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^ :O What a coincidence!


You have awoken the great Turmaculus...

AHHHHHH!!!! Turmaculus ate your petpet! BURP

Something Has Happened!

You are now eligible to use 'Turmaculus' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!





Turmaculus will be waiting for you in the BATTLEDOME!!!


Hide your petpets!!!!!


Hit him with a stick. ^_^ And my petpet was just a tencals. xD

  Native said:
^ :O What a coincidence!


You have awoken the great Turmaculus...

AHHHHHH!!!! Turmaculus ate your petpet! BURP

Something Has Happened!

You are now eligible to use 'Turmaculus' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!





Turmaculus will be waiting for you in the BATTLEDOME!!!


Hide your petpets!!!!!


Hit him with a stick. ^_^ And my petpet was just a tencals. xD



Wow you guys are really lucky. Congrats on the avvie. I've been trying for it. No luck so far


You have awoken the great Turmaculus...

and he has given you a Sausages!!!

  Luciana said:
You have awoken the great Turmaculus...

AHHHHHH!!!! Turmaculus ate your petpet! BURP


Wow. The first time I wake up the Turmaculus and he eats my petpet. xD

But now I have the avi! Yay!



so jealous!

turmy is up now, 10-11pm nst


hit him with a stick:

You have awoken the great Turmaculus...

and he has decided to give you 100 neopoints!!!


Turmy is awake now until 5am NST!!


I dumped cold water on it and I got 350np back..


4-5 am NST time (half an hour more from the time of this posting. Hurry hurry!)


My abominable snowball hit him with a stick:

You have awoken the great Turmaculus...

and he has decided to give you 350 neopoints!!!


9-10pm NST

he's awake, and don't forget to try in 5 hours from now also!



My pet hit with a stick and got leveled up. Yippee.


He's up again folks! 2-3am NST


I dumped cold water on him and my pet went up a level. :crying:


turmac is awake:


won 100 np.


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11pm - midnight NST Thursday


Turmy is awake!


My abominable snowman dumped water on him and:

You have awoken the great Turmaculus...

and now your pet is a little stronger thanks to Turmaculus!!!


4-5 am NST Friday

He's up.



GUESS WHAT? My abominable snowman hit him with a stick and:

You have awoken the great Turmaculus...

AHHHHHH!!!! Turmaculus ate your petpet! BURP

Something Has Happened!


You are now eligible to use 'Turmaculus' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!




Turmaculus will be waiting for you in the BATTLEDOME!!!


Hide your petpets!!!!!


Lucky you! I need to try the Abominable Snowball trick.


All I got from Turmy was a level.

  Linddz said:
Lucky you guys! I'm too nervous to try to wake him *hugs plushie polarchuck* He's my baby. Hahaha



I had an island polarchuck for a really long time. They are very cute!

I accidentally went to turmy once with one of my "fancy" petpets, I had a near heart attack! lol. My daughter got the avatar on a zapped pet, that if she had bought it goes for 30 million! For a while I thought it eats expensive ones more than not, but I have been trying with zapped and with unzapped and this time it was unzapped but not level, and not it's own name, it got renamed yesterday at the petpet lab.


Tara, I did it!!!!

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