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I believe they are, just don't say anything else about using it from here on out and you should be safe....certainly don't say it on the actual neopets website or you probably will be frozen. Hope your account isn't frozen that would be sad! :(

Any1 has any guide for two's? I got some three's but still not done with two's.. :(


I don't have a guide but 2's are easy since you only need to try 15 combinations per character. Of course if you pay attention to the other matches you can find the rest fast since you will have most of the answers by the time you test the first 15. Test them like this and record the result.


6 6

8 8

x x

t t

v v

6 8

6 x

6 t

6 v

8 x

8 t

8 v

x t

x v

t v


You should end up with this in the 3rd column. Of course if you record all matches you should have additional sets just like it. (excel is the real tool you need here)


6 6 =t

8 8 =v

x x =x

t t =8

v v =6

6 8 =x

6 x =6

6 t =v

6 v =8

8 x =8

8 t =6

8 v =t

x t =t

x v =v

t v =x


Don't take this list as the actual answer you have to test it. Of course once you have it you have really narrowed things down. In this list if you are looking for a t you know that your first characters are going to be:

6 6

8 v

x t


combine that with other matches and you should have it in minutes.


3's though are real difficult since there are probably something like 200 unique combinations for them. Any one know how to narrow that down beyond pure luck or a calulator?

Guest lady night
What about people who used it before it was announced to be cheating?


Query... I used it before I knew it was cheating, but did not finish the puzzles (I had 3 left). I went back to finish, and all I get is a page saying using external <calcs> is cheating and any body caught will be frozen, along with pics of the cybunny, grundo et al. and to be continued.


Why can't I finish the puzzle? (I don't think I am frozen) Is anybody else getting this to?


You finished the one puzzle that's required to finish, the warning is there for everyone.

Guest NeedHelp

How do I use the page with the codes? I don't understand what I am supposed to do with it. :crying_blow:


Well, I'm quite disappointed now. I figured that this could besolved with some good-old-fashioned elbow grease, but even after applying that, it still comes down to guess and check! ; ;


I'm going to mope now... All the work I put into those equations...




This is my method for solving 3 mod.

Place 1 and 2 into Mod 1 and 2. There's 6 letters, X Z T V C 8. Pay attention to which one gives you the correct first letter. So instead of having to click through 28, you only need to use the mods that begin with the same.




Mod 1: T----------

Mod 2: X----------

Mod 3: T----------

Result: X----------

Target: T----------


Looking at Mod 3, it did not work so any mod that begins with T will not work. I tried a mod beginning with C and that gave me a result that began with T thus I only put mods that begin with C.


Slow and tedious but it's going faster than clicking each and every single one.


That is basically what I am doing....but after a total of 11 hours and only 1 mod3 done....I might just be giving up now. I don't have 99 free hours to figure out the other 9...I can't believe they made it this hard!

What about people who used it before it was announced to be cheating?


Hope they will not froze us accounts. :sad01_anim: I didn't know that the Ninboy's calculator was cheating. I use it BEFORE they anounce that. I didn't tell it on the neoboards though. My account seems safe (for the moment); wish no more people be frozen. :crying_blow:

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