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Posts posted by BEE.

  1. Hello! Long time no see!

    Been away for a loooong time, (ok, i've lurked now and then). Sorry it's another username post, but I saw Neo is now starting to look very different, (really not a fan of the new site, tbh) but I was wondering if there has been any updates on possibly changing them? Thought it was easier to ask than spend hours looking (plus I have an assignment due that I haven't started yet, hehe)

    I really want to change mine so bad... I love the account, just not the name 😬

    Thanks in advance! 🙂

  2. On 2/22/2019 at 1:28 PM, Angeló said:

    i used the keyboard left & right buttons .. it can b done with a little concentration

    finally did it and got all the achievements 

    took me 9min45sec

    when i passed the 400 obstacle mark my ship "crashed" and the game ended on its own 


    On 2/22/2019 at 2:47 PM, Duma said:

    mouse is probably easier than touch pad but touch screen is even easier. I played it on my phone and used either 3 fingers of one hand or my two thumbs. That way I could quickly switch lanes without even have to move my hand. It worked so much better than on my desktop with my mouse.

    I ignored the coins when in fast water and mostly just went to the lane with the last obstacle. At first I had to learn to wait a bit before changing lane 'cause I would crash into the obstacle I just passed.

    The bubbles really help though, they allow you to make a little mistake/crash.

    Haha, I don't know why I didn't even think of the keyboard arrows! ?‍♀️ 

  3. On 2/2/2019 at 11:03 AM, Duma said:

    As far as we know chapter 13 is still the last part. I'm checking every day and try going to chapter 14 everyday to no avail. They really are testing patience with the plots lately.

    Ah, thanks. Good to know I haven't missed anything, not that it was that exciting at the moment. ? I don't understand why they keep trying to do so much at once, and then wonder why the users get frustrated.

  4. On 12/24/2018 at 6:39 PM, Sciurus carolinensis said:

    I finally made it in 25 seconds. I don't know if it was an illusion or not, but it felt like I went faster when I walked in the middle of the paths without hugging the walls. Those scarabs became the true pain once I figured out the doors.


    edit- looks like that was already mentioned by Kute

    Thanks for pointing out the tip. My best so far is 29 seconds, but now the first door won't move in good time, no matter how I approach it. This is really annoying.

  5. Congrats to Tyrannia!

    If I knew that the team that had cheaters on would have lost, I may have found the time to play this year, as that has also put me off the cup the last couple of years, though I know it shouldn't. 

  6. 45 minutes ago, phill said:

    I wouldn't say I was disappointed as such because I wasn't really expecting much, but I think...underwhelmed,,,is a good word for how I feel about what I did get. Mainly I just do events and things for the avatar(s) and a nice shiny trophy though, so I'm happy enough with that.


    Bee, I thought there WAS some text and/or a video?

    Really? Hm, maybe I missed it then. I'll take a look

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