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Posts posted by Ashbash

  1. There's nothing I really do at the moment but a long time ago when I was big into restocking I had a spreadsheet with an average cost of an item, the highest I was willing to pay and the lowest I had ever gotten it for, I loved going through that thing. 

  2. 15 hours ago, Nielo said:

    It's kinda weird that it hasn't worked for you for a few days though - it was working just fine for me until today. :/

    (I kinda love the expellibox, because even though most of the time the prizes are meh/worthless, the occasional 150 NC makes up for that. :D)

    I just hate the noise it makes and I almost always forget to turn my volume down. It is strange though, I went three days without it working but it does seem to be working today! 

  3. 12 hours ago, acmerasta said:

    I miss my first account. I signed up when Neopets was new.... came across it in a banner ad, back when people actually clicked on ads lol. (Do you know how many dried prunes and apricots and semolina I had from Tombola??  LOL). I got hacked and lost it and never got it back. I even made some friends in my old guild that I spoke with off site on MSN Messenger and Yahoo Messenger. We exchanged plushies and the Mc Donald's toys through the mail. As a result I left because I didn't have the heart to start over from scratch. When I finally came back, I was on and off and missed out on things like plots and avatars etc and my old friends were gone; we lost touch.

    I also miss Key Quest and even though the mini games used to be glitchy for me, I still did well enough to earn some gold keys, lots of silver keys and a few bronze. I never got around to figuring out that Habitarium thing so I wish it did return so I could have a crack at it. 

    I joined when it was fairly new as well through a banner and eventually lost that initial account from being hacked. I started over pretty quickly afterwards mainly because of my guild though. I was devastated but ended up enjoying rebuilding in the end. I still miss my original pets though. :( 

  4. 2 minutes ago, Zimmerchild said:

    No judgement here. You have given Avocado Socks to User 'oiram_repap'. Click the button below to continue.

    <3 I used to love avocados, as I got older my taste buds changed and now I don't like them so much. 

    I am the complete opposite. I hated them when I was younger but love them now! 

  5. 24 minutes ago, Scoobert_Doo said:

    Please don't ask why, or judge, but I think the Avocado Socks are neat! Green goes great with a Yellow Gelert. So, "You have given Willow Fence Foreground to User 'zimmerchild'. Click the button below to continue."

    I love all the avocado stuff! I thought it was a cute idea but maybe it's just because of my love for avocados. 

  6. After reading that a few people have returned to Neopets after being away for years and the recent topic about Key Quest, what's the one thing you miss the most about Neopets? 

    For me, it's definitely Key Quest. I would play that game every day, always on 2 player mode to ensure I got 1st or 2nd place. I had gotten so good at those mini games! I do also miss TNT releasing new avatars on a more regular basis. I feel like I'm slowly reaching that point where most of the one's I have left are near impossible for me to obtain. 

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