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Alice ☮

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Posts posted by Alice ☮

  1. Depends on what you mean by "legal" trouble. Do you mean just with TDN or do you mean trouble with the Law, as in, in real life?


    The former is far more likely than the latter.


    I suppose it depends on context. How bad were they? I've never heard of any bad memes before (at least, none that come to mind at the moment).

  2. Hey guys! Update! So we went to his house in the end, because it was snowing like crazy. We played board games I had never even heard of! It was fun and not awkward at all. His brothers were there, and so were his parents, and it was surprisingly not awkward . It didn't have the "date vibe". And I only stayed for a couple of hours. It was really nice to catch up after so long :3

  3. Well, many most of my neo-goals are unobtainable, but the ones which I think are doable are as follows:

    • Get 250 avatars (only 9 more to go!)
    • Get Ultimate Riches! bank account
    • Paint Blubby Purple
    • Get a Draik
    • Get a Krawk
    • Get published in NT
    • Finish NQ I
    • Finish NQ II
    • Finish DoN
    • Finish DoM
    • Get 1000 gold keys in KQ
    • Get 3 more SLM's

  4. Nope, there is usually a while, say a month or so between seasonal prizes, there was roughly a month between Halloween prizes and winter prizes because they never seem to put up the new prizes immediately so it's always a guess when the new prizes will show up. This is a rough estimate on when the special prizes are set up. but they are usually at least a week or two between special prizes.


    Halloween: October and November

    Winter: December and January

    Chocolate:February and March

    Spring:April through sometime in the summer, July or August

    Summer:August and September


    I did not know this. I was wondering the same thing myself since it does seem that a lot of the time, there is some sort of promotion going on. Good to know. (Although, I don't really mind, I actually quite enjoy winter, Halloween and Summer :))

  5. You know, I've been such a shut-in lately I'd forgotten about public places o_O

    A cafe would be nice (it's too cold to do anything outside, plus there's at least a foot of snow out there).


    I think I'll suggest that. Sometimes obvious things just don't occur to me >_<

  6. Okay guys... long story short:


    There's this guy I went to school with for two years (we were friends and hung out, but never got together outside of school). This year, he went to university, and we don't see each other in person anymore. We've been keeping touch through email for about 6 months, and haven't seen each other in person since.


    Recently, he offered to play some board games with me if ever I got bored one day. Board games are played in person, so I can only assume he meant it as a "get together."


    I said I'd love to, and that if he named the time and place, I'd be there.


    His answer was that, though he didn't mind having me over at his house, they're in the middle of renovations, and it would be a bit chaotic (he still lives at home with his family). He also gave me a choice of Friday or Monday.


    Monday is better for me. I'll tell him so. But what to do about the location?


    I could always offer to have him over at my apartment, but I live alone and I don't want to give him the wrong idea.


    What should I do? Am I over-thinking this?

  7. Same here. When I visited King Altador today, I got the message you get immediately after finishing the quest (i.e. Here are your prizes and 5,000 NP). Except I didn't get anything from him whatsoever, not even my daily o_O Weird...


    EDIT: Went back a second time in the hopes I'd get my daily, but still got this:






    Except, I didn't get any of those things.

  8. Maybe someone from TDN could bet highly on your auction? Just to get it going? Although, it's nearing the end, and I'm sure it'll start speeding up soon ^_^


    (If I had the means, I would bet on your auction, but I only have about 1 mil that's not tied up in stocks >_>)

  9. Paintbrush, wearable... It seams good ! I hope we'll get a special avatar as well, though I don't think it will happen.


    Meh, they didn't mention an avatar... :(


    What I'm wondering is if we'll all get the SAME Petpet PB, or if we'll get a random one? The cheapest Petpet PB is going for about 20k (invisible PB), which isn't too bad, in any case :P

  10. We'll be sending out the thank you code for the wearable, Petpet paint brush, Neopoints, and other items to players via email starting tomorrow morning.


    You know, the "consolation" code (if I can call it that) will probably be more profitable than everything you could have earned from beating TK anyway (well, the gift basket was pretty pricey, but we'll see).

  11. I made one on the pet day, but I don't think it's a guarantee... I actually made 2, I would give you one but they're non-transferable :(


    EDIT: I'm proud xD


    You can also get them with Morphing Potions now! Which is pretty cool :) (Also, I believe you can zap them from the lab ray).

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