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Posts posted by Ashbash

  1. Breakups are definitely hard and I'm sure losing a best friend has to make it even worse. Maybe your friend will come around in time. Please don't do anything drastic though. These things happen and while it is hard, good things will happen too. It might not seem like it now but things will be better.

  2. Ashley I haven't had it yet! but I really want to try it too, looks awesome.

    Me and my friend ordered pizza hut last week, we got mozzarella triangles. They were sooo good.


    I've never heard of those. I will have to check it out.


    Dominoes has really good stuffed cheesy bread. I rarely get it though because I think it's a bit expensive. It's the same price as a medium pizza but really doesn't feed as much. I understand they say it's the same price because it has the same amount of cheese as the medium pizza but I could eat the entire stuffed cheesy bread myself and still feel hungry.

  3. Us too! It was awful. Yesterday I spent (nearly) the whole day picking up pieces of the tree that fell in our yard. Yikes!

    Oh well. At least it was still on our property and not into the house.


    Oh my. I've definitely been in that situation with trees. Luckily, my new house doesn't really have trees close to it like my last house.


    We had a couple more storms yesterday and I ended up driving right through one late at night coming home from seeing Magic Mike. It was definitely not fun.

  4. Does anyone find it annoying when a person is about to win the game but yet they feel the need to take your keys? I mean it doesn't matter at that point and I shouldn't be annoyed by it but I just find it rude when you literally need to roll a one to win and have all your keys but still use a super key grabber on me.

  5. I'm sorry? I don't have anything to say about pokemon and just wanted to point out that the topic of pizza led me to get pizza. I haven't played pokemon for years now. Back when I had a gameboy color was the last time I played.

  6. So many zombie threads lol! I like it though.


    Question 1: Drugs

    1.5: I'd guess the slow ones.

    2: I would for sure run and hide some where.

    3: My goal would just be to survive.

    4: Hmm, some kind of cool gun like they use in men in black.

    5: I'd say I'm probably pretty squeamish. I'm not sure how I'd do in these events.

    6: I think the world would end up being taken over by zombies. :(

    7: Till' the world Ends by Britney Spears

    8: I don't really have one. I did enjoy the Wizards of Waverly Place episode where they took on the zombies though lol.

  7. So after all that pizza talk I ended up going downtown (Chicago) and had pizza at Giordano's. It might just be the best deep dish pizza I've ever had. And now I have yummy leftovers in my fridge.


    And Lou, margarita pizza is definitely not boring. That's my favorite too!

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