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Posts posted by Ashbash

  1. Woo, long quiz! Here we go!


    1: Was this your first year playing? Nope. If not, how many years have you played? According to my lookup, this was my 5th.

    2: What place did your team finish on? 4th I think.

    3: What rank did you finish on? 9!

    4: Are you satisfied with your rank? Yes, last year I only made it to rank 1.

    5: What is your favorite and least favorite game? Slushie Slinger is my fave. YYB is least fave. Are they the same as at the beginning of the cup? Yep!

    6: How many games Of Slushie Slinger did you play? 305 What was your highest score? 632

    7: Did you ever make any stupid blunders while playing SS? Probably a ton.

    8: How many games of MSN and SoSd did you play? MSN: 8. SOSD: 2967. What were your highest scores in those games? MSN: 4843. SOSD: 1200.


    Yooyuball stats!



    Random section!

    23: Did you do something to distract you while playing, like listening to music or movies? Usually music or TV shows. Sometimes even podcasts lol.

    24: Did you set playing goals for yourself everyday, or did you just go with the flow? Just went for it.

    24.5: If you set goals, did you reach them? I did. My goal was rank 5 and I got to 9.

    25: Did you ever run out of momentum and wanna quit playing? Not really. If so, did you?

    26: How did you refresh yourself when you felt discouraged? I never really got discouraged.

    27: If your team lost, how did you and your teammates feel? It was disappointing but knowing I was doing my best was good enough for me. And I know my team did their best too.

    28: Did you ever feel as if you were pressured too much by your team? Not at all. I don't post on the neoboards though. Only here.

    29: Will you join the same team next year? Always! Why or why not? I'm a loyal DCer.

    30 last question. I promise!: Do you like questionnaires? Haha yes!

  2. That's really good. I've never had to go to school on my birthday. I'm usually glad of that but there were a few times when I was younger I wished my birthday was on a school day. It seemed like it'd be fun to experience just once.

  3. I personally found it more difficult on half price day because so many people were going for items. I guess it's more of a personal preference. They do restock more though. Good luck! I'm sure you'll get it soon!

  4. I am actually really excited for this birthday because I'll be back at my university then. Normally I don't go back till after but my friends and I have to go back earlier this year for work. So it'll be nice spending my birthday with them this year instead of my family.

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