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Posts posted by Ashbash

  1. Aww I'm sorry! If it helps, I can't manage to get this avatar either. I've tried all the tips but my farthest whack isn't even close to 449. I thnk mine is like 192 or something like that. I've pretty much given up.

  2. So I just finished a game of KQ and came in second place. It said I earned a silver key. Well when I went to go redeem it, I didn't have one. I've waited a while to see if it was just slow and hadn't given it to me yet but nothing. :( Anyone else have this happen?

  3. NES is short for Nintendo Entertainment System. It was one of the first systems I owned since I was 6 or 7 (alongside the Atari 2600 (which was my dad's), Sega Genesis, and Nintendo 64). I didn't get into collecting NES titles until 2009 when I bought a second NES (I lost my first one D:). I have some tough to find NES titles in my collection so far. Here they are: http://vgcollect.com/neomysterion/nes


    ...and no, I do not have any photographs of my game collection, just a list of what I own.


    Oh alright, that's really cool. You have a ton of games. My first system was a ps1 and then after that I got a Super Nintendo. Before those came out I didn't have anything and was just always super jealous because all my cousins did.

  4. Emily, those look great! And Teenage Dream is kind of sheer. I'd say I usually need 3 coats to make it look great. The same is true for the blue glitter one in that collection. (I can't remember it's name off the top of my head.)

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