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Posts posted by Ashbash

  1. I kind of hate how certain things dealing with body modification are accepted in our society and others aren't as accepted. To me, dying your hair or putting on makeup is kind of like body modification. You're changing yourself to look like to what you think is better for you. And I'm all for that. I think getting a tattoo or a piercing is pretty much the same thing. It's just permanent. I don't understand why one is more socially acceptable. If we think it looks good on us then that's all that should matter. I feel like at this point girls getting hissi enhancements or a nose job is more acceptable a lot of the time than someone getting a ton of tattoos/piercings. I think it should all be accepted since when we do these things we're not affecting anyone else. (Sorry for the small rant.)

  2. I'm excited to get prizes but I wouldn't have minded a few more days of play. It wasn't really stressful to me and I thought things went pretty smoothly. The new format was a bit confusing but I tried to just not pay attention to the brackets and things and just play as much as I could each day.

  3. Speaking of Game Boys, I ended up writing a paper on them last year. Mainly because we had to write about some sort of electronic that came out around the time we were born. So it was either that or Microsoft Office.

  4. No problem! And no worries, I'm terrible at YYB. I didn't even bother playing it this year because I can't score a goal. You should keep in mind though, the cup is almost over so time is running out if you want to get the avvie this year! Good luck! :)

  5. I definitely don't mind tattoos on people. Generally, I'm more attracted to guys with tattoos haha. I would never get one myself though as I'm not a big fan of needles. I didn't even get my ears pierced until shortly after I turned 22. My cousin's actually at tattoo artist so I like to support tattoos. (without actually getting one lol)

  6. Oh goodness @__@ the rarest stamp for Snowy Valley. The only one I just found is in the TP for 140 Million .. x_x That price...it hurts my eyes... xD Good luck!


    Thanks, I'll need it! I don't count on it every happening but if it did I'd be very happy. That's the only one I can find as well and I don't think I'll ever have anywhere near that amount of nps lol.

  7. Congrats on your all-star rank! Hope the wrist gets better soon! That is dedication lol.


    As for the paint brush thing, I don't think there will be one this year. All the leaks and previews suggest there isn't but I'm still pumped about a lot of the stuff. The stamp looks awesome, as do the books and the yooyu. And not gonna lie, I'm even a fan of the DC pillow.

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