account).

    On the other hand, some people seem to get more than one. I really really really want one (as do we all, I would imagine) x__x


    They're generally extremely rare.

  5. I haven't seen the whole second season yet (so I skipped reading other people's posts in case of spoilers). But I agree, Sherlock is AMAZING!!! DFSJALKFSJ!!!! :O


    I read the books and honestly, this is the best Sherlock interpretation I've ever seen. It's amazing and I wish I lived in the UK because it would make accessing the show so much easier >_>

  6. Well, it's rarity 94, a book, UB... your guess is as good as mine. I'd suggest neomailing the owners of the trades and asking what they want for it. There are only 6 up at the moment, so be wary as they can basically charge you whatever they decide...


    EDIT: Hmm, true. Like hrbrk said, it's only been about since last month, so the price is probably inflated at the moment (whatever it is).

  7. I feel your pain. My active, Blubby, was zapped baby by Boochi. He was crosspainted purple and Halloween. Looks like it'll cost me about 400k to re-paint. So I've left him baby for a few months now, and still haven't raised the necessary funds (I keep spending on training instead).


    Oh well...

  8. I didn't know that 420 referred to drugs. Maybe I'm naive, but I can't imagine 420 being a terribly obvious reference to drugs. It seems like a somewhat obscure interpretation (once again, this is only based on the fact that neither me or my group of friends would have gotten the reference).


    But then how come there's a pet with the name "420" which wasn't banned? I don't think the problem with TNT is that they're overly strict, I think they're just not fair. I've seen things on the board disappear which didn't have anything wrong with them (to my eyes), while other boards, wich were clearly spam/offensive/swear words/etc stay up for relatively long periods of time.

  9. I don't know what's wrong with the number 420 o_O. Maybe it had something to do with the rest of the name?

    I do think they're very quick to jump the gun and silence people though. I've seen someone on the KQ board get silenced for harassment when they made a quitter board, except they didn't mention a user name (or imply in any way who it could be). So I don't know...

    I once got silenced because I posted on a spam board and said something along the lines of "Someone needs to get a life" >_> (But the OP was a very obvious troll, so I should have known better than to have posted anything at all).

  10. What type of computer are you on? (Mac or PC)?

    Do you have FireFox? Maybe you could try downloading FF and re-installing adblock?

    If not, maybe you could reinstall it in Chrome from here?


    I also fried my adblock on Chrome a while ago. I tried synching my account with my gmail and ended up clearing all my extensions. Isn't life without adblock just awful? >_<

  11. Someone else was having the same/similar troubles as you (here). Mine is working fine, but I haven't done a one-click import in ages (I just check off manually). I'd suggest checking the latest avatars that were released (if you have them) and see if they weren't linked. If there are any bugs, my guess would be that they'd be in the newer avatars that just came out.

  12. Well, the only idea I came up with is probably one you already thought of: Check all avatars manually. Seems a bit daunting, though... Maybe someone has the real reason for the counter not being accurate. I'd also check the latest avatars (Wishing Well, that map one, etc.) and see if they didn't get linked properly, since they're still fairly new.

  13. Hmmm... Are you sure you typed in your email correctly when you registered? I recall getting my activation code almost instantly. If it takes more than a few minutes, I'd send in a ticket and ask for help activating your account.


    As for you not earning your neopoints, I wonder if it has to do with your account not yet being activated...


    In any case, I think you should send in a ticket and see if TNT can sort things out.


    (Also, I know there's a glitch where neopoints are not awarded for games, but it hasn't happened to me, so I'm fuzzy on the details).

  14. Well, what would "liking" do other than show up as a number of likes per post? If that's all it does, then I agree with Ryan. It could be a cool feature. :)

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